Minggu, 14 Januari 2018

Your Health Questions Answered At Medline Medical Information

Your Health Questions Answered At Medline Medical Information

Image source: https://cdn1.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2013/10/Screenshot-77.png

Newsweek called Medline "the absolute best source of up-to-date medical information on just about every disease or condition, plus any medications you might need to know about. It's one-stop shopping and your tax dollars pay for it, so you should use it!" The Wall Street Journal added that "MedlinePlus should be the first stop in any internet health search."
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) gave this health site an 86/100 score, which is the highest of any government site, and Yahoo said it's one of the "seven most trusted health sites on the net." If you're looking for medical advice, information, research or local resources, then join the 32 million visitors who come to Medline each month.

Medline offers many unique functions to enhance your understanding and enrich your life. For instance, if you are about to undergo a colonoscopy or hip replacement surgery, a biopsy, a laparoscopy, LASIK eye surgery or another procedure, then you can watch an interactive tutorial that will show you what will be done and alleviate some of the mystery and anxiety.

Another resource you may find very useful is the "Health Check Tools" page, which gives you educational quizzes about breast cancer, arthritis or alcoholism, as well as an "alcohol calorie intake counter," a mental health screening quiz, a cancer risk questionnaire, a diabetic "rate your plate" assessment, a target heart rate calculator, an interactive menu planner and a risk assessment tool for coronary heart disease.

Medline is set up to accommodate all different types of people. Speak Spanish? No problem, as there is a version en Espanol, as well as forty other languages! Is your eye sight failing? Don't worry, there is a version, located on the lower right-hand corner of the "Health Topics" page, which offers an easier to view page.

Did you hear about a drug on television, from a friend, in the news or from your doctor that you'd like to know more about? Medline has a comprehensive "Drug Information" section. For example, if you were to look up Lunesta, a chronic fatigue drug used to treat sleep disorders, then you can have the following questions answered:

- Why is this drug prescribed? - How should this medication be used? - What are other uses for this medication? - What special precautions should I follow? - What special dietary instructions should I follow? - What should I do if I forget a dose? - What side effects can this medication cause? - What storage conditions are needed for this medication? - What should I do in case of an overdose? - What other information should I know? - What are the brand names for this drug?

The answers are presented all on one page with quick, informative, bulleted responses for a quick scan. It's always refreshing to come across an organized "one stop shop" type site that gives you all the medical information you could ever want or need at the click of a button.

In addition to an extensive database of health topics, Medline offers special sections on "Senior Health," videos of surgery, clinical trials on new treatments and drugs, as well as slide shows with pictures and sounds. What could be better? Visit Medline at "Nlm Nih" for more information.

Mike Selvon offer a free autoimmune disease audio gift. Learn more about Medline at our portal, and drop us a note at our autoimmune thyroid disease blog.

Why You Need to Upgrade to a Memory Foam Mattress

Why You Need to Upgrade to a Memory Foam Mattress

Image source: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/aplusautomation/vendorimages/bf869dfc-3d38-4ec5-916a-5a6e2fe5c0a1.jpg._CB305053455_.jpg

Your body relies on good sleep.

Getting a good nightss rest is essential for maintaining a healthy physical lifestyle and emotional well-being. It also can improve or hinder your day-to-day functions.

Without sleep, you are cranky, less productive, and are at risk for some serious health issues including heart disease, stroke, and obesity.

Having a good mattress can either be your lifeline or your downfall when it comes to catching some ZZZs.

A Memory foam mattress provides you with the comfort and support needed to ensure you are getting the best sleep possible while not compromising the alignment of your body.

Why Should You Have A Memory Foam Mattress?

As opposed to a spring mattress, memory foam provides posture relief, posture support, and increased blood circulation.

These mattresses have a memory foam layer, a support core, and a cover that are enclosed in a main casing cover.

They are composed of visto-elastic foam which allows the mattress to adapt to a bodys pressure and temperature. The visto-elasticity is what makes the mattress so durable and capable of treating your back, neck, and joint pains.

Memory foam mattresses are able to evenly distribute your body weight which increases blood flow, putting a halt to those restless nights.

Which Memory Foam Mattress Is For Me?

Traditional memory foam mattresses retain bodily heat very well so they feel much warmer than spring mattresses. However, if you are in a less temperate location or prefer cooler sleeping options, you may wish to opt for a gel-infused foam mattress as it does not hold in as much heat.

Gel-infused memory foam also contains visto-elastic foam, however, it also holds layers of gel or beads to break down the heat absorption.

Also, if you are looking for a mattress that provides the same levels of comfort without the chemical makeup, you should consider a plant-based memory foam mattress.

These eco-friendly mattresses are made of natural alternatives to the visto-elastic and polyurethane foam. Soy, castor beans and bamboo are commonly found within natural memory foam mattresses.

The eco-friendly and gel-infused options are just as sturdy and comfortable as the traditional memory foam. Aside from the actual make-up of the mattresses, the most noticeable difference is the heat each retains.

Final Thoughts

Memory foam mattresses are usually a little pricier than spring mattresses. However, they last for 8-10 years as opposed to 3-5, so ultimately, purchasing a memory foam mattress will save you money in the long run.

Memory foam mattresses can be combined with electric blankets, heated mattress pads, and can even be placed on top of your box spring.

However, I will advise to not use memory foam if any of the slats are broken as it would not be safe holding your body and mattress weight.

Are you convinced yet? If not, you should know that most furniture stores allow shoppers to test out new mattresses. So, get out there and make use of these test rides! I will warn you: once you try a memory foam mattress- you will not look back!

Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018

What it Means to Take Charge of Your Life

What it Means to Take Charge of Your Life

Image source: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/391115345578-0-1/s-l1000.jpg

Our modern world can be a crazy, confusing and sometimes dangerous place.

Its easy to get swept up in the chaos. But how do we avoid it?

Having to bring home the bacon, pursue or maintain a lasting intimate relationship, keep up a healthy lifestyle, build a successful career and lead a happy, fulfilled life seems like an impossible undertaking.

Does all this make you feel out of control? A victim of circumstance? Unable to take it all on and live the life you truly desire?

Do you look at other people who seemingly have it all and wish you could figure it out for yourself?

If it does, you are not alone.

Most people live their entire lives missing out on the vast wealth of joy available to us.

We get stuck in a job that just maintains us, but doesnt fulfill us.

We settle for a relationship that at best feels safe and comfortable.

We eat unhealthy, easy food and dont exercise because there isnt time to do it right.

But dont lose hope! It is possible to take charge of your life and have it all!

Where We Fail

How we manage the cornucopia of stress and responsibility of daily life is key.

Unfortunately, its all too easy to get wrapped up and rely on bad habits and quick fixes to ease our restless minds, hearts, and bodies.

Youve made the decision you want to eat healthier. But you had a long day at work, and its just easier to turn off into that drive-through and start eating healthier tomorrow. Have you done this recently?

Maybe you determined youd do some meditation to alleviate that daily stress. But a long day of taking care of the kids leads you to just have that cocktail or two before passing out to do it again the next day. Sound familiar?

An exciting new job opportunity arises in a field youve been wanting to explore. But the safety and comfort of your survival job pays the bills. So, you decide you just arent prepared, its too risky, and let the interview slide. Are you guilty?

All of these things are just a flinch, a way we push our true selves down and allow life to live us, rather than live life.

It doesnt have to be this way!

Reclaim Your Power

Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. Deepak Chopra

All too often we allow our habits to control us. Its time to reclaim your personal power and make a change.

Here are a few things that you can and will discover when you reclaim your power and take charge of your life:

Fear is not your enemy
Personal responsibility is more powerful than victimhood
Focus on what you want, not what you think you need
Forgiveness, of yourself and others, will lead you to freedom
Nothing lasts forever

I know you have the ability to take charge of your life and reshape it into that sparkling vision of happiness you deserve.

If you are ready to take the next step, Craig Becks Personal Power Coaching Club is the perfect place to start.

Get on the right track and become a part of Craig Becks Personal Power Coaching Club now.

What every business owner should know about Terms and Conditions

What every business owner should know about Terms and Conditions

Image source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/accountingtermseverysmallbusinessownerneedstoknow-160225100156/95/accounting-terms-every-small-business-owner-needs-to-know-1-638.jpg?cb=1456394578

Your business is probably one of around 80% of UK's enterprises whose customers expect goods or services to be offered on credit. By this I mean your customers are likely to pay for your products following delivery, say, 30 days after invoice date.

Unless you are in the retail sector, one of the risks you face is the possibility of of late or non-payment by clients. Our Late Payment Tracker confirms that late payment continues to be a significant business problem even after some recent slight improvements.

Data from the UK Government's Annual Small Business Surveys (ASBS) since 2003 and Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) Business Monitors from December 2008 to September 2009 was analyzed to form our Late Payment Tracker. It shows that some 26% of SME employers still regard late payment as a 'Big Problem'.

There's a broad correlation between the incidence of late payment and the rapid rise in company liquidations seen since Q1 08 as reported by the UK Government's Insolvency Service.

This link is directly confirmed by the EU Commission for Enterprise & Industry which states that one in four of all insolvencies is due to late or non-payment. Furthermore, 56% of all SME's with employees regard late payment as one of the top two causes of cash flow difficulties (Sep 09 SME Business Monitor).

It's clear that late & non payment of your invoices by both commercial and individual debtors could have a major detrimental effect on the financial health and survivability of your business. Anecdotally, owners of several mature businesses tell me that the days of doing business on a handshake are fast disappearing.

Thankfully an important business problem has an equally effective and relatively low-cost solution. It starts with creating terms and conditions for your business written from a credit management perspective. Properly drafted, your business terms and associated client documentation can help to ensure that your invoices get treated with priority by your customers.

