Rabu, 25 April 2018

Healthy Weight Control With Resveratrol

Healthy Weight Control With Resveratrol

Image source: https://www.healthsupplementsstore.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/e576c41da6e2.jpg

Researchers have long said that different antioxidants work as switches for our bodies. The postulate that the Resveratrol acts as one of those triggers and tell people they've had enough food. People who take Resvertitrol for weight loss say they simply feel full before they've finished their plate.

Resveratrol is designed to promote antioxidant health by fighting against the effects of free radicals. It is one of natures most potent free radical scavengers and antioxidants. Resveratrol is involved in activating the human enzyme SIRT1, which is involved in regulating metabolism and healthy weight control.

There are so many good effects that resveratrol can have on humans. As of the latest, resveratrol has been discovered to have a strong potential in treating obesity and obesity-related maladies. Better effects can be seen in people of smaller size who are trying their best to burn body fat fast.

How much resveratrol do you need to lose weight is a brilliant question to ask especially if you have heard that drinking red wine can help to protect your heart. You may think that resveratrol and weight loss by drinking a few glasses is a good idea however there are a couple of problems with that. Firstly alcohol puts weight on you and secondly drinking too much is bad for your liver and poses a serious risk to your health.

Another thing that you might want to ask instead of how much Resveratrol do you need to lose weight is this. What has caused you to be overweight?

We may try to eat healthy by eating more raw foods, because they are higher in nutrients. But, due to common farming practices, our foods are not as nutritious as they once were. This is an important consideration when you are talking about Resveratrol and weight loss or asking how much Resveratrol do you need to lose weight.

The top two famous fat loss diets involve the acai berry and Resveratrol, both directly causes weight loss. As a colon cleanser, the Acai is an excellent bowel cleanser that purges unwanted toxins and waste materials.

Therefore, the best way to lose weight is to incorporate acai berries and Resveratrol in your daily food intake. As antioxidants, not only do they make you healthy by protecting your body from harmful effects of oxidation that causes degenerative diseases, but they also make you look your beautiful best. They endow you with health, fitness and beauty

Selasa, 24 April 2018

Healthy Way To Experience A House Cleaning Task

Healthy Way To Experience A House Cleaning Task

Image source: https://www.guamreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Extraordinary-Sample-Cover-Letter-For-Cleaning-Job-71-With-Additional-Cold-Call-Cover-Letter-Samples-with-Sample-Cover-Letter-For-Cleaning-Job.jpg

House cleaning is a task that is needed to every domestic for a fresh and hygienic atmosphere. But for the busy lifestyle people stay away from this important task. Once you leave your home unclean it will become the womb of bacteria and germs. An unclean home indulges mosquitoes, cockroaches, and other insects to live in your place. These insects are the carrier of different diseases like Dengue, Malaria, Cholera, Asthma, and many other diseases. If you have an infant or kids in your home it is more essential to keep the place clean for the health and hygiene purpose. And if you think that you stay busier in other works it will be your choice to appoint an expert team that will come and takes the entire responsibility of making your place tidy and organized.
When you are going to get a professional cleaning company you must consider a local company. It is logical; when you get a local agency it will be easy to get the fast and cost-effective service. You can avoid the transportation cost when it is a local agency. Otherwise, the total cost will be increased by adding the transportation cost. When you think to hire a professional agency it is better to search a neighbouring agency on the internet. Using this technology is the best way to get the service effortlessly. You will get many names. Now you are responsible to select the best one that is licensed, eco-friendly, insured, and bonded. When you will be able to get a legitimate agency you can stay relaxed that a good home cleaning service is waiting for you.
Instead of considering it as a local agency it is also prudent to know that the agency is authentic and provides legal services. You should judge if the documents are all legal. You must verify the papers given by the company while finalizing a deal. A company is said to be good if it is supportive in all senses. It must be a licensed, approved, insured, and bonded company that the customers and the employees are safe totally while working with the team.
The best House Cleaning Los Alamitos always uses advanced techniques, highly-effective tools, and recyclable products while they are on a project. All these are very much required to be an excellent and legal agency. House cleaning is a tricky task and it is tougher to make a profound clean without advanced methods and tools. If your rooms are stained and you try to remove these repeatedly you will be overwhelmed that how efficiently a professional house cleaning company works on those stains to remove these permanently from your floor. An excellent company uses all the recyclable cleaning products that you dont get harm by these products. Using harmful chemicals may destroy your health and you can avoid this by using eco-friendly house cleaning products that are aromatic, natural, and recyclable.
An Eco Friendly Cleaning Long Beach offers a profound residential cleaning service within your financial budget. You may demand an occasional or seasonal cleaning, it is your choice but, you will avail an excellent service with a reputed and licensed agency in your area.

