Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Acne Treatment Using Apple Cider Vinegar and Aloe Vera

Acne Treatment Using Apple Cider Vinegar and Aloe Vera

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Acne Treatment Using Apple Cider Vinegar and Aloe Vera

Apples are full of vitamins and have been used for centuries to help tone the skin, and using apple cider vinegar can help to cleanse and tone the skin to get rid of acne.

Apple cider vinegar can be ingested or applied directly to the face to make your skin healthy and to clear up acne. Drinking apple cider vinegar puts alpha-hydroxy acids and A Vitamins into your body. These acids and Vitamin A will help circulate blood in your skin giving you a healthy glow and will also repair damaged tissues in the skin making blemishes less noticeable. Apple cider vinegar is also a great to detox your skin when ingested.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Acne Treatment

Apple cider vinegar is especially useful if you have dry and scaly skin. The alpha-hydroxy acids will reduce the scaly look by getting rid of fatty deposits in the skin, pushing skin cell growth and making your skin softer and more hydrated.

Apple cider vinegar will help to clean out your clogged pores, peel away the dead skin cells and promote healthy skin growth.

To make a skin toner mix 3 tablespoons of apple cider with 3 tablespoons green tea and one tablespoon witch hazel. Apply to your face before bedtime and let it dry overnight and rinse off in the morning. The apple cider vinegar toner will reduce the swelling of acne in as little as one night to three nights.

If you have sensitive skin make sure that you are not allergic to apple cider vinegar. Test it on your wrist for at least 15 minutes before applying to your face.

Aloe Vera Acne Treatment

For skin types that are dry and sensitive or if you wish to use a more natural approach aloe vera is a good way to help treat acne.

Aloe vera is very soothing to the skin and helps to rebuild skin cells that have been damaged. For scars, skin blemishes and swelling aloe vera is very effective. It even has astringent properties. But to treat acne aloe vera should be combined with other ingredients to treat your acne best.

How to Apply Aloe Vera for Acne Treatment?

Too many ingredients in acne products have harsh chemicals. If your skin is sensitive and needs gentler ingredients aloe vera is the best. You can find products that have aloe vera in them or you can make your own cleansers and facial masks.

One approach is to apply aloe vera gel directly onto your face. If you do this your skin will be softer, suppler and your skin will create new skin cells. Let your skin soak up the aloe for at least 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

To make a facial cleanser you need to add an antibacterial agent such as aspirin - salicylic acid - or lemon juice. The antibacterial agents with the aloe will help to clean out your pores and get rid of existing bacteria. You can add a scrub such as oatmeal to help clean your skin better and give your skin more nutrients.

Aloe vera wont get rid of existing acne by itself, but with other ingredients it will. Aloe vera works best at preventing acne and helps to keep your skin moisturized and promotes healthy skin.

Acne Recurring at the Same Spots - Causes and Remedies

Acne Recurring at the Same Spots - Causes and Remedies

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Acne Recurring at the Same Spots - Causes and Remedies

Nothing can be more annoying than getting pimples in the same exact spots. You struggle to get rid of one pimple, and then another one forms in that same area. In some instances you will notice that the pimple is not even fully healed before getting another one on top of it. This is actually something that occurs quite often, and can have more than one cause behind it.

Picking at pimples is the main cause of getting them in the same spots over and over again. Popping pimples can damage the follicle and produce inflammation in that exact skin pore. It is very important that you stop popping your pimples. If you feel that you need to get rid of a recurring pimple very fast, go to an experienced professional that can remove the comedone safely.

Hormonal acne can make pimples occur in the same area. It happens that your hormones can affect some of the follicles and skin glands, while leaving others intact. Hormonal acne is usually localized around the chin and jawline in women, and around the lower cheeks in men. Doctors are not sure why hormonal acne influences only certain areas of the face.
Balancing the hormones is the first step that you can take towards curing acne. Focusing on getting rid of pimples using only creams and other external treatments can only have temporary effects on acne.

Touching your skin can also lead to recurring acne in the same area. It is usually the chin and jawline areas that we tend to keep touching with our hands or with different materials. Try to avoid touching your face at all times. Also, avoid wearing scarves or anything that touches your neck and face. Bangs can also be the culprit for acne around the forehead and cheeks. Changing the pillowcase weekly can also help, as well as sleeping with your face on a clean towel.

Spot treatments can actually cause more acne to recur at the same spot. Although some treatments claim to cure acne overnight, they can actually push the bacteria deep inside the skin. This means that the root of the comedone is still inside the skin pore, and that the skin will eventually try to push it out. Applying all sorts of drying creams that close the pores can actually keep the comedone intact. Try to avoid products that block the pores or those that make the skin very dry. Use sulphur products instead or just apply clay masks that will draw out the pimple.

The main idea is to prevent any type of pimples from forming, either in the same or different spots. Healing the skin might appear to be a difficult process that involves lots of treatments and chemicals. Actually, the skin is able to heal itself if we just let it. Below are some tips for getting clear skin that is free of any pimples.

1. Avoid applying too many harsh chemicals to skin affected by acne. Although some chemicals dry out the pimples, they don't treat the actual cause of pimple formation. In addition, some products can damage the skin by producing rashes, dryness, and so on. People have also reported that some products, such as benzoyl peroxide, have caused worse acne scarring.
2. Analyse your diet and eliminate the foods that can cause acne. Research has finally shown that there is a link between diet and skin condition. A low glycemic load diet that is free of dairy has helped many people get rid of their acne condition.
3. Take Evening Primrose Oil for balancing the hormones. Also, some people have had some results while taking zinc or vitamin B5 supplements. However, synthetic supplements can be dangerous in some cases, so stop them immediately if you notice any adverse effects. Women can also drink liquorice tea or take Vitex fruit supplements, while men can try taking Saw palmetto supplements for balancing hormones.
4. Take probiotics and enzymes if you feel that your digestive system has been affected by antibiotics or other medication. Some people have been able to get clear skin only by taking enzyme supplements that have improved their digestive function.

There is no miracle cure for acne that will work for everyone, but there are guidelines that can really help you keep the acne under control.

A Healthy Ego. The Key to Mastering Life

A Healthy Ego. The Key to Mastering Life

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A Healthy Ego. The Key to Mastering Life

Understanding the role of the ego in how we live our lives is essential to understanding the mystery of life.

Usually when people describe themselves they are referring to the egoic self or the personality, the finite side of the whole package we call me. We speak about our likes, dislikes, what we do to fill up our days. We speak of others regarding the actions they take in their lives.

Anything that refers to an action or an outer expression is filtered through the ego. This is neither good nor bad; it is just a function of the human mind. Most of us have a habit of automatically judging the goodness or badness of a statement based on how much risk it perpetuates on our own ego. It is part of our safety process.

Until we have accumulated a good understanding of how the ego tarnishes our perception of the world, we cannot really begin to develop a strong mind management process that will allow us to escape from the trappings of the egoic mind.

In this article, I am going to do my best to explain to you the difference between living in the ego and living with your ego.

If you analyze any advertising material, you will quickly discover that it is speaking to your ego. It wants you to be beautiful, healthy, wealthy and pain free. The advertising needs you to give up your personal power and buy into their beliefs. Because so many of us feel less than absolutely wonderful, we buy into their marketing ploys allowing ourselves to feel better, much better.
But is the change in our feeling temporary or is it permanent?

We learned to feed our mind this way through our childhood development. We wanted to please Mom and Dad so that we got our fix of feeling good and loved. When we didnt do the required activity to get our dose of feeling good, we received something that caused us to feel lack. Since we dont like the feeling of going without, our mind devises methods for helping us feel satisfied (healthy or otherwise).

As we go through our lives, depending on how well we were fed with love, trust and confidence as a child, we constantly search for food for our egos so we can believe we feel good. Sometimes, in extreme cases, this establishes habits that are extremely destructive such as alcoholism, drug use, sexual inappropriateness and abuse and control over others.

When we live our lives in any of these manners, even if it is temporary, we are living in the ego.

Living in the ego is not a bad thing. It is limiting to the full life expression though. If we are so consumed with trying to feel good, we have little time for being or doing well. It is like the lion out on the African Savannahs who is constantly in search of the next morsel of food. There just is little or no time for living beyond need.

If we are going to find any true satisfaction in this life, we need to get past the trappings of the ego and learn to live with the ego in our true selves.
There is a huge difference between the two mental positions. We have already demonstrated some activities that are ego based, so what does it look like or feel like to live in truth?

There are two really important aspects of our mind. They are the personality (egoic mind) and the character (the true self or higher mind).

The personality is temporary. It lives in the moment and for the moment. Once its purpose is fulfilled, it moves onto another aspect of the personality to suit the needs of the next moment. One moment you are elated from the praise you received for doing something well, then the next moment you are angry because someone slighted you. That is personality.

The character is infinite. It is an aspect of the soul, the only permanent part of you. When you commit an act based on the need of the act rather than your own aggrandizement or glory, you are in character. This is not a case of self deprecation. It is a case of doing what is right for that situation.