Costly solutions such as credit insurance and credit factoring have their place, for sure. But our advice is to sort out the basics first.

Sound business terms and conditions can make a huge difference to your cash flow because:

- they help prevent late payment by your customers or debtors

- they can give you real options in case of non-payment by your customers

How can terms and conditions prevent late payment?

- Essentially, they help to swing the pendulum towards favoring your business rules i.e. strengthen your statutory rights which have been eroded by a succession of changes to The Sales of Goods Act, Supply of Goods & Services Act and the Data Protection Act in the recent past.

- They help to better define the business relationship with your customer leaving fewer opportunities for ambiguities and less wriggle-room for delinquent debtors.

- If used with relevant client documentation such as a Credit Account Application, they can tie your new clients to your business rules (i.e your terms) terms and simultaneously identify your new customers more thoroughly. One of my clients recently lost more than 20k by missing out this simple step of identification; we couldn't recover the debt because the debtor company had gone into liquidation. Verifiable information is vital to perform a simple credit check, particularly on new clients.

- Accurate credit information about your client then enables your business to adopt different payment and delivery terms for those clients who are not fortunate to have a good credit history.

- Well-worded terms and conditions can reduce the incidence of misunderstandings with your clients. They can also place a time limit on defects thereby reducing spurious client disputes raised to avoid or delay payment.

- But better than this, if fully employed and leveraged in your businesses' day-to-day credit management procedures, your terms will enable you to massively improve your business' cash flow.

How can terms and conditions reduce non-payment?

- Title and Retention of Title clauses, again if professionally worded, can help your business reclaim goods if your client goes into liquidation.

- If you have peppered your terms with appropriate Consequences of Default type clauses, then you or your collection agency can chase your delinquent debtors harder. Because what you can say to your clients when chasing them for payment is governed by what is written in your terms.

- If a debt does require attention by a professional collector, there's a greater chance of collecting that debt due to the strength and clarity of your legal position afforded by the strength of your terms and conditions.

So why not provide your business with a legally-enforceable shield that not only protects your cash flow but has the potential to boost it too; preferably a shield that works and one that is custom-made for your business.

Top 10 Alice Walker Books

Top 10 Alice Walker Books

Image source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/alicewalker-100329230429-phpapp01/95/alice-walker-1-728.jpg?cb=1269921916

Alice Walker is one of the most well known female authors in the US. This daughter of southern sharecroppers has always been active in causes involving civil rights and women's rights, but it is through her poetry and stories that she has been even more instrumental in opening the eyes and minds of people throughout the world. Here are the top 10 books that have been written by southern author, Alice Walker.

One of the most famous of Walker's literary works is a book published in 1982, simply titled, The Color Purple. This Pulitzer Prize winning novel has won acclaim around the world. It is a story of the struggles and triumphs of two sisters; one in Africa and one living in the Deep South during the Jim Crow era. The child -bride in this story is a woman with whom millions of readers can identify and the tale is woven through a series of letters that the sisters write. Even though the main character in the book is a southern black woman the story resonates with readers of all ages, races and in all geographic locations.

Why War Is never a good Idea is a book for children written by Alice Walker. This is a moving and thought provoking poem that describes the act of war in terms for both children and adults. It can even be useful as a tool to help combat 'bullying' in public schools. This is a poetic tale that holds nothing back when describing the emotional and physical pain of total loss and desolation resulting from wars and other violent acts.

There Is a Flower at the Tip of my Nose Smelling Me is the delightful title for an equally delightful children's book written by Ms. Walker. The words and phrasings are imaginative and the story encourages readers to explore life and the world around them. Although it was written for younger readers any adult will also enjoy this poetic invitation to celebrate life and the Earth on which we live.

The Temple of My Familiar is a richly colorful landscape of stories that involve complex characters and universal challenges that are both beautiful and frightening. Social stigmas, polarizing beliefs and shared life struggles abound in the pages of this literary triumph by Alice Walker.

Possessing the Secret of Joy is a book first published in the early 1990s. The main focus of the story concentrates on the issues surrounding a cultural phenomenon known as female circumcision that is still quite common in some African cultures. The book is a tearful acknowledgement of the injustice practiced against young girls while at the same time it dares people to rise up and rebel against allowing this type of physical horror to exist.

Meridian is another book written by Alice Walker that has touched the lives of millions of readers. This is a story that deals with the lives of people who were involved in the early struggle for civil rights in the United States. Walker uses this tale as a way to show that choosing the right side in this battle was not always an easy and straight forward decision for some people to make.

A Poem Traveled down my Arm is a collection of poetry and drawings compiled by Alice Walker. In this book she has transformed her normal autograph into inspiring and heartfelt, bits of literary wonder. This book was published in 1993 and it was the result of a spontaneous reflection Walker had when considering the challenge of providing a handwritten autograph for many of her books. She was inspired to change her usual autograph into something more meaningful and personal, and thus this book was born.

Alice Walker is also the author of the acclaimed book with the title, Now Is the Time to Open your Heart. This is the tale of Kate and her spiritual life adventure as she searches for her self identity. The adventure leads to a new awareness of love and the real meaning of life.

The Third Life of Grange Copeland was also published in 1993 as a paperback. This is the story of a black farmer living in Georgia. Grange Copeland leaves his tenant farming existence behind and seeks work in the Northern states. When he returns home he then finds that his son is in prison, charged with murder and now it is up to Grange to seek freedom and justice for yet a third time.

Walker's 2006 book, We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness combines thoughts about spirituality, friendship and compassion. Walker seeks to stress the importance of 'choosing the right paths' and 'doing the right thing' in a number of different situations. This is a book that helps readers learn to identify their own moral compass settings and find ways to light the darkness for themselves and others.

With Walker's books it is easy to discover new ways to look at life and its many problems. The words this author uses are woven together to create powerful and emotionally charged stories that challenge the reader to really think about the world, and encourage them to take action in positive ways.

Jumat, 12 Januari 2018

Tips and Tricks for Choosing Healthy Snacks to Go

Tips and Tricks for Choosing Healthy Snacks to Go

Image source: http://media.indiatimes.in/media/photogallery/2014/Oct/1245239_1437678821.jpg

We live in a society where everyone is stressed, depressed, and chronically sick and in pain. Physical and mental health go hand in hand, so getting your health under control is a matter of mind and body.

If youd like to get your life back in order, youll want to immediately cut out the sweets, fat, and junk by replacing them with healthy snacks.

Consider the following snacks to go with your diet plan so that youre able to get your health back in order.

#1: Berries Are The Best Snacks To Go In Your Lunch Bag For Energy

If you find yourself dragging along on work days, theres a good chance youre malnourished.

Western society would have you grab a cup of coffee as opposed to fortifying your body with the nutrients that will give you actual energy.

If youre looking for a kick of energy, the best snacks to go in your lunch bag are any types of berries.

Blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries make a wonderful addition to your diet. They provide you with healthy sugars that produce energy, in addition to brain-boosting nutrients.

Youll be able to not only keep your hunger under control due to the fiber, the mental jolt will keep you focused and engaged. Perhaps best of all, strawberries are known to boost your libido and get your blood flow pumping.

As you might tell, berries can be the key to finding your work-life balance through healthy nutrients.

You can also look into healthyyou vending reviews to find a machine near you that sells healthy energy bars.

#2: Avocadoes Provide Great Calories

One reason that its hard to make it through your workday that you get too many bad calories.

You can eat a fast food meal that has more than 1000 calories but will still be hungry because it was filled with processed junk. You need to make your calories count by packing them on in the healthiest way possible.

Avocados are great in this regard.

By eating this fatty, high-calorie fruit, youll also boost your mental function. Avocadoes are also great for your skin, hair, and nails. Since avocados are packed with calories, youll be able to feed your body with fuel, without it coming in the form of chips and candy.

Since you need healthy fats to build muscle mass, avocados are perfect snacks to eat before and after pumping iron.

Close to 37 percent of people are obese today, making this an issue of epidemic proportions. Part of this reason is that people eat high calorie, low nutrient foods throughout the day.

Healthy snacks will help you make use of every calorie you take in. Best of all, youll develop a taste for snacks you enjoy, rather than eating impulsively.

#3: Nuts Satiate Hunger

Snacking is the worst thing that can happen with any diet.

To beat hunger craving induced snacking, youll need to keep your blood sugar levels in order. If you feel hunger setting in, dig into your emergency back of nuts to get some healthy calories that will balance out your blood sugar.

If you want a little bit of flavor variety, eating trail mix that has plenty of nuts will give you the same result.

Consider these tips and check out some other health-related articles to help your diet and wellness.

The Wedding Seating Chart

The Wedding Seating Chart

Image source: https://www.documentsanddesigns.com/media/view/Pretty%20Silhouette%20Photo%20Wedding%20Reception%20Seating%20Chart.gif?bevel

Do I need a Seating Chart?
If you have a small, informal reception, you may not feel you need a plan. However for larger numbers, or a sit down meal, both you and your guests may benefit from a seating chart. Guests are saved from a mad panic of trying to find a seat on a table with their friends/family and you can place people where theyll be happiest! The wedding meal may last for 2-3 hours and is a significant part of the day. If your guests are sitting with people they get along with, it will make a big difference to their overall enjoyment of the day.
There are a number of options for the seating plan:
1. No plan at all best for stand up buffets or small and informal events. 2. Assign guests to tables you allocate guests to tables but the choice of seat is theirs. 3. Assign guests to seats you specify the seats at which each guest will sit.

If you remember only one thing
Do what you think would make you and your guests most comfortable.