Healthy Walking for Fitness and Fun

Healthy Walking for Fitness and Fun

Image source: https://www.rd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/01-walking-for-exercise-stroll-with-friends.jpg

Here is another exercise designed to keep you out of a gym. In fact walking away from the gym and putting as much distance as possible between you and it is good.
Good old fashioned walking is still one of the best keep fit activities there is. This is what the Human frame was originally designed for. That design has not changed our lifestyle has! The experts tell us that to keep fit a healthy body should take ten thousand steps a day for a woman and for a man it should be twelve thousand steps. How many of us complete anything like that many in an average day? To give you an idea of how many steps that is, if you walk briskly with a slightly lengthened step, you will make thirty every fifteen seconds, sixty every half minute, one hundred and twenty every minute and a half hour energetic walk will give you three thousand five hundred toward your target.

The best time to walk is early morning which, in addition to being invigorating, enables you to enjoy the freshness of the air, Natures sounds of the coming day and of course you know that you will not be sharing it with too many other folks - so a good time to think and make plans for your day.

Where to walk? Well, once again, Im sure our maker, when designing our extremely complex body, did not have concrete in mind! Because for the remainder of the day you will probably be walking on hard surfaces, for your healths sake take your morning walk on a grassy surface or, if you live by the sea, walk on sand. Sand is the best surface ever. Because of its giving nature it works many more muscles in your legs giving your legs a better workout. If you are lucky enough to be walking on sand, please please take off your footwear and walk barefoot. Feel the sand on the soles of your feet, the sea water around your toes and ankles and revel in Natures free gifts. And remember, as we are all children of Mother Earth, she likes to kiss the soles of our feet when she can.

If you study other people walking you will see many banging their heels into the ground as they walk. The resulting jarring effect up the spine from this heel contact is huge and over a lifetime can contribute to spinal and back problems. Take your weight forward just a little and lengthen your step slightly so you can feel the tension in your lower back muscles as your leg reaches the end of its travel. You will also find this takes weight off your heels and reduces the impact with the ground. Slightly spring off the balls of your feet. This will help to stretch and flex those long muscles at the back of your thighs and calves and strengthen your lower back muscles in the process. Practice this and you will find that your walking will become smoother, more comfortable, graceful and much more enjoyable. You will also find that that little spring in your step will produce more energy and create a better feeling of well being in you.

Back to how many steps you would take in a day. Technology can be of assistance here in that you can buy a pedometer which will register every step you take. You can buy one that registers your steps only, for a few dollars, or you can go all the way and get one that tells you how many calories you have burned and what you had for breakfast for around thirty dollars. Whichever one you get, you strap it to your waist band for the day and it will tell you exactly how many steps you have made. It is a great motivating tool in that it encourages you to find additional ways to add more steps to your daily routine.

For example, park your car further from the shops, park in the parking spot farthest from the supermarket (this also reduces the possibility of contact from other vehicles and shopping trolleys), take the steps instead of the escalator, walk down to the corner store, meet a friend and walk with them, join a walking club. These are all incentives to walk more and once they become a habit you will find that you will increase your daily number of steps quite easily, ultimately reach your target and of course, gain all the health benefits that will accrue you will be amazed at how your fitness increases and how much better you will feel. So, get walking and enjoy.

You can read more about walking and keeping fit in my ebook 'Voyage of the Little Ship 'Tere Moana' downloadable from my sailboat2adventure website website for sailors

Healthy Tips To Help With Conception

Healthy Tips To Help With Conception

Image source: http://encorehealth.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/PP-foods-for-conception.jpg

You and your partner have decided it's time. You've stopped using birth control and you've begun the fun part of having kids, making them. Don't stress out if you're not pregnant in the first couple of months of trying. Here are some important things to keep in mind when trying to conceive.

The body works best when it is not stressed out. Studies show that 8 out of 10 women suffer from significant stress in their day to day lives. Whether it is work, family, or financial stress it can wreak havoc on your system. Here are some simple ways you can work on reducing your stress level. If you feel your stress level rising, no matter where you are, take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. The oxygen to your brain and body help to reduce the level of stress plus it gives you a couple of seconds to regain composure or think about what needs to be done and what can wait till later. Take 10 minutes a day to sit in silence or with calm music and think about your favourite thing to do, place to visit, or memory. This simple exercise helps your body and mind to come to rest and recharge on thoughts that are happy and pleasant.

Now that you are ready to be pregnant you have stopped eating junk food and drinking caffeine by the pot. It is time to start consuming the types of food that will help your body prepare for and carry the baby you are hoping for. Caffeine increases levels of stress and anxiety. Most doctors recommend the cessation of caffeine intake while pregnant because it can affect the development of the baby and increase the baby's heart rate. The baby growing inside you will be borrowing from your sources of nutrients for its own development. This means no more skipping meals. A skipped meal can leave you fatigued and faint. Most health care professionals recommend six small balanced meals a day to keep your metabolism at an even level instead of the highs and lows experienced with only two or three large meals a day. Prenatal vitamins should be taken as well. Besides being a multivitamin, they contain folic acid. Folic acid helps to prevent neural tube defects during your baby's prenatal development. It is a good idea to begin taking them right away since you will not know when you do become pregnant. During the first four weeks babies grow by leaps and bounds. It is imperative that you stay adequately hydrated during pregnancy. At least 64 oz. of water a day is recommended. Carry a water bottle with you throughout your day and don't forget to DRINK IT.