As we mature in life, we feel the unrest and dissatisfaction of living in the ego. The highs and lows of constantly searching for food for our vanity wears thin, we crave for something more permanent and fulfilling. This is the higher mind calling, trying to bring you out of the cloud of ego. It is called a calling of purpose.

As we move more deeply into the Aquarian Age, the call for this transition is speaking louder. The Universe needs us to mature and move into a higher form of activity that is beyond survival mode. It requires moving into the higher self.
How do we make this transition?

When we strongly feel the desire to live life more deeply, we feel the unrest that sits in our egoic mind. As we become ready, we start using the energy of this feeling of unrest to empower us to embrace our higher journey. It helps us to maneuver past the fears and controls of the ego mind.

Just becoming aware of this feeling is all that is required to begin the transition. The next step is to become very aware of how we allow the ego to mold the goings-on in our lives.

Once we can see the ego at work, it is much easier to take a more conscious approach to life. We begin questioning the choices we have made in the past. We start consciously choosing different outcomes. Eventually this process causes the habitual outcomes to change just through conscious choice and repetition.

A second and very important matter in the process of transitioning from egoic living to healthy living is the acceptance of yourself and your capabilities. It sounds odd and even egoic to say this but we need to accept that we are good and great. The difference being that we accept ourselves internally rather than needing to have others validate us.

In western society, we have made it taboo to cheer ourselves on. We have made it acceptable only to chastise ourselves for our imperfections. How often do we see and hear people who have done really well who upon receiving compliments, minimize them by focusing on their imperfections.

In my book, Embracing The Blend, there is a story that Eva shares about her granddaughter. Myas dad was doing some work outside of their house. He had placed a piece of plywood over a short set of stairs. Mya, being two years old at the time, started walking up and down this ramp. As she reached the top each time, she cheered herself on for doing so well, and then she would run down the ramp so she could repeat her newly found skill. Mya was teaching herself that she was healthy and good. She was teaching herself to be open to learning because she appreciated herself and her new skill.

We all need to do this, no matter how old we are. We need to accept the fact that we are blessed with some wonderful skills and we need to cheer ourselves on when we apply them. When we do less than perfect, we need to accept that we did our best, give ourselves space to be human and know that we will learn how to do better by trying again. This is called loving ourselves! Being our own best friend.
When we are able to see ourselves in truth, without letting the ego run the show, we are in our true self, our character. The more often we can do this and recognize ourselves as we do, the more integrated we become with ourselves. As we learn to accept ourselves in our own unique expression of greatness, the power of the ego will settle down to its appropriate level.

It does not matter what other people think of us. If we can come to terms with ourselves, if we can learn to realize and accept when we are acting in ego and when we can love ourselves just for being the wonderful person we were created as, the we are on the path to having a healthy ego and a healthy life.

We do not need to eliminate the ego or constantly undermine the wealth we offer to the world in order to be acceptable to society and ourselves. In order to offer best value to all life, we need to be all we are. Living in full self with purpose is living with a healthy ego.

I urge you as you ponder your thoughts about this blog to take some time for introspection. What more can you do to express the amazing person you were born as? What more can you do to live a better, healthier and more fulfilling life? What do you need to do so that your ego can feel safe so it can let you have the freedom that is your birth right?

I look forward to hearing your comments and your stories.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

A Healthy Diet for Teenagers Is This An Exercise In Futility

A Healthy Diet for Teenagers Is This An Exercise In Futility

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A Healthy Diet for Teenagers Is This An Exercise In Futility

Really, a healthy diet for teenagers, how's that work?

I know, I know, you may be skeptical of how you could possibly pull off getting your teenagers to eat healthy. They're never home and they don't listen, right? Well, don't despair, you can do what you can do, make your best effort, and hope that it will have some impact on them. I'm sure it will.

So what's a parent to do with their teens to keep them eating healthy? Teenagers have a lot of growing to do and truly need an abundance of vitamins, minerals and other good stuff. My kids are still small, so they don't have all the choices that older kids do. Teens are exposed to so much junk, it can be a real challenge.

I think the greatest advice is to do your best to eat regularly with your teen. I do understand how difficult this could be for working parents and busy teens who may also be working. The value to eating together, though, is so much more than just providing a healthy diet for teenagers. Having a meal together is a great time to talk about their lives. And yes, even though I'm old now, I do recall that teens don't want to talk to their parents about much. But you gotta try to keep those lines of communication open, right?

In the March 2009 issue of Family Circle, a great article said, "Teens who eat regularly with their families have better diet and are more likely to get high grades and experience overall psychological well-being. They're also less likely to abuse substances and suffer from anorexia, bulimia or binge-eating." So it's so worth the effort to coordinate schedules.

A healthy diet for teenagers is similar to that of an adult or kid's healthy diet. It's just that it is so much MORE. When they get into those big-time growth spurts, it's amazing how many calories they can burn through. I can only imagine, as my kids are little, and I'm sometimes astounded at how much those little munchkins can put away. You want to make those calories count as much as possible, not just be empty waste like candy bars and soda. Keeping a good supply of healthy foods available at home is a great way for the whole family to eat better.

One specific concern is calcium intake. Calcium is a very important component in a healthy diet for teenagers. Getting enough calcium may not be that difficult but if your teen drinks much soda, they can be offsetting that calcium consumption. Soft drinks contain phosphorus which can cause calcium loss.

I'd recommend on-the-go items you can toss to them as they run out the door. Apples, of course, are perfect. Ziploc bags, while not great for the environment, are super for packaging a healthy snack. Nuts or dried fruits are excellent choices.

I think in the end providing a healthy diet for teenagers is much the same as for the rest of us. Making the effort is half the battle. Instilling good habits early will help. Do what you can. One other suggestion I really liked was to make one night their night to cook. Plan it ahead so you have the ingredients needed. When I moved out on my own, I really didn't know how to prepare my own meals. So there was about a year where I mostly ate Hardee's and cereal. Perhaps this could have been avoided had I been more involved in meals at home. Probably not, but it's worth a shot!

A Healthy Attitude Towards Sex

A Healthy Attitude Towards Sex

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A Healthy Attitude Towards Sex

Having a healthy attitude towards lovemaking makes all the difference to the experience.

You can be in exactly the same lovemaking position as someone else but ultimately its the mind that creates the experience. If the mind is saying: I wish this would finish, you may have some sort of resistance to pleasure from past conditioning or experience. If the past was all positive then how could the most sensitive part of the body, with the most nerve endings, not be giving you pleasure? Have you ever thought about that?

If however, your attitude is that to make love to reach high states of sexual pleasure
is healing, then the experience will be totally different. Our experience of lovemaking is affected by our attitudes. A man who has been conditioned to believe that his lovemaking is a spiritual encounter will have a totally different experience to a man who sees it as an opportunity to get another notch in his belt.

Anything that happens in our lovemaking is interpreted through our attitudes and beliefs first. From these we derive our experience. One way to alter our experience is to change our attitudes and beliefs. Some people watching a high Tantric experience might see it merely as two people having good sex. Well, whats the difference between Tantra and just having sex?

One of the key differences is where the mind is. Its the same in life. Ones experience of life depends on where the mind is. We are all living in the same world, but our experiences are determined by our perception. And so in lovemaking its not what we are doing that affects us; its the attitude with which we are doing it that makes the real difference to our experience. If we can adopt the attitude that our lovemaking is spiritual, then our lovemaking will indeed become a spiritual experience.

Author's Bio: 

For twenty five years Diane and Kerry have explored the great traditions of ecstatic sexuality, including Taoist sexology from ancient China, Tantra from ancient India, Shaman Indian sexuality from North America and sacred womens sexuality from ancient Babylon.

They combined these secrets and practices with the most recent research on sexuality from universities and sex therapists throughout the United States and read and studied extensively with numerous authors and teachers in this field.

Their background in the human potential area is extensive. They have lectured to more then 40,000 people and produced numerous CDs and video programs. They were featured in, and co produced the film Secrets of Sacred Sex a guide to love and intimacy.

A Guide to Properly Cleaning Your Air Rifle Scope

A Guide to Properly Cleaning Your Air Rifle Scope

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A Guide to Properly Cleaning Your Air Rifle Scope

Buying an air rifle scope may have been the best decision youve made when it comes to target practice. But keeping the scope clean is the second best decision youll make.

If the scope is dirty, you may find it hard to see through at twilight or dusk. You might also have trouble seeing in the midday if the lens has dust or dirt on it.

Its important to keep the scope clean at all times so you can easily see your target. This ensures an accurate shot.

Plus, the cleaner the scope, the longer it will last.

Lets discuss the three steps to cleaning your air rifle scope in great condition: brushing, wiping and deep cleaning.

Round One: Brushing

Use a soft-bristled brush to dust any dirt or particles that have adhered to the surface. You can use a brush designed for a camera.

The brush should be soft and completely free of oil. Oil can damage the surface of the scope and make it harder to keep clean.

Look for a brush that can retract into the case when not in use. A good brush that features a nice cap is also a great choice because it keeps the brush clean between uses.

If the brush gets wet, you should toss it out and get a replacement.