The Head Table Dilemma
While the traditional head table (Bride and Groom seated at a long table flanked by the wedding party) is still favored by most, alternatives are often being used. The traditional layout is as follows:

Groomsman - Bridesmaid - Best Man - Bride Groom Maid of Honor Groomsman - Bridesmaid

There are alternative arrangements such as including parents/godparents or clergy on the table. Or you might want to include partners of the bridal party. Alternatively, you may want to avoid the top table altogether and have a romantic table for two.

Top Tips for Other Tables
1. Seating tables with just one family group will let them relax, but wont do much to encourage mingling. However, a table where no one knows anyone else might be a bit daunting for most people! Try and arrange a mix on each table so everyone knows a few people. By thinking about guests ages and interests you can make sure that each table is likely to get on and have fun!

2. Where to sit singles can also create a dilemma. On one hand you might want to try out a little matchmaking, but on the other, this could be rather uncomfortable and awkward for your guests (it might be very obvious too!). Certainly avoid a singles table but generally do whatever you feel is best for your guests.

3. If you are using round tables, the general etiquette is to seat males and females alternately around the table. If you are using long tables, seat couples opposite one another and then alternate male/females along the table.

4. The tables closest to the Bride and Groom should be reserved for the closest friends and family.

5. Give each table a name or number. Table names could be themed - for example people, objects or places that are relevant to you as a couple. Names also remove the perceived hierarchy of tables. You should create a name card for each table (your venue may do this for you) so that guests can easily find their table.

6. If you are assigning guests to specific seats you should create name place cards. These could also show menu choices (if you are offering them) or indicate vegetarians. The waiting staff will really appreciate this and it will allow them to give a more seamless service. You should also give a paper copy of your plan to the venue so that they can see where people are seated.

Creating the Chart
Start arranging your seating plan early. You can start doing this before all your RSVPs have come in as most of your close friends and family will probably be definitely attending, even if they havent formally replied yet.

To begin creating your arrangement, get a general idea from your venue how tables will be arranged in the room, determine whether youll be using round or long tables or a mixture of both, and work out how many people you can sit at each table.

Arranging the chart can take a long time and might involve numerous revisions. Many people cut up pieces of paper for each guest and table and use these to try out different layouts. Thankfully, over the last few years software (web-based, for download or even Excel spreadsheets) has become available to make the task simpler. It can save you not only hours of your time but also reduce the stress in the lead up to the big day by simplifying last minute changes.

This article was written by Adam Leyton of toptableplanner.com, an online table planning tool for weddings, parties and events.

The Lending and Borrowing Process of Private Money Loans

The Lending and Borrowing Process of Private Money Loans

Image source: http://www.pdahomes.com/assets/sites/1306/2013/04/private-money-lending-process.png

The lending and borrowing process of private money loans for real estate is relatively straightforward and simple; however there are certain guidelines and expectations on both the part of the lender and the borrower that renders a private money loan transaction as successful or detrimental.

The needs of the borrower and the criteria of the private lender determine the nature of the lending and borrowing process of the loan. These two elements must mesh together into the scheme of things in addition to the routine necessary paperwork requirements.

The borrower of a private loan should take a self-inventory to determine whether or not he/she meets the requirements for consideration by a private lender. In a typical private money loan transaction, there are considerations on the part of the borrower as well as the lender. It is a good idea to know the basic checklist before you get involved with the loan transaction.

The borrower's checklist should include the following:

*The type of real estate property for which you are seeking a private money loan. *Get an appraisal to determine the property value and loan-to-ratio percentage. *Assess your current financial situation, credit history, and debt ratio.

*Determine whether or not you meet the general criteria of the private lender you have chosen.

*Hire a property surveyor.

*Get an environmental assessment if necessary.

*Obtain title and hazard insurance.

*For income producing property, access the cash flow statements.

*For income producing property, obtain the rental agreements

*Devise a plan to satisfy the short-term private money loan.

*Appoint an attorney who is qualified to handle your real estate transaction and oversee the correct filing of necessary paperwork.

*Make sure you have the private lender's contact information for sending payments.

The lender's checklist includes the following:

* How the borrower intends to exit the short-term private money loan.

* All of the necessary documentation on the loan is signed and notarized.

* Make sure the original mortgage is in your hands.

* Make sure the property taxes are up-to-date.

* Make sure a there is a title insurance policy issued to you.

* The closing statement is received before the funds are issued. * Make sure your money is disbursed into an escrow account.

The lending and borrowing process for a private money loan will vary according to the type of property to which you are seeking financing. The checklist for a commercial property will be different from the checklist for a residential property. In general, for all types of real estate, you will need the basic necessary paperwork of the Promissory Note, Mortgage, Certificate of Insurance, and Disclosure Statement. However, using creative financing may require additional forms of paperwork for different types of transactions.

Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

Making Money Online by Combining SEO and Article Marketing

Making Money Online by Combining SEO and Article Marketing

Image source: https://proofreadanywhere.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Make-Money-Writing-Articles-for-Online-Businesses-569x1024.jpg

Making money online is difficult for many people, but if you combine the power of article marketing with SEO, or search engine optimization, then you have an almost unbeatable combination. Forget the so-called 'black hat' secrets - I learned a long time ago that they are neither secrets nor 'black hat' whatever that means.

The term is intended to convey that somehow these guys are doing something mysterious and illegal online that the search engines such as Google cannot detect, but if you believe that then you are nuts! Google hire only the best, and these guys will spot these antics from many miles away. I once tried one black hat technique, exactly as suggested in an eBook that cost me over $100, and instantly lost my Adsense account for life. Google experts are not idiots, and I lost a good source of income that was earning me around $1500 monthly in an instant by believing these guys.

So forget it! Don't make my mistake. I have now made up for that error which I could have avoided if I had read Google's TOS - not 'black hat', just 'stupid'! Stupid or not, I got over that by following a perfectly legal technique that I read about online known as the 'silo structure' of websites. Using that I can get almost any website I develop into the top pages of Google's search engine results. That makes making money online a little bit easier!

Maybe not always Page #1, but certainly Page #2 and 3. From there it takes a few tweaks to get to the top page, and then you can work up from there. Many of these so-called 'tweaks' involve advertising and link-gathering, and I use SEO and article marketing for that. Being a professional article ghostwriter, this was not a big deal for me, but the point is that it works.

Here is how it works and what you must do.

First, you have to choose different keywords for each of your web pages, including your home page, and use these as your page titles - by that I mean both visibly, at the top of each page, and also invisibly except to search engine spiders: these are contained within Title tags in the HTML in the Head section of your page. As far as I know, this only works for HTML or CSS pages - I don't go much for Flash websites, and I am not sure how that pans out with respect to search engines and SEO. Sorry for my ignorance, but I won't try to kid you if I don't know.

In fact I am getting ahead of myself. First you should have drawn up a plan for your website - a silo structure involves a home page pointing to each of several sub pages. Each sub page has its own title and links, and links to one article page that itself then links to another and so on. Every page links to the Home Page, but to no other page but the next in sequence. I don't have time here to describe the website structure in full, but I know that it works and wouldn't try to fool you if it didn't: you would find out for yourself soon enough!

Another thing that seems to work for me is to arrange your HTML so that the spiders see your text first before any navigation. There are ways to do that, and experts have told me it is 'rubbish', but I get higher listings than these experts. When I point that out, I am told that I am using easy keywords, but what's easy about being at positions 1, 2 and 3 on Page #1 of Google for a keyword with 620 million results? Another totally different website with 131 million competing web pages?

That's not an advert - just some justification that this works. So try that and see if it works for you. SEO is more than just web design and meta tags. It's a state of mind, and article marketing also plays a significant part.

The next part of the strategy is to advertise your website using article marketing. You can either write your own articles or pay for a ghostwriter to do it for you. You will likely have to start off doing it yourself until you are making enough money to outsource. That's another buzz word at the moment: 'outsourcing'. It is simply another word for paying other people to do the work - if you can afford it, and many can't.

Sometimes I wonder if these so-called 'gurus' have their heads screwed on the right way! They charge us a fortune to tell us to get other people to do all the work for us - no doubt they will also be offering their services! Forget it.

Learn how to write articles, learn how to write some simple HTML, and the learn the very basic principles of SEO, and you can make money online using SEO and article marketing to get your web page (you only need one from each website) listed on Page #1 of Google (forget Yahoo and the rest) and you will get loads of traffic to that web page.

Just make sure it is worth visiting, and that you can offer your visitor exactly what he or she was looking for when they used the keyword for which your website is optimized.

RULE #1: if you optimize a web page for one keyword, then make sure that the page offers loads of good and useful information on the topic of that keyword.

Be honest, seem reliable and prove that you know your stuff and you should get the respect of your readers, and then deliver when they click to your web page. That is how to make money online by combining SEO and article marketing. Agreed?

Rabu, 10 Januari 2018

How to Write a Training Services Proposal

How to Write a Training Services Proposal

Image source: https://images.template.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/02052558/Free-Training-Proposal-Template-Download.jpeg

If you're in the business of training or education, the odds are that you are perpetually seeking new clients. These days, the competition is fierce and more and more, you may be competing against low-cost online services. How do you make your services stand out from the crowd? You need to write a persuasive proposal to pitch your training services to new clients.

Not a writer? Never written a proposal before? Don't panic. Creating a business proposal might sound intimidating, but it doesn't have to be an arduous task. As an expert in the training field, you already possess the skills you need. A big part of writing a winning proposal is understanding structure and putting together a document that is easy to read and understand.

Here's what you need to do in a proposal: introduce yourself, show that you understand your client's position, highlight your services, outline your costs, and help your clients understand you are the right person for the job. And you don't have to start off staring a blank page on your computer, either. You can use pre-designed templates and look at similar sample proposals to make the proposal writing process quick and efficient.