A relaxed and well nourished body also needs regular exercise. Not marathon over the top exercise, but 25 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise that maintains your heart rate at your target heart rate. Talk to your doctor about your target heart rate or if you belong to a gym you can talk to a personal trainer. Aerobic exercise is continuous motion with adequate oxygen. Ideas for aerobic activity include biking, swimming, speed walking, running, aerobics class, or stair climber. Find something you enjoy doing or alternate activities to break up the monotony and make it a part of your day at least 3 times a week.

It's important to know when you are most fertile (likely to get pregnant). Purchase an ovulation test kit from any drug store and follow the directions. If you are between 20-35 years of age and have been trying to conceive for more than 1 year, or 6 months if over 35, you may require infertility treatments and should speak with your doctor.

Senin, 23 April 2018

Healthy Tips and Poisonous Foods for You to Try

Healthy Tips and Poisonous Foods for You to Try

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b2/3a/19/b23a19ecd2d2ff16e766f31c9a20f90b.jpg

The need of GMO-free food and healthy lifestyle is greater than ever. People go so into losing weight and cleanliness of their homes that it turns into an obsession. Others, though, prefer to live on the edge and experiment and take risks at any given moment. What is I tell you that there is a way to combine the safety and the great experiences of a true adventurer? Read on the tips and make your life better than it has ever been.

Keep your home clean

Feng-shui advice to declutter your home often. It is easy to determine what to keep and what to leave. There are some simple rules to follow when doing that:

If you have not used it for the past year. This rule does not apply for seasons decorations and garden ornaments.
If it doesnt fit you - mainly clothes or shoes.
Throw away everything broken, if it cant be fixed.
Throw away everything that was given to you by someone you dont like or someone you know that doesnt like you.
Rearrange the furniture. 
Decrease the use of detergents and chemicals to the standard domestic cleaning solutions.
Add some live flowers in pots.
Get a pet, if you can afford it and have the time to play with it.
Bring the colours in your life. Refresh the walls, get new carpets or add decorations that will make your home more vibrant and fresh.

Image by Home Design Ideas at youtube.com

Take care of your body

Doing some things regularly, you will remove the toxins and the unnecessary clutter in your life, mind and body. You can always start with detoxing your body with the help of a healthy diet and your favourite physical activities. The extra movement can only do good. Dont push yourself with hard exercises from the first day. Find your inspiration and a teacher who will show you how things are done.

Always look on the bright side of life is not just a line from a Monty Python movie. It is the best advice you can ever get. Find a few minutes each day to look through images that make you feel good. Read a joke or talk with your friend. Or how about doing it all at the same time? There is nothing like sharing a funny image or a joke and see the smile on your friends face.

Eat the right food

It is hard to believe, but most people eat the wrong food all their life. No wonder that they cant lose any weight or always feel hungry. There are foods that you can eat all you want, and others that it is best to stay away from if you wish to be safe and feel better. Learn, taste and try new flavours as often as you can, but dont forget to be cautious.

All you can eat healthy foods:

All kinds of soups and salads
Meat from grass-fed animals and birds
Oats and full-grain flour
Goat cheese
GMO-free veggies especially parsley, zucchini, cucumber
Air popped popcorns
All kinds of berries
Pistachios, almonds, walnuts,
Spices like chilli peppers, mint, green tea
Coconut (just make sure you are loaded on toilet paper)

Foods that are both good and bad:

Mushrooms are food that stays in the middle between healthy and dangerous. They are tasty all the time, but it is necessary to have some knowledge before eating them. Many of the eatable mushrooms have poisonous doubles and if you cant tell the difference you may be in trouble. Fortunately, the mushrooms sold in stores are grown in farms and therefore the danger of food poisoning is practically nonexisting. On the other hand, if you go on a hiking trip and intend to eat a wild mushroom, make sure that it is not poisonous. Bring with yourself a book about edible mushrooms, or a survival manual. Either way, it is best if you also travel with someone who has experience with wildlife and mushrooms.

ShellfishShellfish are tasty and good for the health. Still, you must keep in mind that there are more people allergic to seafood than to anything else. If this food is not part of your everyday meal, then dont eat a large quantity on one meal. Keep in mind that shellfish spoils quickly if not stored properly. If you buy it from the fishermans market, then purchase from a tradesman that offers fresh products every day. If you buy them deep frozen, then cook and consume as soon as the defrost is over.

