Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

7 Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies with Ayurveda

7 Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies with Ayurveda

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7 Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies with Ayurveda

Ayurvedic view for allergies is excess of Kapha dosha, or the earth and water elements. Earth and water are cold, heavy, dense, smooth and stable. Excess of these qualities result in sneezing, mucus, phlegm, congestion and post-nasal drip. Along with the excess of these qualities, there's also a slow digestive fire. Therefore ways to turn allergies around is to recover the digestive fire and use the potentials opposite to Kapha (warm, light, mobile, and clear) in the entire things you do diet, herbs and daily routine.

Allergy is a commonly occurring problem where our bodys immune system reacts to any foreign substance. But these foreign substances do not result in any harm to the body, if the immune system is healthy enough.

7 Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies :

1.Herbal Remedies

Mulethi(Glycyrrhiza glabra)

This herb sweet in taste, having property to boosts up the body's immune system and plays very important part in the management of asthma and various allergic reactions in body and thus making the body strong. It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties too. It is a natural way of treating respiratory complications like sneezing and congestion asthma, allergy, bronchitis and whooping cough.

Dalchini(Cinnnamomum zeylancia)

This herb is a natural remedy that provides relief in allergic conditions like sore throat, influenza, common cold and headache.

Anantmool (Tylphora asthmatica)

It retains Immunomodulator Properties which helps to improve the immunity and is also having antioxidant Properties, beneficial in removing toxins out from the body.

Shirish (Albezzia lebbock)

It is anti-inflammatory by nature. It is useful all kinds of cough, cold and chest congestions. In case of chronic congestion Nasya (nasal administration of shirish plant extracts) is also given.
These herbs are ingredients of Pranrakshak Churana
Other Herbs like turmeric, Tulsi and Amla etc.are also important for managing allergies.

2.Home Remedies:

To cure inflamed eyes, make use of mixture having lime, mallow and chamomile tea.
To get rid of throat irritation have quince, honey and lemon.
Irritation in eyes may be reduced by washing it through cold water.
Hot shower is beneficial to keep away the allergen.
Warm water gargling with salt helps to treat throat irritation.


Bhujangasana (the cobra pose) which is performed by expanding chest more than normal, aids to improve breathing.
Padhastasana (the foot hand pose) helps to improve concentration and can decongest the nose.
Padmasana (the lotus pose) is good to induce mental calmness and bring about physical health and mental equilibrium on permanent basis.
Surya Namaskar boosts the entire neuro-glandular and neuro-muscular system of the body.


Eat onion and garlic - both are high in quercetin and are an antioxidant. Other things are peppers, berries, and parsley all have quercetin
Regular intake of lukewarm lime water. This not only helps flush out toxins from the body but also acts as an excellent anti-allergic agent.
Consumption of Herbal Teas

Green tea have antihistamines. Drink daily 1 to 2 cups of green tea along with honey or sweeten chamomile tea with honey or Basil tea.

Fruits like Kiwi rich in vitamin C and can also cut down on histamines. Other Vitamin C foods, includes oranges and other citrus fruits.
Pineapple has an enzyme called bromelain which can reduce irritation in allergic diseases such as asthma.
Local Honey - small doses of the honey early in the season may develop a tolerance toward pollen.
Avoid dairy - Try to eliminate dairy foods from your diet which can thicken mucus and stimulate their production.


Limit your time outdoors. - Staying inside can help, especially on windy days and during the early morning hours, when pollen counts are highest.
Protect yourself as early start of season.
Do simple changes like shut all windows to keep out pollen.

6.Naturopathy for allergy cure

Hydrotherapy in the form of immersion Bath.


Intake of probiotics every day. - Probiotics are good bacteria providing strength to our immune system and keep the digestive tract in good working condition.
Cleanliness is the most important preventive method
Avoid the use of carpet as dust is scattered more.
Wear mask while cleaning.
Keep away yourself from pets.
Use exhaust fan.
Keep your Eatable in tight container.
Take care of your pet hygienically.
Avoid pollutants as airborne matter may trigger an allergic condition.
Use vacuum cleaner for dusting of carpets.

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