Inexperienced proposal writers sometimes make the mistake of mailing out only a cover letter accompanied by a list of services and prices. That's not a good idea. Your goal is to persuade potential clients to give you their business. You must gain the clients' trust and make them understand that you can deliver the services they need; a simple price list can never do that.

As a trainer, you know that you must address the needs of your audience. That's true in a proposal, too. So, to prepare for writing any kind of proposal, your first step should be to gather information about your client so that you can present a proposal tailored to meet that client's specific needs. Of course, that might take a bit of effort, but that research will make your proposal much more likely to pay off. Nobody likes to receive form letters; any client is much more likely to accept a customized proposal. Your time will be better served by learning about your potential client and structuring a proposal that specifically targets their needs than blanketing the field with a one-size-fits-all approach, or even an offer of multiple "packages."

After you've collected information about your potential client's history, needs, and concerns, you'll find that writing your training services proposal is a reasonably straightforward process. That's because proposals that offer services, regardless of the type of services, follow a similar structure: first comes the introduction, then a summary of the client's needs, followed by descriptions of the services offered, as well as details and costs. Then the proposal should conclude with information about the service provider, such as relevant experience, credentials, and capabilities.

So, for the introduction section, create a Cover Letter and a Title Page. The Cover Letter should deliver a personal introduction, provide your company contact information, and include a call to actionask for the client's business or request a meeting. The Title Page should introduce your proposal with a title that indicates the project or scope of training services you are pitching. Some examples might be "Training Your Staff on the Latest Office Software," "Mentoring Services for Helping Your Student Excel," "Hazardous Waste Handling Courses for Exaflow, Inc.," or "Software Training for AB Call Center."

Following the Cover Letter and the Title Page, you'll add pages to show that you understand the needs and concerns of your client. Depending on how large the proposed scope of work is, you may or may not need to precede the detailed pages with a brief summary. For a complex project or variable scope of work that needs a summary, this summary section (often just a page or two) is normally called an Executive Summary for corporate clients, or a Client Summary for a less formal project.

In the pages of this client-centered section, describe the needs of the specific prospective client and demonstrate your understanding of that client's requirements, goals, and desires. For example, you might outline how outdated their office software systems are and the need for new products and training to bring them up to date. You might point out new developments in the client's field, such as new regulations or security concerns that require educating their employees. Or you might be involved in retraining laid-off workers in a new field and discuss how the client's business can benefit from your program. This is not yet the place where you talk about your services. This section should stay focused on the client. Use topics such as Needs Assessment, Goals and Objectives, Special Needs, and so on.

After the client's needs and goals have been outlined, describe how you plan on accomplishing those goals and meeting their needs. Use topics such as Education, Training Plan, Retraining, Tutoring, Mentoring, Coaching, Guidance, Prerequisites, Classes, Exercises, Curriculum, Materials, Grading System, Careers, and so on. You'll also add pages about your services and costs, with titles like Services Provided, Benefits, and Services Cost Summary.

After providing the details of your training program, you need to persuade your client that you are the best choice for the job, so add pages like About Us / Company History, Experience, Our Clients, References, Credentials, Certifications, Awards, and Testimonials; in other words, include everything you need to convince your client that you can be trusted to deliver the training services needed. Finally, include one or two topic pages to wrap things up with a call to action. Use topics such as Recommendations or Evaluation.

Training services may also be a component of a larger project proposal. For example, you may be proposing a complex software system project that includes descriptions of equipment, installation details, staffing, and so on. A complex proposal like this may also include a subset of topics for training. In this case, you will follow the basic structure outlined here, but the Training Plan will most likely be listed as one section of the proposal.

To help persuade clients, proposals should be visually appealing. Consider doing any or all of these to add graphics and splashes of color: incorporate your company logo, use colored borders on your pages, or select custom bullet points and fonts that match your business style.

Because you are providing educational training, your proposal must be flawless. Carefully proofread and spell-check all the pages, and get someone who is unfamiliar with your proposal do the final proofreading pass, because it's easy to overlook mistakes in your own work.

Finally, save your proposal and deliver it to your potential client. The best delivery method will depend on your business and your relationship with your potential client. Emailing PDF files to clients is a common practice; however, consider that a nicely printed, signed and hand-delivered proposal might impress the client more by showing you value that client enough to put in the extra personal effort. These days, too many businesses are automating everything possible and losing the personal touch.

Now you know that all training services sales proposals follow a similar format and structure, and you can find all the topics you need in a proposal kit. The pre-written topic pages found in a kit contain explanations of what those particular pages should contain. They will guide you in writing and formatting appropriate information for your proposal sections. A proposal kit will also contain a wide variety of training and educational sample proposals that will give you great ideas and help you get a jump start on writing your own winning proposal.

How to flash the laptop BIOS

How to flash the laptop BIOS

Image source: http://www.aidewindows.net/images/bios/bios_asus_maj4.jpg

After used for a year I found some strange problem often happend to my VGN-SZ. First I think maybe the hardwares in laptop unstable. I tried to fix it myself by replug them but can not. So I asked in yahoo answer and some one say that : my laptop bios can not prefectly support the second memory bank and Sony VGP-BPS8 battery that I just installed a month ago.

So I should update the Sony VGP-BPS8A BIOS to the newest version. I go to the sony.com to get the VGN-SZ latest BIOS update and search the "Flashing the laptop bios" in the internet. Then I flash my Bios by myself. Maybe you can get some helpful info in the following steps:

If a BIOS update program CD with a new system board, flash BIOS from the CD. If you do not have a BIOS update program CD, flash the BIOS from the disk.

Update BIOS from a CD

NOTE: Connect the AC adapter with the good power source to avoid VGP-BPS9 power loss. If not, the suddenly power loss can damage the system.

Make sure you are connected to the power supply and the main battery is installed correctly.
NOTE: If you have a BIOS update program using the CD-ROM in the BIOS, press <F12> before inserting the CD for the flash of the computer to boot from a CD once. Otherwise, you have the system setup program to change the VGP-BPS9/B default boot sequence.
Insert the BIOS update program CD and turn on the computer.
NOTE: Do not interrupt this process once it begins. Doing so can cause damage VGP-BPS9/S system.
Follow the instructions on the screen. The team continues to boot and new BIOS updates. If the flash update is complete, the computer automatically restarts.
Press F2 during the POST, the system setup program.
Press Alt and <f> to restore the default values of equipment.
Press Esc, select Save / Exit, then press Save configuration changes Enter.
Remove the flash BIOS update program CD drive and restart the Sony VGP-BPS9A/B computer.

Update BIOS from the hard drive

NOTE: Connect the AC adapter with the good power source to avoid power loss. If not, the suddenly power loss can damage the system.

Make sure the power supply is connected to the main Sony VGP-BPS2C battery is installed correctly, and a network cable is connected.
Turn on your computer.
Find the latest update file for your computer BIOS to support dell.com.
Click Download to download the file.
If the export window Compliance Responsibility appears, click Yes, I accept this agreement.
The file will be displayed.
Click Save this program to disk and then click OK.
In the window that appears under Save.
Click the down arrow to the Save As menu, select your VGP-BPS2 Desktop, then click Save.
The file downloads to your desktop.
Click Close when the download is completed "on the Sony VGP-BPS2A screen.
The file icon on your desktop and is titled like the BIOS update can be downloaded.
Double-click the file to your desktop and follow the instructions on the screen.

How to Eat Healthy at Fast Food Joints

How to Eat Healthy at Fast Food Joints

Image source: http://healthyeatingforfamilies.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/hamburger-iStock_000008300965_Medium-1024x780.jpg

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight, or who just makes a habit of eating healthful, wholesome food, knows to steer clear of fast food restaurants. Those double decker cheeseburgers, fried chicken sandwiches, french fries, and milkshakes can wreak havoc on your best intentions.

Sometimes fast food restaurants are unavoidable. If youre on the road and theres nothing else available, or your children are clamoring for the toy inside the kids meal, you might not have any alternate food options.

But that doesnt mean you have to cave or cheat. Heres our guide to eating healthy at fast food joints!

Tex-Mex Is TemptingBut It Can Also Be Healthful

Stopping at a fast-casual tex-mex place like Chipotle, Qdoba or Moes? Skip the burrito, the guacamole (it costs extra, anyway!), and any soup or salad that comes in a dish made out of a deep-fried tortilla.

Burrito bowls can be a good choice, though, if you skip the rice, cheese, and sour cream. Load up on beans, a lean protein like chicken, and fajita veggies. To boost the flavor of your bowl, add in low-cal extras like cilantro, Pico de gallo or salsa, and black olives.

Yes, You Can Eat At Burger Joints

As long as youre very careful about your order, not even hamburger places are off-limits. Opt for a plain burger without mayo or special sauces, and ask for extra lettuce, tomato, and red onion.

Or try a grilled chicken sandwich, again with extra veg. Mustard adds a kick without adding calories, but be careful with ketchup, which is loaded with sugar and salt. Another option here is to go bun-less and have your burger wrapped in lettuce.

If you find yourself at Wendys, try their famous chili a large is just 310 calories and will fill you up. Their baked potatoes can also be good choices, as long as you limit toppings.

A word to the wise: dont be fooled by chains healthy-sounding options, like salads. While some fast food salads fit into a healthy lifestyle, others are calorie bombs. Anything with fried chicken, creamy dressings, and high-fat extras like nuts or crunchy noodles should be on your blacklist.

Pizza, Pizza!

Pizza can be an indulgence, but there are some healthier options. Most weight loss programs for women dont explicitly forbid any food, but advise making modifications and exercising portion control.

Some chains offer garden varieties; in general, the more vegetables you can pile on your fast food offerings, the better!