Another option is to use a pressurized can of air to clean the lens when the lens is dry.

Round Two: Wiping

Next, use a microfiber cloth to remove any fingerprints or smudges. The cloth must be soft and must not be made with or come into contact with any chemicals. These can damage the lens surface.

A microfiber cloth has tiny fibers that are much smaller than a humans strand of hair.

A normal cloth has fibers that form a circle and will just smear oil over the lens. Triangular strands give the lens a deep clean, so look for this kind of cloth.

This kind of cloth can prevent scratches from tiny particles scraping across the lens surface. The microfiber cloth picks up the particles so they dont scratch your lens.

Round Three: Deep Cleaning

For water stains that have dried on the lens or pollen, use an anti-fog cleaner. Place a few drops of the cleanser on a tissue and rub the lens, from inside to out.

Then use a clean, dry tissue to remove the excess liquid.

Repeat as needed.

Just remember, be gentle and dont press too hard. Save your energy for when youre out practicing.

Youll want to make sure the cleanser is not a quick-dry mixture so that it doesnt dry while youre trying to clean the scope. Dont use glass cleaner because it contains chemicals that can damage the lens.

Check the lens out briefly before you finish cleaning just to make sure the lens is spotless.

If theres still dirt, smudges or particles, give it another try until youre satisfied. It may take a little longer than what youre expecting, but the payoff in shot accuracy will make it worth your while.

More Tips

Never ever use a rag, a wet paper towel or your t-shirt to clean your scope. And dont clean it with a new toothbrush, either. Or a used one, for that matter.

Although it may seem harmless, using the wrong materials and products to clean your scope can do a poor job of cleaning it, at best.

At worst, it can leave scratches that affect the quality of your shot. Its like rubbing filthy sandpaper over the lens. You may have to replace your scope, depending on the extent of the damage.

You should also avoid using your finger to clear away debris. That can cause dirt to stick to the surface, and it might scratch the lens, as well.

Keeping Your Cleaning Kit Safe

When youre not cleaning your scope, be sure to store your cleaning kit somewhere clean and safe. You dont want your rag to collect dust that will end up on the scope.

If the microfiber cloth gets dirty, check whether you can throw it in the washer and dry it. Just dont use any bleach or fabric softener.

Cleaning Your Air Rifle

It is just as important to clean your rifle as it is to clean your scope.

A lot of people think you dont need to clean an air rifle, but cleaning it is the best way to keep it in tip-top shape. It also helps the rifle last longer.

When your rifle is dirty and you try to clean your scope, your scope inevitably will get grime and dirt on it in the process.

Its like what happens when jellied toast hits the floor. It always lands face down.

But think about it this way if your toast was free of jelly, it would always land face up.

Bring a cloth with you if its rainy out to dry your gun right after you shoot. You should dry your gun thoroughly with a paper towel as soon as you get home.

Use a Lens Cover

Using a lens cover can also help you keep the scope clean when its not in use. And be sure to keep the lens cover on the scope while cleaning your air rifle.

Check Out the Terminals

If your scope is battery-powered, check the terminals for any rust or smudges. If you find any, you can clean the terminals with a pencil eraser.

Change the batteries as often as needed.


Now that you know the basics of keeping your air rifle and scope clean, you are wise to put these suggestions into practice.

That will help your air rifle stay in good condition and last as long as possible.

Then you wont have to shell out more money to purchase another scope if your first one becomes scratched or ruined from poor cleaning habits.

If you dont have an air rifle and you want more tips on deciding which type to purchase, check out this article.

Or, to learn what to look for when purchasing a scope for an air rifle, always remember to check out the scope reviews!

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Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

A Diet for Epstein Barr Virus (Glandular Fever or Mononucleosis)

A Diet for Epstein Barr Virus (Glandular Fever or Mononucleosis)

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A Diet for Epstein Barr Virus (Glandular Fever or Mononucleosis)

Did you know that the function of your immune system is closely related to what you eat? The right diet will supercharge your immune system and get you over Epstein Barr fast.

In the initial acute stage of any infection or illness when symptoms like fever, sore throat, swollen glands, mucous production and malaise are common, it is best to eat lightly. Water fasting for a day or two under a doctor's supervision can help to speedily resolve any threat of infection, if undertaken at the first sign of symptoms. However it can be a little too harsh for the majority of Epstein Barr patients, especially if they are toxic.

The other option to water fasting is a liquid-only diet of vegetable juices, broths, soups, herb teas, lemon drinks and pure water. I prefer to use a liquid-only diet with my patients, as it provides the body with adequate nutrition whilst resting the gastrointestinal tract so energy can be diverted into healing the body. Liquids you could try might include miso soup, chicken broth, potassium broth and herb teas like fenugreek, ginger, boneset and coltsfoot.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices based around lots of green vegetables like celery, cucumber and spinach are very cleansing. You can add a small amount of carrot, parsnip or beet root to sweeten your juice, or add some ginger or garlic to give it a warming effect. I always recommend that you water down your juice (about 50:50) so it is not too strong.

When your appetite returns you should be on an immune-boosting diet to help you fully recover and keep further infections at bay. So what comprises an immune-boosting diet?

Firstly your immune-boosting diet should include some good quality protein foods with each meal. These foods are essential for cell health and repair and to form a healthy immune system. Protein rich foods include chicken, fish, lean red meat, cheese, eggs and whey powder. If you're vegetarian, go for alternatives like legumes, tofu and tempeh. Breaking up your protein intake into 3 meals, ensures that your blood sugar levels remain stable and you maintain good energy throughout the day.

Every meal should also contain an abundance of fresh vegetables or fruit. These foods should make up the bulk of your diet - about 80% is ideal. Fresh vegetables and fruit are very alkalising and will help cleanse toxins from your system. If you are having trouble eating lots of vegetables and fruit, then a freshly squeezed juice may be the easy answer. You can also make up healthy vegetable soups or broths which are easy to get down if you still get a sore throat or poor appetite. Adding some anti-inflammatory foods like ginger, turmeric, cayenne and fresh pineapple or pawpaw, will make your diet even more effective.

Make an effort to add some essential fats like those found in nuts, seeds, avocados and natural, cold-pressed oils into your diet. These will help boost your immunity and keep your cell membranes functioning well.

Most people need to reduce high carbohydrate foods like sugar, bread, cereals, biscuits, pasta and rice. These foods can trigger inflammation in your body, worsening inflammatory symptoms like a sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue and liver inflammation. High carbohydrate foods can also cause your blood sugar to fluctuate, leaving you tired, grumpy and craving sugar. Sugars are particularly bad as they have been shown to suppress your white blood cell activity. These are the very cells you rely on to hunt down and rid the Epstein Barr virus from your body.

It goes without saying that you need to eliminate the other foods which sap your healing process like coffee, tea, alcohol and processed foods. These foods are devoid of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fibre, offering empty calories and not much else.

Following an immune-boosting diet is essential to strengthen your healing potential and help you in treating Epstein Barr. Start today - your body will thank you for it!

A Diet Diet Plan That Actually Works

A Diet Diet Plan That Actually Works

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A Diet Diet Plan That Actually Works

If you are searching to get a weight loss program that actually works, you will want to step away through celebrity diets which can be all over the net these days. Needless to say, recognizing the pointless meals are less difficult declared carried out. The actual chicanery utilized by numerous people available are extremely advanced it is becoming very hard to create these aside from real fat loss program purveyors. This is a a valuable thing you have happened in the following paragraphs within your pursuit to locate a diet program that actually works. The following, you will see tips about how to notify whether or not an eating plan plan's genuine or otherwise not. By using the recommendation present in this informative article, you'll never once again end up being misled simply by smart advertising techniques as well as fancy come-ons.

If it's as well excellent really was, it most likely will be. The primary items that you need to be aware of while searching for a diet program have ended guarantees Whenever a plan claims that it may enable you to shed Ten pounds per week, you ought not obtain thrilled from it. As an alternative, your own inner caution indicators must start in order to appear away from. Unfortunately, so many people are ready to feel something simply for an opportunity to unfastened pounds. Take into account that several professionals feel that the actual wholesome weight reduction minute rates are close to A couple of to weight inside a 30 days. Therefore anything at all over and above that's bad currently.

Whether it requires miss meals, steer clear of that. Absolutely no practical weight loss program occasion to desire which you by pass dinner or even quickly for some time of energy. Missing foods has been confirmed by many people puts because damaging to be able to weight reduction initiatives. Certainly, you'll unfastened pounds in the event you rob your self of the quite a bit regarding calories from fat through lacking dinner or perhaps a couple of. However the impact is nearly usually momentary. Individuals who have implemented this type of rapid loss of weight strategy end up recovering the load they have misplaced right away. Rather than celebrity diets, select much more environmentally friendly approaches to unfastened pounds.

