Kamis, 19 April 2018

Healthy Living 3 Lies You Tell Yourself That Keep You From Living The Healthy Life You Dream Of

Healthy Living 3 Lies You Tell Yourself That Keep You From Living The Healthy Life You Dream Of

Image source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTOZYd5W4AANn9M.jpg

We all live 2 lives, we have the life we actually live and the life we dream of living. Whats standing in your way are little lies or resistance. Resistance to change causes us to lie to ourselves all the time. Our mind considers these healthy lies and it makes us feel better about not being the person we dream of being.
Here are 3 "healthy" lies you must stop telling yourself for they are keeping you from the healthy life full of happiness you dream of.

Lie # 1: I cant live a healthy life because of my genetics

Think to yourself for a minuteis that really true?

Why do we give ourselves this free pass? We tell ourselves things like "well, my whole family is overweight", "well, my mother or father had cancer", "well, Im destined to be this way" This is our resistance talking and keeping you from the healthy life you deserve. Its a bunch of baloney. Did you know that by the time you reach 50, your lifestyle, including your diet, determines 80% of how you age! The remaining 20% is inherited through genetics.

Truth: Genetics do not determine your health or quality of life, it is your choices.

Lie #2: I cant live a healthy life because I have no control when it comes to food

Think to yourself for a minuteis this really true?

You absolutely have control over what you put into your body. Your inner resistance is making you believe this crazy thought. Be careful, sometimes you cannot trust what you think, because its simply not true.

Truth: You have a choice. I used to eat whatever I wanted and it was all food that did nothing to nourish my body. It took being diagnosed with an auto immune disorder that made me stop and think about what I was doing to myself. I made a choice to give my body the nutrients I need every day because of what I want out of life. I want to not just watch my children grow, but be actively involved. Show them how to run and get the winning goal, show them the view from the top of the mountain, dance at their weddings, and play vigorously with my future grandchildren.

Lie #3: I cant live a healthy life because its too late, the damage has been done

Think to yourself for a minuteis this really true?

Is it possible that after years of neglecting your body, that you could live the healthful life you were meant to live?

Its never too late! Our human body has the incredible ability to heal itself given the right nutrients. The dietary and lifestyle choices you make everyday help to shape the underlying causes of most diseases and illnesses.

You control your health destiny, you! Nobody else can. Its your personal responsibility to take care of yourself. Stop telling yourself these little health lies!

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