If you have a choice between thin and thick crust, thin crust is the clear winner.

Either way, keep your intake to one slice, but be wary of sodium levels, and work to consume less sodium in the rest of your days meals.

Get Your Sandwich On

If you bypass the meatballs and melted cheese, sub shops can be relatively healthful. Turkey breast is a safe bet, especially paired with a whole wheat roll, fresh veggies galore, and mustard instead of mayo.

Naturally, you should also say no thank you to any combo meal that would add chips, a cookie, or a soft drink to your lunch. Drink water instead, or choose low-fat milk for the calcium.

Keep these tips in mind the next time youre on the go, so you can feel good about your choices at fast food joints!

Selasa, 09 Januari 2018

How to Craft Content for the Healthy Male Audience

How to Craft Content for the Healthy Male Audience

Image source: https://www.televox.com/webvox/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/6-9-15.png

The healthy male is a busy man. Hes balancing work, regular gym visits, healthy cooking, and an active social life all at once. He doesnt spend a lot of time staring at screens, so when he does, you dont have too much time to grab his attention.

Writing your content with the healthy male in mind can seem daunting. Its easy to flourish your writing with interesting statistics, links, and personable writing, but these dont always appeal to the average male.

There are a few tips and tricks, though, that can help you engage even the toughest of readers. Keep reading to learn how to craft content for the healthy male audience.

Creating Content For The Healthy Male

Write Authoritatively

Studies show that women speak differently than men. Women tend to use apologetic language. They use terms like I just and Im no expert, but out of an inexplicable need to apologize and take up as little space as possible.

You wont often catch a male with an issue about sending his salad back at a restaurant if its too heavily dressed. Men tend to own their authority more proudly than women, and they respond to similarly to language targeted at them.

Written copy from different gender perspectives are so different, theres even a Chrome app in development that will locate and remove apologetic language from womens emails.

Note the authoritative voice in this article. The tone of the writing makes the reader sit up and pay attention. Thats the goal when writing for men.

Write proudly, avoid apologetic language, and assert your claims strongly. This is the language that men use and respond to in their everyday lives. Simplifying your language to remove excess fluff can help you reach this goal.


Authoritative language is normal language with the fat trimmed. Men arent simple- theyre just not as talkative as women. Generally, they prefer to operate inside their minds, saying only whats necessary, while women prefer to think out loud.

Consider this function when writing copy for men. Cutting your language down to the bare bones is best for mens language processing. Check out this article on mens gym wear- note the simplicity and directness of the language.

When writing, you might try inserting a target URL into your content more directly, for instance, rather than naturally and organically.

For example: say youre writing content for a target audience of a healthy male about health supplements. You want to include a section about TextX Core, a mens testosterone booster. Instead of sneaking a link into a well-crafted paragraph, you could write it simply and directly, like so:

Lets cut to the chase. Is TestX Core safe?

After learning a little about the product, men want their questions answered. A direct and straightforward link will appeal to mens desires for simple, concise, and helpful copy.

Are You Hitting The Healthy Male Target Audience?

If your inbound marketing skills need some touching up, sign up its free! We have over 23,000 professional writers to help reach your target audience and tons of tips and tricks on our blog.

How to Become a Food Blogger on Instagram

How to Become a Food Blogger on Instagram

Image source: http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1518321/images/o-INSTAGRAM-facebook.jpg

With over 168 million photos on Instagram tagged as #food, its no secret that people love to take photos of food- and look at them too!

Unfortunately, this means that if you are set on becoming a famous Instagram food blogger, its going to take some work. Simple photos of what you ate for lunch arent going to cut it anymore.

In fact, behind every successful Instagram account, there is a strategy. Here are 5 essential tips that will help you start strategizing your account and learning how to become a food blogger.

1. Define Your Niche

The very first step before you even begin posting is to strategize what your profile and platform will look like. Pick a color theme and style for all of your photos.

This will help you to build up a congruent and professional looking profile as more photos are added.

Not only that, but this is the time when you get to decide what makes you different from every other food blogger.

Will you only post about waffles? Or will you post about healthy versions of your favorite comfort foods?

Whatever, you choose just make sure its something you can grow with and that you love!

2. Follow Others

The next step is to begin following other famous food bloggers. This will give you an idea of the kinds of posts that people respond well to.

From the top profiles, youll be able to learn how to become a food blogger that people actually want to see in their feeds.

However, dont stop there! Follow the people that like, comment, and respond to these bloggers as well. This will help you get your name and profile out in front of followers that are already loyal and engaged.

Avoid following bots and people that will just give you a like for a like. Also never buy followers. These both will ruin your engagement and in turn, negatively affect your brand.

3. Be Unique

With over 300 million monthly users on Instagram, you need to make sure that your posts and profile are unique and memorable.

This can be done by posting images of uncommon recipes or making an interesting display of the food. If you get stuck, just check out WaffleMakersHub for examples.

4. Be Consistent and Take Your Time

A successful profile takes time to grow. So dont throw in the towel too early!

The most important thing you can do is to be consistent with your posting and keep creating killer content. Good posts take time to create, so if you find yourself frequently forgetting it might be time to create a content calendar.

This will help you stay on track and be prepared, even during the busiest weeks.

5. Promote

Lastly, promote your profile outside of Instagram. Utilize the power of other venues to push people towards your Instagram profile.

Creative content enhances your website and a website can help enhance your creative content as well. If you think of them as a complementary pair, your success will be much more lasting.


Begin by following these 5 crucial steps. Then keep learning, growing, and adapting. We cant wait to see what you can do!

Have any questions? Send us a message. Wed love to hear from you!

Ford Fiesta Coming to US Shores - with Altia HMI on Board

Ford Fiesta Coming

Image source: http://s1.cdn.autoevolution.com/images/news/new-ford-fiesta-st-coming-in-2012-33631_1.jpg

Ford Motor Company has announced that their Ford Fiesta will be arriving in North American showrooms in the summer of 2010. Its dynamic user interface was created by global automotive supplier Visteon Corporation with Altia HMI development and code generation tools.
The Fiestas red-on-black center stack displays serve as the hub for a wide array of climate and entertainment functions. Audio, SYNC, HVAC and other vehicle setting displays are accessible from a single dynamic screen. These functions are all accessible via traditional button inputs or through integrated voice recognition. The graphical content and animation of the multi-function screens were designed and implemented for Ford using the Altia HMI tool suite. Altia Design was used to create the custom graphical menu system to access the wide array of features in this unique new display. The interface shows surprising depth featuring soft buttons, pop-ups, indicators, scrolling menus and custom graphics. Altias DeepScreen software was used to generate C code for the graphics to exactly produce the model created in Altia Design. This was a key factor in the HMI deployment.

The Fiestas advanced level of HMI is traditionally unheard of in the small car segment because high end hardware costs are prohibitive. Utilizing Altias DeepScreen miniGL target helped overcome this obstacle. The miniGL target is designed to watch data down to each bit and wring the most performance possible out of low-end hardware. Fiesta developers were able to deliver state-of-the-art graphics by using Altias miniGL target, which has very minimal embedded resource requirements like a 16-bit processor, 5K RAM footprint and no RTOS. This code is now running in the Fiesta center stack and the resulting displays have won the hearts of auto enthusiasts in Europe and China.

Dave Marker, Senior Applications Engineer at Altia, supported the Fiesta center stack development efforts and saw first-hand the challenges that were overcome in this ambitious project. Ford has truly pushed the boundaries with this system with the remarkable level of content and performance that has been engineered into this solution. I am proud that Altia was able to contribute to such an innovative project. I cannot wait to take a Fiesta for a drive if only to play with the radio!

About Altia...

Altia, Inc. is a software company that provides user interface design and development tools that can be used from concept to final product code. Altia was founded in 1991 and its customers include GM, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota, Guidant, Lockheed Martin and hundreds of other leading manufacturers. For more information about Altia, visit www.altia.com or contact Altias corporate headquarters at +1 719-598-4299.

Senin, 08 Januari 2018

Fix Smcgui.exe Error - Safe and Perfect Tip for Smcgui.exe Error Fix

Fix Smcgui.exe Error

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qvIcar8Ve28/maxresdefault.jpg

What is smcgui.exe error? Smcgui.exe error is a common system error that is associated with smcgui.exe file. Smcgui.exe is one of the most critical components of Symantec Agent Firewall developed by Symantec Corporation. The associated files of smcgui.exe contain symfwagt.dll, smc.exe, fwplugin.dll, sysfer.dll, ccfwsetg.dll, fwhelper.dll, NISShExt.dll, devmanres.dll, tseres.dll, ccapp.exe, npfmntor.exe and SymWSC.exe. A lot of system problems have the ability to result in smcgui.exe error messages, including damaged or missing smcgui.exe, smcgui.exe download/install failure, corrupt smcgui.exe removal/ repair failure, incompatible version of smcgui.exe, incorrect removal/disability of Norton firewall, driver update failure, associated files corruption, undesirable modification on Windows registry and driver file corruption.
Possible behavior of smcgui.exe error: Smcgui.exe error can bring about a list of further obscure system problems onto your computer: Norton firewall install/uninstall failure Undesirable increase of Norton Antivirus bugs Drastic decrease of system performance Unexpected Blue Screen of Death errors Sluggish computer operation speed Third- party program uninstall failure Windows components removal failure Unwanted system shutdown problems Software instability

Common smcgui.exe error messages:

Network Activity: SmcGui.exe Application Error. The instruction at 0x67f5eefe referenced memory at 000000000?. The memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate the program. Click on CANCEL to debug the program.

Symantec CMC SmcGui has encountered a problem and needs to close.