Brazil nuts generally are good for the health and the thyroid. The selenium inside the brazil nut makes it so healthy and dangerous in the same time. When eaten in large amounts or for a prolonged time the selenium remains in the body and may damage the health permanently or even lead to death. There may be many articles to help you learn a lot about nuts, but this is something I first learned from House MD.

Foods that are bad for your health:

Processed and fast-food meat
Salty snacks
All products with refined sugar or artificial sweeteners
Canned food
Non-organic fruits and vegetables

Honestly poisonous foods

Fugu fish. The tetrodotoxin in the fish gland is poisonous. Every chef in japan who offers this fish to his guests have passed years of training of filleting the fish. It is said that in the past the chefs had to eat the cleaned fish themselves. This dangerous practice was meant to destroy the over confidence in the cook and make sure that they will present the safest food possible. The true craft in filleting fugu fish is to leave just a little poison that will be felt by the eating person, but will not cause any major or permanent damage.  

Eating any kind of living creature. The danger here is that the animal will stick to your throat or accidentally enter your lungs. People in Korea eat live octopus as a proof of bravery. Even though there is a trick to doing that, there are many cases with a fatal end.

Any food with mould on it. Brie cheese and blue cheese are quite famous for their taste, but not many people know that the taste comes from the mould that helps the cheese ferment. You can say that penicillin is created out of the mould, but that is a completely different matter. Here once more, the danger comes from the allergies some people have. It is strange but true that a thin slice of cheese can send someone to the hospital and even kill a person.

Ackee fruit is a preferred dish in some parts of Africa. When eating this fruit at any cost avoid the seeds because they contain the poison hypoglycin. Nausea, fatigue, and can even lead to a lethal end to someone who consume the seeds.

Bonus: strange and dangerous food

Brain. There are many cultures from all over the world that eat entrails including the brain. In many parts of Asia, there are recipes that include monkey brain. It is not exactly poisonous food, but it can cause Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The disease is similar to Mad Cow disease. Fortunately, the spreading on domesticated animals is nonexisting in most parts of the world. Monkeys, on the other hand, are not domestic animals and therefore may be carriers. It is best to avoid this exotic dish even if you are a great adventurer.

Healthy Things To Eat For Lunch List

Healthy Things To Eat For Lunch List

Image source: https://kolettehall.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/good-bad-food-list.jpg

What are the healthy things to eat for lunch? Eating a healthy meal during a busy day is quite impossible so people tend to reach for ready made foods or just grab some coffee along the way. Processed foods are packed with sodium, saturated fats, and preservatives among other harmful substances that are in it. These tasty and instant treats can cause obesity, heart problems, certain cancers, and the list goes on when eaten for a long period of time. You are so hooked up with the convenience of grabbing these kinds of food to the point that you ignore your body's nutritional needs. If your reason is lack of meal preparation time or healthy foods are tasteless, here are some ideas of healthy things to eat for lunch that you can easily prepare.

Vegetable and/or Fruit Salad

A healthy meal usually equates to vegetable salad and fruits. These are undoubtedly on the top list of the healthy things to eat for lunch, especially those that are organically grown because chemicals or pesticides were not used. Some people see vegetables as a boring thing to eat. The trick is to mix and match the vegetables and add some fruits for fresher taste. For example, shred lettuce, add cherry tomatoes, slices of watermelon, and spinach. You can sprinkle it with olive oil for moisture and extra flavor. You get the quite bitter taste of the leaves infused with the sweet and refreshing flavor of the fruits. Your plate will also be so colorful that kids want to dig in too. Fruits and vegetables have its natural sweetness so dressings are usually unnecessary.

Whole Grain Pasta or Sandwich

Eating pasta or sandwich for lunch is a complete meal to kick off the entire afternoon. This is one of the healthy things to eat for lunch because it is complete with carbohydrates, protein, and the vitamins and minerals obtained from the greens. Fill the bread with breaded tofu, shredded chicken breast, or tuna flakes among others to serve as the source of protein for the meal. Toss in some lettuce, tomato, cucumber and the like to get the fiber and certain vitamins to top off this meal. For more flavor and moisture, use mustard instead of mayonnaise. Use fresh tomatoes as the base of your pasta or just drizzle it with olive oil. You can use the same ingredients as that of the sandwich. Chop some basil for additional flavor.

Salmon, Tuna, or Sardines

These fishes have natural omega 3, a type of oil that is good for the heart which is why you should include it in your healthy things to eat for lunch list. Cross out the red meat in your daily menu and replace it with white meat. You can steam it with lemon grass with a dash of ground pepper and salt. The infusion of these flavors with the fish's tender meat is really incredible. You can also squeeze some lemon juice on a pan grilled fish.

You can come up with your own healthy things to eat for lunch recipe. The trick here is, do not be afraid to experiment with flavors. You can also mix these foods to have a complete and balanced diet.