This diet program ought to stress wholesome ingesting. The purpose of a great fat loss program is definitely the particular accomplishment associated with the best possible well being. Whatever else will be extra. If your diet program focuses on the particular good results of the ideal physique more than a healthy body then its not just a really seem strategy. The method that you will love the good-looking entire body if you're harmful and also fragile? A solid diet program usually consists of the alteration associated with types eating habits to support much more more healthy things for example greens as well as whole wheat grains feed. Be suspicious associated with ideas in which inquire supporters to quit some types of meals. Starvation seldom functions and will also cause you to more overweight. Smart and also healthful consuming happens to be the primary characteristic of the great weight loss diet regime.

Following the information previously mentioned, you can be certain to locate a great weight reduction strategy that you could adhere to as well as take advantage of. Steer clear of speedy repairs and also stay with confirmed types of slimming down.

A Couple Of Bad Eating Habits You Should Know About

A Couple Of Bad Eating Habits You Should Know About

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A Couple Of Bad Eating Habits You Should Know About

People are obsessed with dieting and weight loss! Don't believe me? Just tune-in to any source of're instantly bombarded with the latest diet schemes and "Hollywood" food fads. Here in America, we have built a thriving industry trying to control our weight and treat the consequences of over-indulgence. The cost of weight loss and obesity related health care treatments is staggering... Americans alone spend around $114 billion every year! And even with all this interest in losing weight, we continue to pack on the pounds like never before...

- A whopping 64 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese...up about eight percent from earlier estimates.

- Among children and teens ages 6-19, 15 percent or almost nine million are overweight...triple the rate in 1980!

- Nearly one-third of all adults are now classified as obese.

For Americans, modern life may be getting TOO easy. Our cushy lifestyle means we expend less energy and consequently need fewer calories to sustain our normal body weight.

Think about it for a moment...

Entertainment no longer requires energy expenditure. In fact, it's usually quite the opposite. We now entertain ourselves in the comfort of our own home while watching TV and munching on our favorite snack. Whether it's television, computers, remote controls, or automobiles, we are moving less and burning fewer calories. Common activities that were once a part of our normal routine have disappeared...activities like climbing stairs, pushing a lawn mower or walking to get somewhere.

And please do not misunderstand me...I appreciate comfortable living just as much as the next person. But, here is the problem...

With all of our modern day conveniences and "cushy" style of living we have not adjusted our caloric intake to compensate for our decreased caloric expenditure. We consume more calorie rich and nutrient deficient foods than ever before. Consider a few of the following examples comparing what we eat "today" vs the 1970's (U.S. Department of Agriculture survey):

- We are currently eating more grain products, but almost all of them are refined grains (white bread, etc.). Grain consumption has jumped 45 percent since the 1970's, from 138 pounds of grains per person per year to 200 pounds! Only 2 percent of the wheat flour is consumed as whole wheat.

- Our consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased, but only because French fries and potato chips are included as vegetables. Potato products account for almost a third of our "produce" choices.

- We're drinking less milk, but we've more than doubled our cheese intake. Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source of saturated fat in our diets.

- We've cut back on red meat, but have more than made up for the loss by increasing our intake of chicken (battered and fried), so that overall, we're eating 13 pounds more meat today than we did back in the 1970's.

- We're drinking three times more carbonated soft drinks than milk, compared to the 1970's, when milk consumption was twice that of pop.

- We use 25 percent less butter, but pour twice as much vegetable oil on our food and salads, so our total added fat intake has increased 32 percent.

- Sugar consumption has been another cause of our expanding waistlines. Sugar intake is simply off the charts. People are consuming roughly twice the amount of sugar they need each day, about 20 teaspoons on a 2000 calorie/day diet. The added sugar is found mostly in junk foods, such as pop, cake, and cookies. In 1978, the government found that sugars constituted only 11 percent of the average person's calories. Now, this number has ballooned to 16 percent for the average American adult and as much as 20 percent for American teenagers!

Unfortunately, it would seem that the days of wholesome and nutritious family dinners are being replaced by fast food and eating on-the-run. We have gradually come to accept that it's "OK" to sacrifice healthy foods for the sake of convenience and that larger serving portions equate to better value.

It's time recognize that we are consuming too many calories and time to start doing something about it! Each of us can decide TODAY that healthy eating and exercise habits WILL become a normal part of our life!

We can begin by exploring our values, thoughts and habits... slowly and deliberately weed-out the unhealthy habits and activities and start living a more productive and rewarding life. And remember, it has taken a long time to develop bad habits, so be patient as you work toward your goal!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

16 Secret Benefits of Vinegar

16 Secret Benefits of Vinegar

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16 Secret Benefits of Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural product that is used all over the world, both in cooking and for therapeutic purposes. In recent decades, vinegar has become even more popular, because it has been scientifically proven that it can provide many benefits to the body. This product is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, pectin and other nutrients that make it an excellent ally for health and well-being. Vinegar is an old folk remedy that is used to help with all kinds of health problems. The most popular vinegar in the society of natural health is vinegar. They say they have all kinds of useful effects, some of which have been confirmed by science. Here we point out few health benefits of vinegar that have been approved by scientific research:

1. Vinegar is an alkaline product that helps to control the pH level in order to provide relief from heartburn. However, for people who suffer from chronic heartburn or peptic ulcer, it can prove to be too strong due to its acidity.

2. Apple and acetic acid, available in vinegar, can be very useful for intestinal flora. Acetic acid is a strong antimicrobial and can kill some kinds of bacteria. This product acts as an antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial agent that can eliminate intestinal bacteria and prevent infections, such as Candida fungus, which often attacks the intestines. Traditionally used for cleaning and disinfection, treatment of fungus nails, lice, warts and ear infection

3. This natural ingredient can be one of the best allies in order to lose weight since it facilitates the burning of fat. Vinegar contains a lot of acetic acids. It stifles the hunger and diminishes the liquid maintenance in the body. It is additionally demonstrated that vinegar helps to get smarter.

4. The effect of vinegar on the level of sugar in the blood is huge. Vinegar violates the digestion of starch and carbohydrates and slows the absorption of sugar into the blood. At the same time, normalization of blood glucose level is observed. Several scientific studies have revealed that any vinegar will help reduce blood sugar. Vinegar can be beneficial for people with diabetes, pre-diabetes or those who want to keep their sugar levels normal.

5. The tonicity of vinegar will help narrow the pores and remove stains.

6. Various studies have found that consuming natural vinegar can lower the level of high blood pressure. This favorable quality is because of the way that vinegar builds the measure of nitric oxide, which thus unwinds the veins.

7. Vinegar contains enzymes, minerals, and vitamins, which contribute to the cleansing and detoxification of the body in a natural way.

8. It is the best remedy for dandruff if your itching itch and dandruff leave you with unsightly white flakes on your hair and shoulders, vinegar can come to rescue.

9. Vinegar acts as a natural mouthwash help fight bad breath and kills the bacteria that multiply there. This product contains antibacterial properties that can eliminate and neutralize an unpleasant odor.

10. Vinegar helps to control the pH of the skin and therefore is useful in dealing with a problem such as an acne.

11. The antioxidant properties of vinegar slow down aging. This is due to maintaining the stability of the acid-base balance in the body. This is because it can communicate with toxins that have accumulated in your body, and help them to remove them. Because toxins accumulate in your body, its ability to function at best also decreases.

12. Vinegar helps the absorption of calcium, an important mineral for the prevention of osteoporosis.

13. Psoriasis plaque causes the appearance of red raised spots and silvery skin in the affected. Apart from the knees, elbows and lower back, this can also leave you with the scalp, which is itchy and painful. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, the use of vinegar as a rinse on the scalp can alleviate symptoms such as itching and related pain or discomfort. It can also soothe the irritated scalp.

14. The acetic acid in vinegar kills bacteria on your skin, which decomposes sweat and creates a body odor, therefore, it acts as a natural deodorant for the body.

15. Potassium and acetic acid from vinegar will help ease overload to eliminate sinus disturbances.

16. Vinegar will help restore the acid balance in the stomach (the main cause of hiccups). Rinse your throat with a diluted solution to eliminate hiccoughs.

12 Highly Effective Treatments for Thinning Hair

12 Highly Effective Treatments for Thinning Hair

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12 Highly Effective Treatments for Thinning Hair

Hair thinning is a precursor to hair falling. Hair thinning may be because of multiple reasons including physical, mental or medical issues related to ones health. It is curable and thin hair may be transformed to denser hair with little effort and care. Following are some of the remedies to hair thinning from which you can obtain thicker hair.

1. Massage: The best method is to massage your hair. This method increases blood flow in scalp because of which proper nutrition reach hair roots hence increase thicker hair. The use of oil is always recommended with massage because the nutrition content in the oil may also reach follicles. The favorable oils are almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, castor oil, rosemary oil and canola oil. Massage with firm hands.

2. Meal: The meal should be appropriate to avoid hair loss. What we eat has an impact on our health. The meal should include proteins, iron and zinc minerals as they facilitate hair growth. Use of fish, lean meat, green vegetables pulses and nuts should be increased so that body requirement for hair favoring ingredients is fulfilled.

3. Medicines: Due to increased concerns of individuals regarding their hair pharmaceutical companies have developed certain drugs which are available in the market to stop hair falling. They actually provide nourishment to hair and make them strong. Minoxidil is the name of medicine which is supported by extensive usage of individuals affected by balding.