SmcGui.exe Application Error. The instruction at 06xaabce1d referenced memory at 000000014?. The memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate the program. Click on CANCEL to debug the program.

Event Type: Error Event Source: Application Error Event Category: (100) Event ID: 1000 Date: - Time: - User: N/A Computer: - Description: Faulting application SmcGui.exe, version 11.0.1000.1091, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.2.3790.3959, fault address 0x0004ccad.

SmcGui.exe Application Error. The instruction at 0x3efc5d8c referenced memory at 0x3dcc3dc8?. The memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate the program. Click on CANCEL to debug the program.

Faulting application name: SescLU.exe, version: 11.0.7000.49, time stamp: 0x4db8fae2 Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17725, time stamp: 0x4ec49b8f Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0002e8f4 Faulting process id: 0x15e4 Faulting application start time: 0x01ccffa2c6db522a Faulting application path: C:Program Files (x86)SymantecSymantec Endpoint ProtectionSescLU.exe Faulting module path: C:WindowsSysWOW64ntdll.dll

How to fix smcgui.exe error efficiently and safely? Solution One: Re-install Norton Antivirus/Norton Internet Security For Windows XP: 1. Click Start, and then go to Control Panel. Double click to run Add or Remove Programs. 2. From Currently installed programs pop- up, scroll to Norton Antivirus/Norton Internet Security, and then click Change or Change/Remove. Click Yes. 3. Follow the instructions to uninstall the program. For Windows Vista and Windows 7: 1. Enable Programs and Features by clicking Start, going to Control Panel, selecting Programs, and then clicking Programs and Features. 2. Select Norton Antivirus/Norton Internet Security, and then click Uninstall. Follow the instruction to uninstall it. 3. After finishing uninstalling the invalid version of Norton Antivirus/Norton Internet Security, you can find out the compatible version and then reinstall it.

Solution Two: Restore smcgui.exe from Recycle Bin If you have wrongly removed smcgui.exe to the Recycle Bin, you can try to restore the file from it.

Solution Three: Disable smcgui.exe from the Windows Task Manager Step One: Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to enable Task Manager on your PC. Step Two: Click Processes. Step Three: Locate and right-click the smcgui.exe file. Step Four: Click End Process.

Solution Four: Keep Norton Antivirus/Norton Internet Security up- to- date. Keeping Norton Antivirus/Norton Internet Security up- to- date can help you automatically repair smcgui.exe error for its built- in update utility has the ability to silently change the damaged file into a valid one without damaging other program files and system files and interrupting you performing any tasks on the system.

Solution Five: Re- register associated .dll files of Smcgui.exe. In order to fix Smcgui.exe error, you may consider trying to re- registering the associated .dll files of Smcgui.exe if they havent been damaged by any undesirable activity or compromised by malware. You can follow the easy instructions to re- register Fwplugin.dll: For Windows XP user: Step One: Click Start, and then click Run. Step Two: Type cmd onto the latest dialog box and press Enter button to enable Command Prompt utility. Step Three: Type regsvr32 Fwplugin.dll or regsvr32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Fwplugin.dll onto the Command Prompt window as soon as it pops up. Step Four: Press Enter to confirm the modification. For Windows 7 user: Step One: Click Windows or Start if you are using Classic theme. Step Two: Type cmd onto the latest search box above Windows menu. Step Three: As soon as the Command Prompt appears on the screen, type regsvr32 fwplugin.dll or regsvr32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\fwplugin.dll Step Four: Press Enter.

Solution Six: Replace it with a compatible one from cyber space. Step One: Download the compatible version of smcgui.exe from network. Step Two: Save it onto a hard disk. And then go to the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32. Step Three: Locate the problematic version of smcgui.exe on your computer. Step Four: Rename the current version of smcgui.exe with a name you like. Step Five: Copy & paste the compatible version into the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32. Step Six: Click Start and then head to Run. Step Seven: Type cmd onto the latest pop- up and press Enter button to go into the Command mode. (In Windows 7, type cmd onto the latest search box above Windows menu.) Step Eight: Type regsvr32 smcgui.exe onto Command Prompt and then press Enter button.

Solution Seven: Completely get rid of registry problems What is Windows registry? The Windows registry is a database that stores configuration settings and options of Windows operating system, including system components and applications running on the system, such as kernel running situation, device driver, SAM and third- party programs. An overloaded Windows registry full of unneeded registry components, corrupt registry files and annoying registry errors can easily result in severe system problems, including sharp reduction of system performance, Blue Screen of Death errors, undesirable software instability and .exe file damage. It is suggested to get rid of the undesirable registry problems efficiently before performing any activities to fix smcgui.exe error.

How to get rid of the registry problems efficiently? A safe solution that can help you completely repair registry problems is to enable a trusted registry repair utility on your computer. The trusted registry repair utility has a package of comprehensive services that combines with the ability to totally remove unneeded registry components, safely fix obscure registry errors and efficiently repair corrupt registry files. How to fix smcgui.exe error and get rid of registry problems completely?

Filing For Bankruptcy Will Not Help with Car Title Loans

Filing For Bankruptcy Will Not Help with Car Title Loans

Image source: https://www.pewlaw.com/wp-content/themes/pewlawnew/timthumb.php?src=https://www.pewlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Pew_Blog_4-11-16.jpg&h=500&w=1000&zc=1

If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you will want to make sure that you don't have a car title loan balance.Why do car title loans and bankruptcy not get along?Any time you file for bankruptcy, the debt which you owe will be entered into the court for a judgment. The judge will need to approve your application (prepared by a lawyer) and all debt listed will wither be thrown out from filing Chapter 7 or reorganize payments in Chapter 13.

Secured loans are not included in bankruptcies. Anytime you sign for a secured loan, you will use some sort of property as collateral to support the payoff if the loan does not get paid off. Bankruptcy cannot help you with a car title loan. If you do not pay your loan off, the collateral will do it for you. The loan agreement will then be settled. There is nothing in the bankruptcy court process that can change the terms of the secured car title loan.

The car title loan company will allow you the use of your vehicle while the loan is being paid for. Make your payments and keep communication open if you think you may be late. So why use a car title loan? Well, for starters, they offer fast access to cash. The loan application and approval could take as little as an hour. Many people who own the pink slip to their vehicle are pretty excited about getting much needed money that quickly. The idea that you can get a loan out against collateral yet not have to hand over the property is a sweet deal as well. Go to a pawn shop to get some cash out of some jewelry and see if they let you walk away with both. That scenario would not happen.

A secured loan is much easier to obtain than an unsecured loan. You offer the lender the collateral as payment for the loan if you are unable to follow through. The secured lender will hold you to that promise. It is like "prepaying" for your loan. Even though it is an easier way to get approval, you cannot forget the dangers of a car title loan.

*Your loan is expected to be paid in full in 30 days. *High interest *The title company owns your pink slip until you pay the loan in full. *You will potentially lose your car if your loan does not get paid.

Car title loans are great for fast cash. Don't get yourself trapped in big debt or possibly lose your car over it. Have a payoff plan before you sign for the loan. It may be difficult to make the plan work, but it should be your top priority. Any short-term loan will carry a faster payoff and charge you high interest for keeping the loan out longer than initially set.

E-Commerce - What Your Business Needs to Know

E-Commerce - What Your Business Needs to Know

Image source: http://www.womenonbusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/starting-a-business.jpg

The E-Commerce Regulations were introduced into UK law from a European Community directive in August 2002. Their main objective was to ensure that E-contracts were binding across Europe and to develop a safer environment for consumers online. However, the regulations also introduced principal rules on what information companies should be displaying via their e-commerce environments and how they are able to advertise.

The regulations apply to any business that advertises or trades using online services i.e. on their company website or via email. It also applies to those who use online services for communication networks. Any business wanting to trade online should make sure they have a good understanding of the basics of e-commerce law and if there are in any doubt about the position, they would be well advised to get the advice of an experienced and specialist intellectual property or IP Solicitor

Provided in this article is some information aimed at ensuring that your business complies with the E-commerce regulations:

Website Information

Your business website must display the following information:

- Your businesses name, address and contact details.

- Your VAT registration number.

- Details of any publicly held register in which your business features and the appropriate registration number.

- Details of any professional registers under which your business is enlisted and the appropriate registration number.

- The particulars of any supervisory body under which your business is regulated.

- Any professional titles held by your business and in which European states this title is recognised.

If you are selling goods via your website, then details of tax and delivery costs should be provided.


The regulations also apply to businesses that send promotional emails. 'Unsolicited commercial communications' or 'spam' emails as they are more commonly known, have to be advertised as such upon receipt by the consumer. Consequently, a spam notification must appear in the subject box and be visible before having to read the main body of the email.

On a more general note, commercial communications via email should display the following information:

- A clear indication of whom the email has been sent by

- A clear indication of any goods/services that are promotional, premium or are belonging to a competition

- A clear explanation of any terms and conditions relating to these goods or services.

You must also be aware that the Companies Act 2006 (incorporating the Business Name Act 1985) applies to electronic letters and emails as well as hard copies. This means that the same information provided on your business letterhead should be reflected in your electronic correspondence ie business name, registered address and companies house registration number.

Contracting Online

If your business conducts contracting online, then you must make the following information available and clear for the consumer:

- A description of any technical steps that the consumer has to take in order to complete the contract online.

- A description of any technical steps to take if the consumer experiences an input error.

- Indication to whether or not your business will file the contract and how this can be accessed by the consumer.

- A list of the languages in which the conclusion of the contract is available

- Details of any code of conduct under which your business is obliged to comply with and information on how the consumer can read these rules.

The consumer must be able to access any terms and conditions to the contract and these should also be available to print. If a contract or order is placed, then an electronic receipt of the agreement should be sent to the purchaser.