Healthy Things To Eat For Lunch And Healthy Meal Options For Lunchtime

Healthy Things To Eat For Lunch And Healthy Meal Options For Lunchtime

Image source: http://24.media.tumblr.com/1b9a940fd1b89b0aafc722d35a31ccbf/tumblr_mkp4liSOy31r2f8gdo1_500.jpg

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hee nll hingg oo aa uriigg lnccttmm  ssaassnnwwcc  nn aa ff ptttt ciiss rr smmttiiggssmmllrr  hhnnyuuaaee nt lone.. Mss f s oo nttsppnn  ooeetaa 88mmnuuee uuiiggllnhhiieeaad suaall,,wwaaeeee  eeeettii oo eellhy noogg..HHwwvvrr iihhjjss ooe smmll  llnniigg oo oo aa njoyyssmm eellhh  nn  eellbbllnnee iiddymmaass hhrr re ann eellhh hingss o aa  oo llnnhhttaa  oo  aa  rr,,wwiihh wlllbb rraa oo ouu aalettaaddyyuu aasttiieerSld<r<rA saaaa s onvvnneettmmaa hhttccnn pooiieeyyu  iihhaappeessrriigg  ffhhaattyyvvggttbbee..PPeeaaeeyyur aaaa oo ouu mddaa eaa sinn aakkllaayyggeenn aahhrrttaa aae  nnsbbccuueettee aaeemmrr utriintss llooiiccuueeooeeppaannffuut r vggtaallss uuhhaa hhppee pplee uuumbbrss rrpp omaaoee,, mssrroos, rrnneessggeett,,oo llccddssrrwbbrriiss eeeeaallssssooll eeaa hh oo ffyyuu  iittoo  eellhh hhnnssto  aa  oo uucc,,bbtt taa  ssnnttaall dd tt eaatt 3 o uuccss ff laa rrttii o our aaad, hhtterr i ss cnnee  eans,  aattddttff rr wttrrppccee uuaa o ou eeaannssttssiidd or ouull ffhhuus..AAouu aallssoonn o llvv il, aaffooee ii rryyggrr ddeessnn ill eehhaattyyffr yyuu eaattttoo>br>Fresh Fruits
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Minggu, 22 April 2018

Healthy Sun

Healthy Sun

Image source: http://theartofnutrition.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Happy-Sun-Finished-014.jpg

The sun dispatches its warm glow of yellow light rays daily, beaming health, vitality, light and warmth. Yet we fend off the sun as it were the enemy, using sun block, sunglasses and wide-brim hats as weapons. Can brother sun really be so dangerous?

The suns benefits are numerous. It raises core body temperature, increasing cell function, energy and detoxification. The sun regulates biorhythm cycles, triggering our pineal gland and body clockwork cells. (Ever had that disoriented feeling after sleeping in on Saturday morning?) Sunlight also increases daytime cortisol levels, ushering better evening relaxation and deeper nighttime sleep.

Our bodies also produce melanin, leptin and vitamin D from sunlight. Melanin helps protect the skin against DNA damage while elevating moods through its involvement in endorphin production. Leptins aid in converting fats to energy. Meanwhile Vitamin D regulates calcium levels critical for healthy bones and participates in immune, nervous, endocrine and digestive activities.

One in seven adults is vitamin D deficient. One study of medical ward patients showed 42% deficiency despite taking supplemental D. The elderly and those in pain are often deficient. A study found 83% of 299 low-back pain patients were deficient in D. Another study showed 93% of 150 nonspecific pain patients were deficient. In the low-back study nearly all patients experienced some pain relief after three months of vitamin D supplementation.

Twenty minutes of sunlight on arms, hands and face will produce about 400 IU of vitamin D. A day of summer sun in a swimsuit until the skin is pink (not good) will produce about 20,000 IU. Sunbathing in the tropics can deliver 100,000 IU/day. Although the RDA is 200-700 IU, many nutritionists believe that 1,000 to 5,000 IU per day is optimal, and 10,000-50,000 IU from sunlight is safe. Not many foods contain vitamin D. The sun is the best source, with supplementation a good backup. SPF8 sunscreen will block 95% vitamin D synthesis. Also note darker-skin needs a bit more sun for vitamin D synthesis.

This all sounds great but doesnt the sun cause skin cancer? It can, but its not that simple. UVB and UVA rays, especially intense during the mid-day, can produce free radicals amongst skin cells. If not neutralized, these free radicals can wreck havoc on cells, contributing to premature aging and genetic mutation.

Free radicals are nothing new to the body. Were pounded daily with free-radical-forming foods and chemicals. A healthy body has enough antioxidants to neutralize many free radicals before they damage too many cells. Antioxidants specific to sunlights free radicals include vitamins C and E from fruits and grains; phytonutrients beta-carotene and zeaxanthin from veggies; proanthocyanins from red fruits and berries; and other nutrients found in fruits, veggies, nuts and beans. Healthy oils which line cell membranes will also reduce skin cell damage. A food-based multi-vitamin added to this good diet will provide an effective insurance policy. Reducing stress and toxins such as smoking will also decrease cell damage.

