Jumat, 20 April 2018

Healthy Meals

Healthy Meals

Image source: https://greatist.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_main/public/Hello%20Fresh.jpg?itok=NAtPAxuB

ILS Health Store http://myghcstore.com/ils

To eat healthy seems to be taking more and more effort these days. Commercial farmers are short-range profit oriented in that they show little regard for the long term damage they are doing to the land, the produce and the people who ingest their produce. The techniques they use to grow crops on the worn-out land produce fruit and vegetables supplies that are largely toxic and have diminished nutritional value.

The commercial farmers are "improving" foods to enhance characteristics, like size, weather resistance, all to increase profit. The new, "improved" crops are greatly diminished in nutritional value from their natural, organic state. They are carriers of toxins and since they don't retain all of their organic nutritional value, when we eat them, our bodies have no use for them; they enter our bodies as toxins, as dead food.

Opposite to this is natural, organic, non-engineered food which is teaming with energy that our bodies can use. Commercially grown foods can't replicate the life force of natural food, and therefore lack an important nourishment aspect. Dead foods will never be able to give us what live foods can, no matter what the profit, no matter how big they are, and no matter how consistently they grow. Living verses dead foods, the difference matters and your good health depends on knowing it.

What are Live Foods? Organically grown, natural, not genetically modified foods are live. What our bodies need includes raw fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and seeds. These give your body energy to maintain and restore your health.

Your body get optimal benefit from organically grown, natural, raw, fruit and vegetables. Cooking everything kills everything. Eating fresh, raw, live produce aids in detoxifying the colon and the rest of the body, nourishing the live body. And a healthier body is a body less susceptible to disease.

What are Dead Foods? Processed foods that we find in stores are usually dead. Pasteurization process uses heat and yields dairy products lacking valuable live enzymes. This loss renders the dairy products not only useless but also toxic to your body.

Refined foods (those that are pre-cooked and processed) lack the life-sustaining nutrients and are loaded with chemicals. These chemicals are toxic and form a residue in the colon. Left in the colon long enough, these toxins will seep through the intestinal lining and back into the bloodstream where they can do all sorts of damage. Thank U.

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