Rules under the Companies Act 2006

As mentioned earlier a company must display certain information about itself on letterheads and electronic communication. However, a company that is registered under Companies House should also display the following information somewhere on their website:

- Company registration number

- Place of registration

- Their registered office

- Information on whether or not the company is currently in administration or liquidation.

This information does not have to appear as a disclaimer on every E-page. Instead it is often collaborated together under a 'Legal' tab on the website.


The E-commerce regulations introduced certain reprimands for non-compliance. If your business is found to be non-compliant the regulations provide that consumers or clients can rescind their contracts. If the client or consumer suffers a loss because of a breach of the regulations, then they can sue you for damages for a breach of your statutory duty. The courts also have the authority to order your business to issue a corrective statement.

In serious situations the Director General of Fair Trading and Trading Standards can apply to the court for a 'Stop Now' Enforcement Order. These are awarded if the Director General and/or the court feels that your E-commerce could potentially "harm the collective interests of consumers" as a whole. If you then fail to comply with the enforcement order you run the risk of receiving a heavy fine and/or imprisonment.

The law regarding trading online is getting increasingly complex. That was getting it wrong - make sure you appoint a specialist intellectual property or IP Solicitor with good experience of e-commerce law.

Minggu, 07 Januari 2018

Don't Catch These Two Diseases

Don't Catch These Two Diseases

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiI3h8g1wpJC9qWQ8J-CsXnB0Uy-CTJbdW6f5Re33FHCRf8omdQm4PL9lyQitY0rWPcPQymWSHQO4cGXCNLmyO4wWlI2OzYbs9SXyefl3ghySimfWF90otOkjUyIVU7S9Mff_05dHRladE/s1600/Kyouraku+Bankai+1.PNG

One of my favorite motivational speakers is a guy by the name of Brian Tracy, who is one of the world's top experts on success psychology and personal achievement. In case you haven't heard of Brian, he is sort of like a calmer, more "laid back" version of infomercial guru, Tony Robbins.

Not long ago, I had the chance to attend a seminar Brian held at the Jacob Javitz center here in New York City. One part of his talk really grabbed my attention, and I'd like to share it with you...

Brian said that that there are two diseases running rampant across America and much of the industrialized world today. If you had to hazard a guess, which two do you think they are? Cancer? Diabetes? Heart Disease? Osteoporosis? Obesity?

Guess what? They're NONE of the above. In fact, they're not even physical diseases they are mental diseases.

The first mental disease, according to Tracy, is called something-for nothing disease. Something for nothing disease is contracted by people who believe they can take more out than what they put in. These are the people who want all the rewards without paying full price, or as Brian put it, "They want to go through the revolving door of life on someone else's push."

Quick fix disease is the second of the mental diseases. According to Brian, this disease is contracted by people who always want a quick way to reach their goals. They search for instant cures to solve problems that may have taken months or even years to develop. They seek short cuts to acquire key skills that actually take many months and years of hard work to master.

These diseases are not to be confused with the desire to constantly get better and search for more efficient ways to reach your goals (which is a positive trait). The "diseased" people are those trying to reach their goals faster than nature intended without any effort (which is a negative trait). As a friend of mine once said, "There's a big difference between seeking efficiency and being lazy."

Brian's New York City seminar was mostly filled with businesspeople, sales professionals and entrepreneurs, so he referred to financial examples, such as: wanting to work fewer hours and earn more money, investing in get rich quick schemes, or buying lottery tickets.

However, I personally feel that quick fix and something for nothing disease are more rampant and insidious among people with fitness goals than they are among any other group.

Health and fitness seekers with something for nothing disease they think they can get twice the results in half the time. They want weight loss without dieting, fitness without exercise, and perfect health while eating, drinking and smoking whatever they want.

Those with quick fix disease want to take a pill, go to sleep, and wake up skinny. They are forever on a quest to find short cuts to fitness goals that that normally take months or years to attain.

People afflicted by quick fix disease are suckers for the latest "exercise in a bottle," "fat burning cream," "diet pill," or "steroid replacement" scams. They impulsively buy miracle solutions on a whim, which they haven't researched and know nothing about.

Saddest of all, they often waste YEARS of their lives on a misguided quest for the holy grail of weight loss or muscle growth, when they could have reached their goals with a better work ethic and a little bit of persistence.

People with these diseases are violating some of the most basic laws of the universe: Cause and effect, sowing and reaping, action and reaction. This is just as ridiculous as attempting to violate other natural laws such as the law of gravity. Jump off a cliff, and you're going to plummet to the Earth below 100% of the time.

But there's more: Not only are you going to FAIL and hit bottom if you catch one or both of these diseases - the very act of seeking a quick fix or wanting something for nothing makes you a weaker person.

On the other hand, the act of setting a worthy goal for something you want and reaching it through diligence, determination, discipline and hard work changes the very fiber of your being. You literally change on a cellular level; you become a stronger person.

The purpose of having a worthy goal then, is not to possess the goal, it is to become a better person as result of pursuing and achieving the goal. If you get something for nothing, you may have that thing, but you have not become anything. Pity the person who wins a million dollars who has not become a millionaire in spirit and character.

It's been said you don't get what you want in life, you get what you deserve. If you want to achieve your perfect weight and improve your health if you want success and achievement if you want to win the championship title then set the goal and go for it!

But whatever you do, don't catch these two diseases. SHUN THE QUICK FIX, AVOID THE FREE RIDE and deserve it. You can have, do or be anything you want - just pay the price and it's yours!

Don't Book Any Other Christmas Party Venue In Hertfordshire

Don't Book Any Other Christmas Party Venue In Hertfordshire

Image source: http://www.jilltaylorconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/62ee964f1a09e125c4aeb29caf155fce.jpg.png

Dont Book Any Other Christmas Party Venue In Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire makes a lot of sense as a base for your Christmas party this year, even before you get down to the task of choosing a suitable venue. It is, after all, perfectly located, boasting the key transport connections to London and the wider country that will enable all of your intended guests to reach your venue easily. However, it is also a very green and beautiful county in its own right, with no shortage of exciting things to see and do.

As for why you may decide to make Manor of Groves your Christmas Party Venue In Hertfordshire... well, we pretty much have it all as far as venues for big festive celebrations are concerned. We are, for instance, well-located for the regions airports and motorways, but are also situated in 150 acres of stunning countryside.

Then, theres our Christmas parties themselves, which are always very special.

Nobody Does Yuletide Celebrations Like We Do

The Manor Suite in which we host our Christmas parties here at Manor of Groves is certainly an impressive space, big enough to accommodate hundreds of guests and air-conditioned to ensure everyone can party the night away in comfort. Its a suite that also boasts its own exclusive bar, entrance hall, cloakroom and toilets.

But its what happens within this space during your Christmas celebration that truly matters. For just 41 per head excluding House Wine, or 48.50 per head if you would like half a bottle of House Wine to be included, you and up to 399 other people can revel in a delicious three-course dinner, coffee and mints, before partying the night away with our band and first-class disco.

The bar is open from 7pm on the night, and dinner is served from 7:30pm, enabling you and your guests to savour such delectable menu options as ham hock and pea terrine, chipolata and bacon roll, mushroom, brie and spinach tart and kirsch teardrop with mango coulis.

Or Why Not Go On A Dancing Journey Through Time?

However, the above is not the only kind of Christmas party night that you can enjoy here at Manor of Groves. Thats because we are also offering Party Through the Decades nights in our Colonnade Suite, which with all of its Georgian elegance and character, makes for quite the festive party backdrop.

This package is suitable for groups of between 10 and 120 people, is priced from 27.50 per head and enables everyone in attendance to enjoy a memorable two-course plated meal, followed by a disco.

Youll Struggle To Find A Superior Place To Party This Year

As you can see, we really have thought hard about all of the things anyone could conceivably desire from a Christmas party venue in Hertfordshire! It helps that we are highly experienced at holding such events, with our team coordinating every detail to ensure they are a success every time.

Download Our Christmas Brochure Today for more details about all of our always-in-demand Yuletide events, so that you can book the perfect festive celebration this year for the needs of you and your group.

Birthday Wording Ideas The Best Quotes, Quips And Sayings For Invitations, Favors, Toasts And More

Birthday Wording Ideas The Best Quotes, Quips And Sayings For Invitations, Favors, Toasts And More

Image source: http://cdnpix.com/show/imgs/cd3bf2f31d00fde2fc0eef522181cfae.jpg

Someone special is about to have a birthday and you're looking for just the right words to use for this happy occasion. Maybe you're seeking to add an appropriate quote to personalized party invitations or favors. Perhaps you want to put a short saying in icing on the celebrant's cake. Or you might need inspiration in wording a toast or the message inside the birthday card. Whether you're searching for funny quips or heartfelt sentiments, here are some tips to help you find the best.
1. Help is a click away. Use your favorite search engine to serve up some great wording ideas. Search for specific terms like "funny birthday sayings" or "milestone birthday quotes". Don't just limit yourself to websites devoted entirely to quotations. For instance, on a site that sells personalized invitations, there's a page with gems like "more candles: bigger wish!". You can find websites with free content entirely dedicated to special occasions. Plus, a lot of scrapbooking sites offer ideas for titles and journaling that might give you just what you need.

2. Help from your computer. If you have any greeting card software such as Print Shop Deluxe or Greeting Card Factory, you may not be aware there's a hidden treasure of special occasion wording ideas built right into all these programs. You can usually find it on the menu under "add". Then choose "sentiment" and it will open up a large list of suggestions to use in the card you're making. Well, you don't have to make a card or even know how to create one to take advantage of this feature. Just find the birthday category and scroll down the list until you find a quote or words you like. Then jot them down.