The bottom line: eat a healthy diet and dont be afraid of the sun. Morning or evening sun exposure is best. Use clothes or sunscreen for mid-day or longer sun exposure. Avoid sunburn. Slowly build up a tan. Physical/reflective UVB/UVA sunscreens like zinc oxide with vitamins and botanicals are now available. Chemical sunscreens can penetrate skin tissue causing its own free radical damage. Reflectives dont penetrate skin cells much and the added antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals. If you get sunburned apply aloe gel to reduce skin damage.

With these points in mind, morning or late afternoon sun exposure for 1-2 hours a day has a number of health benefits and is nothing to be afraid of with a healthy diet.

Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight

Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight

Image source: http://www.fitwithrachel.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/healthy-snacks-for-weight-loss-pinterest.jpg

For so long we've heard that snacking is bad; it makes you fat. Not true! Healthy snacking can keep your blood sugar level and boost your metabolism. Here is how to get the most flavor and benefits from snacking.

Milk Snacks

Low fat milk products make fantastic snacks. Research has shown that getting three servings of low fat milk products can help you lose weight faster than skipping them altogether. Milk also provides you with protein and calcium, which is essential for strong muscles and bones.

Here are some great milk snack ideas:

- Low fat yogurt (Many of these come in great flavors like cheesecake and key lime pie!)

- String cheese, low fat variety

- Sugar-free chocolate milk

- Low fat milk with a teaspoon of vanilla extract

Fruits and Veggies

Sure, everyone knows that fruits and veggies are good for you, but do you know why they are great for losing weight? Fruits and vegetables have fiber, and for every gram of fiber you eat your body blocks seven calories.

Now that you're looking at fruits and vegetable with new respect, take a look at this recipe for making your fruits and veggies go from plain to yum.

Snack Salad


- 1 apple

- 1 carrot

- 1 banana

- 1 individual sized pack of raisins

- quarter cup orange juice

Cut the apple and banana into small slices in a medium sized bowl. Grate the carrot into the bowl. Add the orange juice and raisins and mix well. Serve chilled.

Good Carbs

After the low carb craze, most people probably don't realize that there are good carbs you can snack on without worrying about gaining ten pounds. These carbs are good for you because they are high in fiber and are more filling. Plus, they digest more slowly, which makes you feel fuller, longer.

Here are some examples of good carb snacks:

- Whole-wheat toast

- High fiber bagel

- Wheat tortilla chips

- Crackers

Don't trust words like "whole wheat" or "multi-grain" when picking out your snack, though. Many of these labels are misleading. They may sound like they are high in fiber, but in reality only have one gram of fiber. The trick is to look at the Nutrition Facts labels and find carbs that list at least three to five grams of fiber per serving.

Many high fiber breads come in flavors that taste a lot like their white cousins, too, so there's no reason not to give them a shot. See? Healthy snacking is a possibility, and it doesn't have to be boring!

Healthy Road Trip and Vacation Snack Tips

Healthy Road Trip and Vacation Snack Tips

Image source: http://www.happinessishomemade.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Healthy-Road-Trip-Snack-Ideas.jpg

Taking a family vacation, a business trip and or long car trip can wreak havoc on your diet. If you don't plan ahead it is very likely you could be snacking on chips, eating fast food, ice cream and snacking on candy bars and soda for a few days.

With the ease high sugar foods available at gas stations or the appeal of saving time by buying an extra-large pizza after a day at the theme park, making healthy choices while away from home can be a challenge. Eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables may not be on the top of the daily food list. But eating healthy while on the road is not as hard as it may appear. Here are several tips to help you maintain a healthy diet and still enjoy your time away from home.

One of the first items every vehicle should have is a condiment kit. A condiment kit is a very small backpack or leather shoe bag packed full of napkins, plastic utensils, wet wipes and a few plastic shopping bags for trash. This simple kit will fit easily under your seat.

After you have your condiment kit, carry a small cooler filled with bottled water. Try to buy your bottled water in 12 or 24 packs from the local grocery store or a warehouse club like Sam's or Costco. The reason is most gas stations charge well over $1 per bottle compared to $.20 or $.30 per bottle in the bulk pack. This extra water will not only keep you hydrated, but will save you money.

Fresh and dried fruit is also another of my favorite foods to have during a vacation or long road trip. Fruit not only helps to keep you full it also has a number of different antioxidants. You can keep fresh or dried fruit in your cooler or in your luggage.

So here are some of my favorite healthy snacks while traveling or taking a long road trip:

-String Cheese -Fruits and chopped vegetables - carrots, apples, bananas, oranges -Yogurt in a tube -Popcorn cakes -Dried fruit - dried tart cherries, dried blueberries, dried strawberries and raisins -Low-fat pudding (for the sweet tooth) - use the plastic spoons from the condiment kit -Premade sandwiches made at home including lean lunch meats, turkey, ham, etc.