4. Control over styling: The research has shown that in order to have best and unique hair style extreme measures are incorporated on hair which includes ironing, straightening, application of dyes and colors etc. such things should be avoided as they induce hair thinning.

5. Blood contents: Regular check up of blood is necessary. Lower levels of vitamin D causes the hair fall. Along with vitamin D lower levels of iron and zinc in the body also leads to hair thinning. Therefore screening of blood is important.

6. Manage your stress: Physical health of individual directly relates to the development of beautifying features. The skin glow, hair health all depends on lower anxiety and mental fatigue. One has to be cautious about daily routines, develop some stress relief activity for denser hair.

7. Laser: Today there are some gadgets which are equipped with medical grade lasers. These devices are conducive for thick hair growth. The lasers act on follicles and improve the swollen follicles so that full nutrition may reach the hair roots.

8. Hormonal imbalance: In the body, there are many hormones which perform several important functions in the body. Some of the hormones hinder hair growth. In order to avoid such activity, cortisone is injected into the scalp to induce thicker hair development.

9. Chinese acupuncture technique: There is much development in the medical field. Chinese method of medication acupuncture also has developed a technique to counter hair fall. So this is also an option for getting denser hair.

10. Dermatologists: Before jumping onto some medication based on your own intuition its better to consult some professional in this regard. The dermatologist will look for the exact cause of hair fall. May be the reason for which you decide to use medication does not even exist.  So dermatologists should be consulted for identification the actual cause of balding.  

11. Plastic surgery: There are many beautifying techniques adopted by people to look better and unique. Plastic surgery not just is restricted to skin related issues. Hair transplant is also the type of surgical method of revitalizing hair development. One should be watchful when you decide to go for a surgical method to obtain thicker hair.

12. Exercise: Daily exercise is highly recommended for good health. It keeps you young and healthy. Not just the hair but rest of the body also enjoys being fit. Exercise induces better blood flow, therefore, nutrition will reach all follicles. The quality of blood is also improved due to the intake of fresh oxygen this, in turn, can be seen in hair as nourished, shiny and dense hair.

10 Work-Life Balance 5 Tips On How To Be An Excellent Single Parenting All-Rounder!

10 Work-Life Balance

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10 Work-Life Balance  5 Tips On How To Be An Excellent Single Parenting All-Rounder!

1. Know What You Want
The first step towards getting what you want, is knowing what you want. I decided very early on that my business was going to support my time with my daughter and not suck away these valuable years with me at work while she was with carers.

Even in my salaried job (when my daughter was a baby) I was very strict about working 9 - 5pm and not a minute later. It took a bit of time to un-learn my old work-late habits and for my boss and colleagues to adjust their expectations about what and when I was able to deliver as part of my remit.

When you can get clear in your head about what's going to work for you and believe it genuinely, then that sincerity will come across in your negotiations and you're going to get the best results. Get clear about the benefits of why you want a great work-life balance and get clear of the benefits for the other people who will influence the outcome.

2. Prioritise Family Time
It's easy to let minutes turn into hours and hours turn into chunks of time that keep you away from home until way passed the children's bed times. It's a slippery slope. Practice raising your productivity during the day - don't stop to chat, don't facebook' or youtube', don't mess around with your personal emails. Work at work. Leave on time. Get home promptly. Children thrive on routine and will thank you (when they're 50!) for being there for them on a regular basis. Remember, work-life balance includes a bit of everything; earning, playing, bonding, studying, health, fitness, dreaming, growing and sleeping!

3. Allow An Hour For Home Management Each Evening
When my daughter's gone to bed it's my time to check that the laundry's up-to-date, there's food prepared for the next day, the kitchen's cleaned up, the bathroom's tidy and any school correspondence, play dates or diary-planning is done.

Now this doesn't take an hour every day, but I allow that time to make sure that I'm on top of my home life. If I can allocate specific time like this it means that my personal life can be kept separate to my work life, which means I can get home on time and be totally focused on my daughter from 6-8pm every day.

4. Ask For Support
If you're working part time or full time, managing a home and caring for and encouraging your children single handedly, I already know that you deserve a sainthood!!

Remember that to balance these things well over time is an art. It takes a clear head, it takes good health and it takes lots of energy and drive. Ask for help when you need it - if it's a babysitter so you can have a night out, a friend to come over and cook one night a week, a family member to drive one of the kids to karate, or a colleague to take on some extra projects at work to keep you from tipping into overwhelm - whatever it is, ask, ask, ask!

Asking for support is not a failing, it's the practical application of wisdom. Your children rely on you to be at your best. True saints practice humility!

5. Be Open With Your Children
It takes a lot to learn the balance of sharing with and shielding from our children. Age-appropriate conversations, when you need to have them can be a life saver. I remember discussing with my then 2-year old that it was really hard for me to be getting up in the middle of the night when she called. If you're scared then call. If you just want someone to be here to lie with you, don't call. When you have 2 more sleeps in the day time, mummy is working very hard to get everything done so that I can get home for us to have fun before bath time, story time and bedtime'. It worked.

What also worked at 5-years old was the conversation about the consequences of me not going to work. We talked through that the knock-on effects of this would be no money coming into our household, the possibility of changing homes, how we eat and what we wear, stopping holidays, and maybe even changing some of our friendships.

These conversations aren't about laying huge burdens on our children. They are about asking them gradually and bit-by-bit to share a greater amount of responsibility for contributing to the smooth running of the household. Review the distribution of responsibility regularly as your children get older. This is not just about your work-life balance. It's about your children's too. And they'll thank you for it in the end!

Jennifer Broadley is a qualified executive coach and the founder of SuccessfulSingleParenting. For more information and a FR*EE Special Report " The 5 Secrets for Successful Single Parenting" visit:

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

10 Ways Fitbit Helps You Achieve Your Workout Results

10 Ways Fitbit Helps You Achieve Your Workout Results

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10 Ways Fitbit Helps You Achieve Your Workout Results

Theres no denying the growing trend of Fitbit users over the past few years.

What used to be dismissed as a high-tech toy is now valued for its game-changing qualities. However, fitbits wont magically make someone healthy if they dont change bad dieting habits or break enough sweat.

What a Fitbit can do is completely change the way we think about fitness and give a clearer picture of it. Fitbit helps you achieve your workout results by acting as a consistent and reliable coach. It increases your tolerance for exercise, removing that barrier for taking on more strenuous challenges.

With Fitbit looking to become even more than an exercise tool, we want to take a look at ten key benefits wearing one can provide for your workouts.

1. Positive Feedback Loop

After you hit your first step goal and get that buzz of victory, its hard not to be proud of yourself. Each time you hit your goals, it fuels more motivation. No one can take these wins away from you when it comes to personal fitness.

This positive, habit-forming behavior is a big part of how Fitbit helps you achieve your workout results.

2. Sleep Monitoring

If youre not getting a quality nights rest, then youre going to feel it. Your energy will be sapped, your personal achievements will be stagnant, and any fitness goals will come up short. The great thing about the Fitbit is that you can use it to track your sleep patterns.

By knowing just how many hours of full R.E.M. rest, you can make the necessary adjustments needed to improve your workout results.

3. Behavioral Changes

Everything that a Fitbit tracks translates into information that can be used to change the way you look at fitness. This includes both sleep patterns and eating habits. Being healthy is a lifestyle, not a status.

You have to think fit to become fit, which is what these simple gadgets effectively do by changing your behavioral patterns.

4. Competition with Yourself and Others

Another benefit that is often overlooked as to how Fitbit helps you achieve your workout results lies in the competitive scene. For those who used to play sports or likes a little friendly contest every now and then, the Fitbit is perfect. Its basically a scorekeeper on your wrist.

Go toe-to-toe with your steps or completion times, its fun to compete at any level of fitness.

5. Rewarding Good Diets

Having quick access to calorie, fat, carbohydrate, sodium, and sugar totals makes for a much better dietary plan. Keeping track of all of these things with your Fitbit helps you achieve your workout results better by not letting you forget.

This might sound easy, to just stick to set limits on the things you eat, but how quick are we to eat things we forget are bad? A simple bagel with cream cheese can drastically alter a diet plan, but with a Fitbit, you can reward yourself with one without impacting our daily/weekly totals.

6. Being in Control of Yourself

What we mean by this is never wasting time or effort in life whether youre working out for a set time, a set goal, or sleeping at a specific time.

Cant work out because you have low energy? Make some coffee, but dont skip out.

Cant sleep because youre wide awake? Do a boring task or listen to melodic sleep aids.

Whatever the case may be, with a Fitbit, you are given clear goals and it is up to you to meet them however you can. No excuses.

7. The Most Accurate Journal Log

Tracking progress is a very important aspect in fitness. Things can start to get fuzzy or discouraging if youre just guesstimating your numbers or schedule. It is much easier to compromise on things if you convince yourself that youre doing better than you are in reality.

The Fitbit automatically knows your workout needs, charts your progress, and shows you what you need to do to continue making gains. Smart.