3. Help from your local card store. If you want a rich source of material for the speech you plan to give at the party, go to the professionals. Browse through birthday cards and take notes of phrases, jokes and plays on words. Keep them all in a little notebook. For example, you might find a card that says something like, "on your birthday, I'm wishing you something you've always given me: happiness, laughter and lots of love". That would make a touching toast or inscription to write in a greeting card. Of course, you can't use their wording for any commercial purposes. But you can borrow a line or two for personal use to help you express yourself to the celebrant.

4. Help from party supply stores. Check out the imprinted napkins and paper plates, especially in the milestone section. You'll find phrases like "aged to perfection" or "forty is 4 perfect 10's!" or "fantastic at 50". These would be great for the top of a birthday cake, on invitations and favors, or anywhere else you need a short saying.

5. Now make it personal. Find quotes you like, but then change them to make it your own wording. For example, say you found the quip, "I'm not old, I've just been young a very long time!" and you wanted to work it into a humorous toast. You could say, "You know Bob really isn't old. No, he's not. It's just that he's been young for a very, very, very, very long time! In fact, he won't admit to turning 50. He says that he's $49.95 plus tax". Combine quotations, jokes, phrases, and then put your own spin on them. Change the words to suit the celebrant and use language that reflects the way you naturally speak.

You don't have to struggle to find perfect wording ideas for that special person's birthday party. There are plenty of resources that are available and easy to use. Collect the quotes, draw inspiration from cards, and change them to reflect your own style. Then use those words to express a very happy birthday to the guest of honor.

You can find great birthday quotes, how to say happy birthday in other languages, birthday trivia, party recipes, free printables and more at Linda Kling's website www.photo-party-favors, as well as order personalized Year You Were Born photo birthday favors, featuring your photo and fun facts from the year of your birth and unique photo birthday invitations.

Sabtu, 06 Januari 2018

Are Nitrates In Your Food Bad For You

Are Nitrates In Your Food Bad For You

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg7Detw6dCF1UTFCO6BiOMS2TfhpfX6OyODWo64A71Jui0ORc7H8rDOZlhp5zlv7OLvm0IThxqm3riEgAy215ddTkJNUmyWBjqtXv0qWrW9dHu_urM45af-bkoO5DKcUBrPUAQ3NyfWZc4/s1600/does+red+meat+cause+cancer.jpg


It seems like every week theres a new food issue people are concerned about. One minute experts are warning people about high fructose corn syrup, and the next theyre talking about the dangers of fat in food.

Recently more people have been worried about nitrates in food. Some people may think that concern over nitrates in food is relatively recent, but debates over its presence in consumables have been around since the 1970s.  

Before you can understand the recent nitrate controversy, you need to take a quick science lesson.  

The difference between nitrites and nitrates.

Some people use the words nitrites and nitrates interchangeably, but theyre both different compounds. 

Both nitrites and nitrates are naturally occurring inorganic compounds made up of nitrogen and oxygen. The key difference is that nitrates have three oxygen molecules, and nitrites only have two.  

Nitrates are so common that theyre naturally found in soil, water, and air. Theyre also incredibly versatile compounds.

Nitrates are used in a variety of foods.  They can be used for coloring food, and are widely used for preserving cured meats and dairy products.  

Theyre also used for industrial purposes. You can find nitrates in explosives, fertilizer, and even some kinds of glass enamels. 

It isnt very uncommon for certain compounds to be used for human consumption and industrial purposes.  But theres something about nitrates and nitrites that make them dangerous.

A volatile reaction

Nitrates dont pose much of a health risk to animals, its when theyre converted into nitrites that things change.

Nitrates are stable compounds, nitrites arent.  Once nitrates are converted into nitrites, it can turn into nitric oxide or nitrosamine. Both forms of nitrites have carcinogenic properties and are linked to a variety of other health problems.  

Nitrosamines only form in a specific environment, they must be near amino acids and in high heat.  Unfortunately, many popular cured meats are cooked under these conditions.

Since nitrates in food are such a controversial topic, some people may wonder how something that could be dangerous to humans is safely processed.

If you want to understand the rampant use of nitrates in food, you need to think about one of Americas most popular treats.  

Consider the hot dog

Like many nitrate-heavy foods, hot dogs are a quintessentially American food. Theyre very popular, simple to prepare, and inexpensive to manufacture and buy.  Youll find them at nearly every sporting event or BBQ, and cut up on nearly every childs plate.

Despite the hot dogs popularity, it is one of the worst foods you can put into your body.

If you want an example of an unhealthy level of nitrates in food, look no further than the hot dog.

Nitrates are an important part of the average hot dog.  Unlike some meats, its very difficult to process them without the use of nitrates.

Theres nothing wrong with the hot dogs themselves.  After all, its just meat and bread.  

The real problem is the way that theyre processed with nitrates.

Nitrates allow the hot dog meat to keep its pink color and prevent it from spoiling too fast. Without nitrates, it wouldnt be possible to process and ship them the way our society does.

Nitrates in food is the new normal

Nitrates have become an essential part of the preservation process, and effect most meats they way they do hot dogs. Nitrates are also incredibly cheap. Using them is the easiest way to keep up with meat demand in the country.  

Almost every kind of meat you eat, regardless of if its cured, has been treated with nitrates.  If nitrates were only in one kind of food it would be simple, but theyre in nearly everything.

High levels of nitrates can be found in popular fruits and vegetables.  Naturally occurring nitrates in vegetables arent cause for concern, but synthetic nitrates are.  

Nitrates are popular additives in fertilizers. Fruits and vegetables that are grown in nitrate-heavy soil can easily pick up excess compounds.  

Nitrates are so present in food that some companies rely on using other additives to counteract their harmful effects.

Many people dont know this, but hot dogs are processed with vitamin C (although most companies will list it as ascorbic acid on their labels) as a way to counteract the powerful nitrates.

It may be comforting to some that companies try to mitigate the damage nitrate loaded food can cause.  But others that are concerned about their health are going to want to cut as many nitrate-heavy foods out of their diet as possible.

If youre ready to change the way you eat and live a healthier life, make sure you follow these tips.

Cut down on meat

Meat has earned a very prominent place in the American diet and it has very staunch defenders.  Some people cant imagine cutting down on meat, but if theyre concerned about nitrates in food theyll have to learn how to live without it.

Theres no denying that there is a link between certain cancers and meat consumption.  

In 2015 22 scientists in 10 countries published a report that linked red and processed meat to cancer.  Many scientists believe that meats cancer causing properties come from the way its processed and preserved.  

That study may be worrisome, but nobody is saying that meat is inherently bad. Lean meat can be very high in protein, and red meat can give you essential B-vitamins.

The real problem is the amount of meat most people eat.

A report by the World Health Organization found that the average American will eat 270.7 pounds of meat every year. That means that some Americans are almost eating their weight in meat annually.

If you cant bear the thought of completely cutting meat out of your diet, you dont have to.  Meat doesnt have to be the entree, it doesnt even have to make an appearance on your plate.  

You can get all of the vitamins and minerals you need with fruits, vegetables, grain, and dairy.  

Read labels (carefully)

People that want to avoid nitrates in food should become avid label readers when theyre shopping.

Today most companies arent simply going to list nitrate as an ingredient. There are plenty of industry terms they can use to make products look more appealing to health-conscious consumers.

If you pick up something and see potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate on the label, set it back down.  

Also be sure to pay close attention to the nitrates position on the label. If its one of the first few ingredients, that food has more nitrate than you want to eat.

Eat organic 

Weve already talked about how some food manufacturers will label foods to downplay their amount of nitrite. 

If you want to play it very safe, you should consider only buying organic products. Organic foods cant be produced with synthetic nitrates and nitrites, which could significantly cut down on health risks from the compound.

Its also important to note that if youre concerned about nitrates in food that you should be weary of the natural label.

Natural foods are nothing more than an advertising ploy.  Many natural foods can be loaded with harmful chemicals and additives. USDA certified organic foods need to meet strict standards, and you wont find creative labels that downplay the presence of harmful ingredients. 

Load up on antioxidants 

Sometimes nitrates in food are unavoidable.  You may have to occasionally eat nitrates, but there is something you can do that can help fight against its harmful effects.

We mentioned before that antioxidants like vitamin C can help lessen the dangerous effects of broken down nitrates.  

Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants if you want to avoid the harmful effects of nitrates in food.  Antioxidants can help keep nitrates from breaking down into nitrides and other dangerous compounds.  Antioxidants also have a variety of other health benefits.

Go beyond food

If youre worried about how nitrates in food can affect your health, you should be concerned about them in other parts of your life.

We mentioned before that nitrates can be found in nature and in industrial products.  Since nitrates are popular preservatives, some cosmetics companies will use them in make-up, lotions, and skin care products.

Because of its wide use in fertilizers, nitrates are being found in a surprising amount of local water reservoirs.  The water you use to bathe and cook could be loaded with dangerous nitrates.

If you want to ensure that you arent bombarded with nitrates, take action. A water filter answers the question of how you can keep your water clean.  They can remove harmful nitrates and make it safe to drink and use.  

Read cosmetics labels carefully, and consider using organic products.

No doubt about it 

As far as most scientists are concerned the debate over nitrates is over.  Theres an undeniable link between nitrate-heavy foods and cancer, people that want to lead healthy lifestyles should avoid them as much as possible.

Nitrates arent the only dangerous additives in foods.  People are concerned about artificial colors, phosphates, and other chemical compounds.  

Tell us about what you do to avoid harmful additives and eat clean and stay healthy.

Healthy Weight Control With Resveratrol

Image source: https://www.healthsupplementsstore.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/e576c41da6e2.jpg Researchers have long said that different a...