But even with preparation you still may not have the ability to fully enjoy fresh fruit on a daily basis, on innovative choice of supplementing your daily intake of fruit-based antioxidants and health benefits is taking super fruit supplements.

Super fruit supplements are made using the whole fruit, are convenient and offers unique health benefits specific to the underlying fruit. For example, super fruit supplements offered by Fruit Advantage offers a complete line of fruit-based supplements including tart cherry, wild blueberry, pomegranate and cranberry. In fact, each serving of Fruit Advantage Tart Cherry Joint Formula equals the specific antioxidant value of over 5 glasses of tart cherry juice without the sugar.

By making healthy choices while on a long road trip or family vacation, you can not only watch your diet, you will also have the energy needed to fully enjoy your vacation time away from home.

Sabtu, 21 April 2018

Healthy Relationships Are Wonderful Things

Healthy Relationships Are Wonderful Things

Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/04/cc/11/04cc11dd1818480cd607abebe3dbfe02--interracial-couples-bmww-wmbw.jpg

I Want A Healthy Relationship!

Relationships can be wonderful things; they can be one of the best and most challenging parts of your world. But be realistic about them. Relationships are a major cause of emotional health problems.

Having Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships should be built on a degree of detachment and not built through winning meaningless arguments. If you are to have a healthy relationship it will involve respect, trust, and consideration for the other person. You can increase your self-esteem, improve mental and emotional health, and help have a fuller life through a healthy relationship. Healthy communication and effective conflict resolution in a relationship involve not only being able to express ourselves clearly, but also being able to really listen to what our partner is saying to us. Healthy relationships allow for individuality, bring out the best in both people, and invite personal growth.

Difficult Relationships

Relationships are the key to happiness in life but are one of the most difficult areas for people to excel at, never mind master. Relationships benefit the most when partners recognize the expectations they bring into the relationship and consider the different ways these expectations are affecting the relationship.

Your personal relationships are a crucial part of a fulfilling life.

If you feel that you can not yet let go of a relationship even after breaking up and you find yourself looking for a miracle to stay together, it might take a little magic of making up to get your ex back. CLICK HERE NOW.

Loving Relationships

When you love someone it involves respect and trust; it doesn't mean constantly worrying about the possible end of the relationship. There are scientific studies that show that love literally changes brain chemistry for the first months of a relationship. Love within our relationships is a very important part of our life, love is ageless, and makes everything better.

Sexual Relationships

Sexual relations between two friends may alter that relationship: either by "taking it to the next level" or by severing it. Sexual partners may also class as friends: the sexual relationship may either enhance or depreciate the friendship. Body language, or non-verbal communication, is an important ingredient in communication.

Relationships Between Couples

Couples who have the same dominant function in their personalities seem to have the longest and happiest relationships. Couples who view conflict as a threat to the relationship and something to be avoided at all costs often find that accumulated and un-addressable conflicts are the real threat. Couples can find that if they ignore difficult topics too long, their relationship has drifted into "rocky waters" without their noticing.

Relationship Conflict

Actually in the long run conflict in relationships and learning to love while accepting disagreements make you healthy and happy. Meeting half way in a conflict and being willing to do what's best for the one you love, regardless of what you get in return will help strengthen your relationship

Trustful Relationships

Trust takes time - Relationships are built on communication, trust, and familiarity, which take time to build. Meeting in-person often will deepen the relationship.


Relationships are sometimes compared to boating on a river: Both partners need to be paddling to stay on course. Relationships begin with you, because you are half of any relationship you join.

Relationships can evolve from the meeting of facile needs to a stable, committed companionship, and couples that can identify their attraction to positive partner-qualities such as compassion, intelligence, and an ability and willingness to communicate effectively have "better" outcomes.

However, If the relationship is severed it is necessary to have a plan or better yet some type of strategy or system that won't push your Ex away more. Trying to implement a plan or strategy from scratch all alone can be difficult at best.

Implementing a proven system with simplistic, personalized guidance is a different story. Again as I said earlier, if you feel that you cannot yet let go of a relationship even after breaking up and you find yourself looking for a miracle to stay together, it might take a little magic of making up to get your ex back.

Implementing a proven system with simplistic, personalized guidance and used in over 66 different countries with over 5100 people happy people is a different story.

If You Really Want To Get Your Ex Back You Need To Follow A Proven System

Healthy Relationship Tips For Couples

Healthy Relationship Tips For Couples

Image source: https://media.musely.com/u/2ee73bfa-7584-4af0-afb4-a20fa2dd0544.jpg

A healthy relationship often requires a lot of work and commitment to make it work. What makes a healthy relationship is the deep seated knowledge that your partner will always have your back whether you are down or up. It is a situation in which you two always maintain cover for each other's side even when you are at your worst. So what makes for a healthy relationship?