8. A Sense of Community and Support

The Fitbit community is huge and growing every year. Youll not only find plenty of wearers at your local gym to befriend and compare notes, youll find even more help online. Fitbit forums and blogs share valuable information, like how to fix a Fitbit charge not charging or select recipes or techniques to try out.

Your thorough Fitbit data comes in handy when in the hands of experts and nutritionists who can give you professional advice for free. You cant get that from any of the million cheap pedometers out there.

9. Fine-tune Workouts

What many non-adopters miss about the Fitbit is the fact that everything can be custom-tailored on the fly. If one program isnt working for you, it can be adjusted to better match your skills or fitness level.

You can squeeze more out of your workout sessions by monitoring your heart rate, calorie burn, and more. Post-workout you can do even more fine-tuning to increase gains by reading your charts.

10. Comprehensive App Support

There are a number of fitness apps out there for your smartphone, each offering their own set of pros and cons. The Fitbit app that comes with your device is pretty much an all-in-one powerhouse. You can read all your vitals in detail, water intake, diet, sleep patterns, and workout routine with ease.

You can control your entire diet and lifestyle outlook from just one place and on any smartphone or mobile device.

Fitbit Helps You Achieve Your Workout Results

Were truly living in a digital health renaissance right now, with tons of gadgets and information at our disposal. If you are ever in the need of more health guides or tips in the future, be sure to regularly check our health section.

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10 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke

10 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke

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10 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke

Dont treat your heart disease as your fate. Although there are some risk factors (family history, sex, age) that we are not able to control, there are some risk factors (healthy lifestyle) that we can control. Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps to prevent most of the heart disease in future. Here are some tips for you to prevent disease

Take responsibility for your health

The best method for the prevention against heart disease and stroke is to understand the risks and treatment options. The greatest chance of getting heart disease is your ignorance or misinformation. Hence the first step is to take responsibility for your health.

Know your risks

The most affecting risk factor for heart disease is your age. How older you are, the chance of getting heart disease will be greater. The secondly affecting risk factor for heart disease is your genetic make-up. We all heard that if your parents, grandparents, or other relatives were afflicted with or died of heart disease, diabetes or stroke, your chance of getting heart will be much greater.

Don't smoke or use tobacco

Carbon monoxide present in cigarette smoke can replace some of the oxygen in your blood causing an increase in your blood pressure and heart rate. As a result your heart has to work harder to supply enough oxygen. Hence cigarette smoking and second-hand exposure to smoke increases the chance for getting of heart disease and stroke. Chemicals in tobacco can cause coronary artery disease. Hence using tobacco increases the chance for getting of heart disease.

Maintain a healthy blood pressure

High blood pressure is called as the silent killer. High blood pressure (hypertension) can cause wear and tear for lining of your blood vessels (narrowing of blood vessels) resulting coronary artery disease. Hence higher your blood pressure, the greater will be your chance of getting heart disease.

Monitor your cholesterol

Abnormal or high cholesterol (fats) is regarded as a major contributing factor to cardiovascular disease. There are different types of cholesterol, and the types are

LDL (bad cholesterol)
HDL (good cholesterol or healthy cholesterol)

 For healthy heart, you should lower your LDL cholesterol and should increase your HDL cholesterol. The quantity of cholesterol present in your blood is determined by three factors:

The amount of cholesterol produced by the liver (this factor is mostly genetic),
The amount of cholesterol absorbed from the intestinal tract (some from you eat, but a lot from cholesterol produced by the liver and excreted into the digestive tract)
Age your cholesterol increases with age.

To raise your healthy cholesterol, here are some tips for you

Ask for expert advice - your doctor can provide a plan for healthy eating and exercise.
Give your diet a makeover consume foods such as oatmeal, walnuts, tuna, salmon, sardines, and tofu. Avoid the foods that are rich in trans and saturated fats.
Stop smoking smoking will decrease your good cholesterol, so you should say bye to smoking
Get moving- do regular exercise (for about half an hour). Exercise can lower your triglyceride levels and also can raise your HDL cholesterol. Both of these are good for your heart.
Take your medications- Take your medicine to help lower your cholesterol directed by your doctor
Try supplements consuming high doses of fish oil or krill oil and fiber can lower your triglycerides and cholesterol. Soy protein supplements can lower LDL cholesterol. Take supplements only after asking your doctor.

Limit your calories

Obesity is caused by taking more calories than your body burns. Obesity cause cardiovascular disease. 

Make exercise a daily habit

The lack of exercise results in obesity. Exercise helps to burn calorie and also activates the genes that are beneficial to health in other ways. Along with these exercise is regarded as a treatment for depression and anxiety. However, exercise alone cant reduce your weight, so you have to modify your diet along with exercise.

Pick your pills wisely

People believe in alternative medicines because of the way they are marketed. The main problem with many alternative medications is that the patient thinks they are doing something to improve health, when in fact they are not. 

Reduce stress

Stress is regarded as a contributing cardiovascular disease. You can reduce your stress by

Regular exercise
Adequate sleep
Striving for a good marriage
Volunteering or attending religious services Watching TV or hearing music
Try to avoid situations or people who make you anxious or angry.

Stay informed: Science changes constantly

New techniques and new insights will develop constantly. But dont believe every piece of scientific information you find in the media or advertisements

10 Tips on How to Stay Emotionally Healthy

10 Tips on How to Stay Emotionally Healthy

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10 Tips on How to Stay Emotionally Healthy

Emotional health refers to your overall psychological wellbeing. People who are emotionally healthy handle stress well, deal with challenges as opportunities, have a positive self-image, and are able to sustain healthy relationships. Review the following tips on how to stay emotionally healthy.

1. Laugh often - Emotional benefits of laughter include feeling a sense of contentment and joy, shifting your perspective to a positive outlook, giving you more courage and hope, dissolving tense situations, and improving overall mood.

2. Do frequent feelings checks - Determine how you feel when you wake up in the morning. If the feeling is negative or undesirable, figure out what's causing it and take steps to resolve the unsettling situation. Reorient your emotions with affirmations and confidence to set a new tone for the day. Recognize any physiologic clues your body gives off as evidence of emotional stress.

3. Focus on the positive - Admit where you may be experiencing emotional entanglements, process them so they don't linger, and allow yourself to move on emotionally. Do not dwell on circumstances from the past or those you cannot control. Say positive affirmations and keep inspirational quotes handy. Remember that what you focus on is what you will attract in life, so put your energy toward that which you desire, not what you don't want.

4. Take care of your physical self - The mind/body connection refers to how your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. If you are physically healthy, your emotions will tend to be high. Bodily dis-ease or illness can create a slippery slope of negative emotions which self-perpetuate other physical problems, such as insomnia, upset stomach, and general aches and pains. Respect your body by exercising, eating nutritious foods, and getting proper rest.

5. Perform relaxation exercises - Dealing with emotional ups and downs can be exhaustive and confusing. Allow your body and mind to create a blank slate so that your intentions to heal the situation can come from a place of clarity, insight, and faith instead of fear or despair. Invest time and energy into practices such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, Reiki, sea salt baths, and massage.

6. Stay socially connected - Involving yourself in projects and activities with family, friends, or the general community is a strong aspect of wellness at any age. Pick an interest that you would like to learn more about, join a club focused on that particular hobby, and form connections with those involved. Social networking websites also offer an outlet for creating relationships based on similar interests.

7. Practice mindfulness - Mindfulness is the state of being fully aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions at any given wakeful moment. Living in the here and now is a powerful self-growth tool. You begin to learn that the feelings you experience are ever-changing, you discover underlying destructive patterns that you may not have noticed before, and you evolve by changing those fixed patterns into more dynamic approaches.

8. Channel your feelings productively - If you feel acutely angered or overwhelmed, instead of harboring negative emotions, release built-up tension through activities such as running, writing in a journal, or transforming stress into motivation to achieve your goals.

9. Avoid all or nothing thinking - Thinking in terms of black and white absolutes instead of shades of grey is a common element of depression. Words like disastrous, terrible, ruined, and never should be red flag signs that you may be thinking catastrophically. Situations may be unfortunate, but not a complete end-of-the-world disaster. Consider the point that even smart people don't always make the best choices. You can learn from your mistakes and consciously choose a healthier path next time.

10. Begin a personal development journey - If you are ready and willing to heal your life, realize that you are in the driver's seat. Think of ways to improve yourself, your relationships, and your overall life every day. Choose thoughts, feelings, and actions that are aligned with truth, love, and power.

Emotional health ties into physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Consider Dr. Ben Kim's answer to the question, "What is the most powerful step you can take to dramatically improve your health?": Learn how to effectively manage emotional stress.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational use only and is not intended to replace medical advice. Contact a physician if you have any questions or concerns about your physical, mental, or emotional health.

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

10 Tips for Improving Your Oral Hygiene

10 Tips for Improving Your Oral Hygiene

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10 Tips for Improving Your Oral Hygiene

Taking care of you and your familys teeth is high on your list of priorities. You know that your oral health is not only important for your mouth, but your whole body too.

You feel that you and your family do practice good oral hygiene habits, however there are few areas where youre possibly lacking. Your routine could use an update.

What do you need to do to improve your oral health? Here are 10 tips for improving your oral hygiene.

What is Good Oral Hygiene?

Good oral hygiene is taking care of your teeth and gums to prevent conditions and diseases not only in your mouth, but throughout your body. There is more to a good oral hygiene routine than just brushing your teeth twice a day.

The American Dental Association (ADA)lists their recommendation for a good oral hygiene routine as brushing your teeth at least twice a day using a soft bristled tooth brush and an ADA approved fluoride toothpaste.

They also suggest flossing between the teeth and rinsing with a dental mouthwash once a day.

Other good oral hygiene habits include eating a healthy diet and visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups.

Why is it Important to Have Good Oral Hygiene?

The health of your teeth and gums can affect more than just your mouth. Oral conditions and diseases can affect the way you eat, talk, and the health of your overall body.

A mild form of gum disease, called gingivitis, is one of the most common health issues found in the mouth. Gingivitis is caused by plaque on the teeth that arent removed from brushing. This can cause the area under the gums to become infected. The plaque left on your teeth can create toxins that cause your gums to become red, swollen, and often times, painful. They may also bleed when you brush or floss. At this point, your dentist should be able to treat and cure your gingivitis.

If gingivitis isnt taken care of, it can advance into a more serious gum condition called periodontal disease. This stage of gum disease can cause your teeth to become loose and potentially fall out.

Periodontal disease may also cause weakness and bone loss in the jaw bone under your damaged teeth. Plaque that isnt regularly removed can also cause tooth decay in the teeth or cavities.

Diseases in the Body Connected to Poor Oral Hygiene

According to Medical News Today, several studies have suggested that major diseases including Alzheimers, pancreatic cancer, and heart disease may be linked to gum disease. Scientists in the studies found a strong connection between inflamed gums and a possible higher risk for Alzheimers disease. The researchers also found having periodontitis posed an increased risk of getting pancreatic cancer.

The data collected through the research also showed a higher chance for heart disease in individuals with bleeding gums.

Other diseases in the body found to be associated with poor oral hygiene include diabetes, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and infertility.

Bad oral hygiene habits may also be connected to oral cancers. These are cancers of the lips, mouth, and tongue. Oral cancers are also found in the back of the mouth. This type of cancer includes the back of the tongue, back of the roof of the mouth, tonsils, and wall of the upper throat.

10 Oral Hygiene Tips

Here are the 10 recommended habits to include in your daily routine to prevent diseases associated with poor oral hygiene and gum disease-

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day using an ADA approved fluoride toothpaste.
2. Use a soft toothbrush.
3. Replace your toothbrush approximately every three months.
4. Dont forget to brush your tongue, or use a tongue scraper.
5. Floss between all your teeth at least once a day.
6. Rinse with a dental mouthwash at least once a day.
7. Eat healthy foods including fresh fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, and dairy.
8. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks.
9. Drink plenty of water.
10. Visit your dentist at least twice a year for regular check-ups and dental cleanings.

Professional Dental Visits for Improving Your Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene habits can not only keep your teeth and gums healthy, they may also help prevent major diseases in your body. A professional dental office, such as Signature Dental ( in Texas, can help you with your oral hygiene care. After a thorough dental examination and cleaning, our trained staff can give you the support you need on how you and your family can improve your oral hygiene.

10 Steps to Healthy Living

10 Steps to Healthy Living

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10 Steps to Healthy Living

Feeling lethargic? Maybe you are lacking in motivation to get out and be your best? There are a lot of things you can do to improve your mood, your health and your overall well being. Here are the top 10 steps to getting healthy this year!
10. Drink More Water Before Midday
First, drinking a litre of water before you eat lunch will reduce cravings for sugary foods. Second, water will help you regulate your body temperature. A well hydrated body is one of the best ways to improve your sleeping patterns, because you sleep cycle is closely related to body temperature.
9. Join a Sports/Activity Team
First you get a social benefit or meeting people who enjoy the same things you do. Second, you get the health benefit without it becoming a chore. If you make commitments to met people, you will feel encouraged to take part in activity.
8. Make Breakfast Priority One!
Breakfast is important for the following reasons; You can get almost half your daily fibre intake by having bran/oats or adding psyllium husk to your food. Don't eat sugary foods, take the chance to eat something that will fill you up for the full day by eating a complex mix of bran, oats and grains Healthy can mean fun, add yoghurt or fruit to your cereal to make it interesting.
7. Divide your plate into thirds
If you always try to fill your plate equally in thirds like this, you will never over fill on carbs. Also, notice, I never said cheese. Cheese and processed products are a quick way to get useless calories.
6. Reduce your portion size
The fastest way to lose weight is to reduce your portion size. A one hour run per week is the same as eating one less sugary treat per day. Reducing your portion size will also mean you can focus on smaller foods that are more nutritious.
5. Snack Right!
The best things to snack on are complex proteins, something with a little fat and no sugar. Or better yet, when you feel the need to snack, start with water first. The best snacks to have are almonds, low GI cereal bars or a small tub of low fat yoghurt.
4.Think About Supplements
Adding a multivitamin to your daily routine could be an easy way to increase nutrients you may not normally get. In Australia it is estimated that most people do not get enough iodine in their diet. People who are suddenly active and are feeling tired may need to supplement their diet with more Vitamin B or a fish oil supplement. These are all nutrients you would get from a range of supplements.
3. Change is exciting!
The best thing to do is, starting today, is change something about yourself that will freshen things up, get a new hair cut, change your clothing. Do something that puts you out of your comfort zone. Then, try to do something every week that puts you a little bit out on the edge!
2. Become conscious of your brain chemistry
Brain chemistry is the key to changing anything in your life, improving your health and generally increasing your fulfilment. A good way to maintain a good brain chemistry is to eat food that is rich in omega 3, such as oily fish or nuts. You can also take a evening primrose oil supplement
1. Build Healthy Relationships
The number one best way to build a health body, is to have friends around you who encourage healthy relationships. A healthy relationship is one that is built on trust and respect. It is one where everyone is encouraged to be healthy and you look out for each other.

10 Corporate Health and Wellness Program Ideas to Improve Your Workplace

10 Corporate Health and Wellness Program Ideas to Improve Your Workplace

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10 Corporate Health and Wellness Program Ideas to Improve Your Workplace

Having a healthy corporate culture can have a positive impact on your bottom line. A healthy workforce will take fewer sick days, come into work more energetic, and be overall happier on a daily basis. And corporate health programs have never been easier to implement.

It wont be hard to convince executives to fund simple programs to promote health and wellness. You may even find that they dont cost any extra money. A few tweaks to existing programs can increase engagement and have a positive health impact.

Try these 10 corporate health and wellness ideas to improve your workplace and see productivity skyrocket.

1. Make a List of Healthy Take Out Options

The average American worker spends $3000 a year on lunch and coffee on their workdays. Of all those lunches, most are fast food options that dont have your workforces health in mind.

Circulate a list of all of the healthiest options in a two-mile radius. Many states are requiring calorie counts on their menus. Make sure the menus that circulate in your workplace have them if possible.

Reminding people of what they are consuming is the first step to better health decisions.

2. Invite Healthy Vendors To Cafeteria

If you have on-site dining, take an assessment of whats being offered. Would you want the food served at work being served in schools?

Replace unhealthy, calorie-heavy fast food vendors with health-conscious vendors. Offer vegetarian and vegan options. Tell existing vendors that in order to stay, you want to see calorie counts and healthy options.

Think about ways to allow employees to purchase healthy food and even gifts during the holidays.

3. Give Out Wearable Devices

Wearable devices arent cheap but can have money saving benefits if they keep your employees healthy. Corporate health programs are taking the leap and giving out wearable devices to track steps and heart rates for their employees.

Sign up for a company that has software to track employee progress. Give out quarterly bonuses for most steps taken. Brainstorm contests in warmer months.

For your employees struggling with getting healthy, small incentives help. Reward them for maintaining a minimum number of steps or having a most improved step count.

4. Deliver Farm Shares to Work

Make your workplace a stop for Community Supported Agriculture and local farms. Let employees sign up and have farms deliver to the break room once a week.

This will take away some of the stress of shopping for groceries after work for your employees. It will also connect your company with the local economy while letting your employees make healthy decisions for their families.

5. Have a Farmers Market in the Parking Lot

What about opening your parking lot up once a month to vendors? It can be hard to work all week and get up at 6 am on Saturday to pick the best veggies.

If you coordinate with local vendors, more than likely, theyll be happy to arrange the rest. Have your grounds person mark off a section of the parking lot every second Friday, send out an email, and let your vendors take care of the rest.

It will build the workplace community while supporting healthy food decisions.

6. Healthy Recipe Potluck Competition

With all of those healthy options in their refrigerators, your corporate health culture will be blooming. Surely, people will be happy to show off what they can do with a handful of sage and some locally grown potatoes.

Invite your employees to participate in a blind potluck. Have them include ingredients and calorie counts. Colleagues can rate on most inventive, healthiest, and overall best tasting.

Your corporate health culture could benefit from some healthy competition.

7. Provide a Healthy Snack of the Month

Talk to local vendors and see whats new in the world of healthy snacks. Sponsor one snack every month and give every opportunity to try.

Get some feedback from workers and see what they like the most. Ask your vending machine operators to stock that snack and see how it does.

Of course, take note of allergies and alert employees of possible allergens.

8. Discounted Gym Memberships

You cant ensure that workers make healthy decisions once they leave for the day, but you can sure encourage them. Partnering with a gym or an exercise facility can help employees stay in shape.

Organize outings to the gym and sponsor a group training for those interested.

See if sports teams are available and sponsor a local team made up of your employees. Read more about discounts offered by local wellness networks like Proactive Broker Network.

9. Promote Biking To Work

Is there a bike rack installed outside of your office? If not, get one ASAP. If there is a bike sharing program in your city, get a station put outside of your office as well.

See if there are serious bike enthusiasts and offer to stock equipment if they want to be the unofficial point person. Stock tubes, tire repair kits, air pumps, lights and extra helmets.

Bikers tend to want to help other bikers, so see if they want to organize weekend group rides around the city or out to local outdoor sites.

10. Encourage Stairwell Use

Use your building to promote good health and those wearable programs. Put up signs that positively encourage stairwell use. Note the positive environmental impact and support group walks during lunch breaks

Have competitions for flights walked and offer healthy incentives. If you have dingy stairwells, brighten them up, keep them clean and your employees will be excited about taking them.

Make Corporate Health A Focus

Your corporate culture needs to reflect your interest in promoting positive health decisions. If you have a lot of workers sitting at desks, offer standing desks to workers interested. See if theres interest in installing a basketball hoop outside of your office.

Coworkers have helped people struggling with smoking, alcohol, and food addiction.

Small steps could turn your corporate environment into a healthy environment for your employees. Workers spend a third of their life with you. You could help people struggling with their health turn their whole life around.

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Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet

9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet

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9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet

Most of us are "regular" people. We don't eat the perfect diet
all the time and have our struggles with food, same as everyone
else. But having an awareness of this fact and knowing a little
bit about our health and food nutrition can help when it comes to
making wise decisions.

Many people struggle with food "cravings." Studies tell us that
it's fairly common for food cravings to happen at certain times,
quite often at around bedtime. Your guard may be down, you may
have had an unusually hard day, and off you go on your
not-so-merry way to find that tasty treat. Fatigue and stress
often combine to take their toll on the best of intentions.

When food cravings are unconstrained, what starts out as a
bedtime snack quickly turns into a full blown feeding
frenzy...not something most of us fully understand or appreciate.
We head to kitchen and every other place where food can hide,
clearing a path as we go.

Most food cravings are not about satisfying a nutritional need or

imbalance. They seem to be more emotionally related, or God
forbid, are caused by plain old gluttony. Exactly why we
over-indulge is not completely understood, however our knowledge
about this subject continues to grow.

Listed below are some thoughts and ideas about food cravings:

- If the food isn't available, you can't eat it! Empty the cookie
jar and keep it that way! Keep healthy food choices on-hand.

- Recognize the feelings and emotions that lead-up to a food
craving. Do you have food cravings when you're bored, lonely, or
stressed? If you can identify a trigger, you can deal with the
emotion that's making you desire a certain food. Try to deal with
the triggers in the best way you can.

- Sometimes, even recognizing that a craving is about to happen
doesn't seem to help. Don't beat yourself-up. There is always
tomorrow. Call a friend, make good use of your support network
and share your feelings with someone.

- Get enough sleep. When you're tired, you're more likely to

crave things.

- Never give-up. When you "slip", press-in, bear-down, get a
grip, do whatever is necessary to re-gain control. Try to
practice restraint most of the time, but don't get legalistic and
un-balanced in your weight loss approach. Think moderation and
not abstinence at all times!

- Understand that self-control and discipline by themselves,
won't cut it! If you depend totally on yourself for control, you
will fail. Forming caring and supportive relationships is
required. If you do not currently have a support network, start
building one TODAY.

- Exercise. It increases feel-good endorphins that cut down on
your cravings. Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical
activity every day.

- Use moderation. Instead of stuffing yourself with every kind of
food hoping that your craving will go away, eat 100 to 200
calories of your "craved" food.

- Substitute with low-fat foods and complex carbs. If you're
hungry for chocolate, eat non-fat chocolate yogurt. Try fig bars
or raisins for a sweet craving.

- Never skip a meal. Eat every three to five hours. Try six
smaller meals or regular meals with nutritious snacks.

- Understand that hunger craving are oftentimes stress related.
Practice other ways to treat chronic stress - a walk in the park,
spiritual connections, a cozy fireplace, baths...all these
stimulate neurochemicals that activate regions of the brain that
stimulate pleasure. Relaxation techniques may work by reducing
the psychological drives on stress output, which can be the root
causes of stress. Bottom line, substitute pleasurable experiences
for comfort foods.

- Beware of certain medications. They can stimulate appetite.
Drugs used for the treatment of depression and bipolar disorder
can be appetite stimulants. Other drugs, both prescription and
over the counter, may influence appetite as well. If you are on a
medication, and troubled by food cravings, discuss this with your
doctor or pharmacist. You may be able to find an alternative that
doesn't send your cravings out of control.

- Distract Yourself. What's that old expression...idle hands are
the devils workshop? Get busy. Do anything other than cave-in to
your desire for food, and keep doing it until the cravings

- One final thought, take a look inside your refrigerator and
kitchen cabinets and do some general "house cleaning." Throw-out
all that unhealthy stuff that is waiting to sabotage your diet,
and start shopping more wisely. A little forethought and careful
planning will go a long way for improving your chances of

Eat wisely, be happy, and live long!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

9 Tech-Savvy Tips for Safe Web Surfing

9 Tech-Savvy Tips for Safe Web Surfing

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9 Tech-Savvy Tips for Safe Web Surfing

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, was once quoted as saying that the Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. But if you were attending an event in your local town square would you leave your valuables unattended or your vehicle unlocked? You probably would not, and the same rules of security apply for your computer as well.

The Threat of Malicious URLs

Computer security is serious business, whether your computer is something you use for working at a large office or it is just your own personal laptop or familys desktop computer. Hackers often target those who are just browsing online, and according to the Kaspersky Bulletin Statistics for 2011, programs involving malicious URLs, or web addresses, accounted for more than 700 million attacks on computers.

The worst part about malicious URLs is that sometimes the website owner is not even aware that their website is infected! Thats because the hackers hide the offending text right on the site, and if the website owner isnt aware of how to fix it, then the problem could add up to an expensive repair.

Keeping Safe on the Big, Wide, World Wide Web

Just because viruses exist does not mean that you or your computer have to become victims. However it can be difficult to know which site is safe to visit and which might risk infecting your computer. Here are some tips for staying virus-free regardless of how much time you spend online surfing the web.

1. Use credible antivirus software. Going cheap on your antivirus program now can cost you a fortune should your computer become infected. That doesnt mean you cant find deals. Some sites offer discounts such as Norton coupon codes to help you stay under budget while protecting your computer.

2. Update your software frequently. If your software alerts you that an update is available, take advantage of it. That usually means there is new information to keep you safe from the ever growing number of viruses that are always being released online. Not updating your software is like saying you dont care about your computer being infected.

3. Only purchase legitimate software. Leave the pirating to those prone to saying Yo-ho-ho and whatnot. While it might be tempting to save a few dollars and download pirated versions of your favorite software programs, movies, and MP3s, this is not only putting your computer at risk but it is also illegal.

4. Update your web browser. Using an outdated web browser is a bad idea all the way around. As with antivirus software programs, web browsers are constantly developing new ways to improve security. As an added bonus, updates often help you browse the web faster and offer an improved interface.

5. Dont open every email. If you get an email from a source you dont know and trust, delete it especially if there are files attached. Opening executable files can start a new process within the computer that can wreck your entire system. Once the process starts, you will often be helpless to stop it.

6. Frequently clean your cache and cookies. This not only helps protect your privacy while you are surfing the web, but it also clears up space on your computer. Having less in your cache and less cookies helps your browser run more efficiently as well.

7. Use a customized password for your router. Leaving your WiFi connection open for others to use is like inviting hackers to take control of your network and infect every device connected to the internet through it. But using a password means that the only people who use your network are those who you have allowed access. Avoid using the default password of the router because it's very easy to hack. Create your own and change it regularly.

8. Shop Smart to Stay Safe Online: When shopping online, whether you are shopping for gifts from an e-commerce site or shopping for computer security and antivirus programs, only shop from merchants that you know and trust. This eliminates the risk that someone will steal your credit card or, even worse, steal your identity.

9. Never save sensitive information, such as your credit card information, social security number, or financial information in your computer. If your computer is stolen or infected with a virus, some hacker could have access to the information. The same goes for pictures or files. If you are not comfortable storing pictures and files in a cloud storage service, consider using some kind of an external hard drive.

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Image source: Researchers have long said that different a...