Staying involved with each other

When you start dating, often you will be involved with your partners business. You will often take the time to do the things that you like together and would be willing to go the extra mile for each other. However, with time as is the case with many relationships, you will fade away. The things that used to impress you start appearing mundane. It is important that you maintain you interest in each other and the things that attracted you in the first place.

Develop conflict resolution strategies

At some point in the course of your relationship you are going to be faced with a situation in which you are on opposite sides. Having healthy discussions and disagreeing on the right way to do things is good; however, you should learn to walk through your conflicts. It is important that you develop various conflict resolution strategies that will go a long way in helping you maintain a healthy relationship with your partner.

Keeping your life and outside interests

When you meet as individuals, you have already developed interests and have a life that is separate from yours. Even during the relationship, it is important that each of you maintain your individual interests. This means that you need to recognize the importance of the individual in the relationship and just how much each individual, in their individualism has to offer. Many a time there is the tendency to start living by your partner's needs and slowly you begin to forget yourself.

Keeping communication lines open

In any relationship, you always need to keep the communication channels with your partner open. With an open communication channel you can always rely on this to solve any issues that arise. Communication not only involves talking to your partner about the issues that affect you but also listening to your partner's needs. Listening is a very important part of communicating with your partner. With an open communication channel, you can always work through your issues even when the situation is bad.

Healthy Panchendriya with Healthy Dinacharya

Healthy Panchendriya with

Image source: https://www.sukhothai.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Gift-cards-Website-Banner.jpg

Panchendriya means the five sense organs. Dinacharya means daily lifestyle routine. Daily lifestyle routines have direct influence on our panchendriya or the five sense organs. The healthy functioning of all the five senses and clear thought processes is a sign of overall health.

Healthy dinacharya leads to healthy panchendriya and overall physical and mental health. Dinacharya is a set of rules for daily routines starting from the time of wake up, doing everyday chores to getting to bed after completing the karma for a day.

Most ideal time to wake up
According to Ayurveda it is well before sun rise, probably around 5 in the morning. Atmosphere is most purified during this time. It is also the time that fills your mind with all positive thoughts and ideas. Early morning is time for sattwa or positive mental traits. It is also the time of the day when cognitive and learning powers are highly illuminated.

Very young children, elderly and sick persons are free to break this rule.

Method of waking up
Don't jump off from your bed as soon as you wake up. Take a moment or two to mentally identify your position on the bed, the room and the thoughts running through your mind. Touch and feel your body for a while and take two or three deep breathes before you slowly get off.

Elimination - bowel movement and urination
Eliminate the wastes before the sun rise. However you don't have to force elimination. Early elimination is necessary to expel the toxic wastes from the body before your body is slowly put to toxicity. See the process as basic cleansing of your internal body.

Cleansing the Senses - Sense Organs or Panchendriya

Wash your eyes and ears as first steps of purifying your sense organs. Apply a drop of sesame or almond oil inside the ear. Thoroughly clean the tongue. Also clean your nose by pulling some water into your nose. This cleans the nose and sinuses.

One indriya not included in panchendriya is our mind. Ayurvedic dinacharya recommends inhaling the smoke of medicinally valuable herbs like turmeric cleanses the thought process and empowers for better cognitive powers and clear thought process. Morning Ayurvedic dhoom pana (inhalation of smoke) also helps in cleaning lungs.

Massage your body with simple coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil. You can also choose Ayurveda abhayanga oils. This promotes blood circulation in all parts of the body, helps getting more nourishment to tissues and prevents aging. Aging is basically the wearing off of bodily tissues because of insufficient nutrition. Abhayanga solves this problem.

Take a bath 30-90 minutes after self massage.

Exercise needs to be complete before taking a bath. The reason is obviously to remove sweat from the body.

Exercise and meditation should be there in your daily routine. Yoga, surya namaskar, pranayama etc are the things to follow.

Daily food
Break fast
Natural organic food is best for your health and body. Take only a light break fast before 7'o clock.

The ideal time to take lunch is before 12.30, five to six hours after your light breakfast. You will be very hungry while at the time of lunch. The hunger is a healthy indication of strong digestive fire and receptiveness of the body for food. Eating too much too soon is the single highest reason for several diseases. Eat a healthy, highly nutritious lunch. This is the main meal of the day. Take a slow walk for no more than two minutes after lunch and take some rest. Don't avoid either the walk or rest. It is essential for proper digestion of the food.

Supper is best taken before 7 in the evening. Keep it lighter than lunch. 'athazham kazhinjal arakkatham' is a saying in Malayalam that suggests you should walk for a little while after supper.

Daily works and travel
Complete your works and travel before sundown. Spend the sundown and later hours with your family and kids, engaging in prayers or meditation.

Time after supper
This is time to relax. Don't try to bring in tiring thoughts. Instead keep this time of the day in the most relaxed mood. Listen to music, read good books etc.

Go to bed at around 10. Bed time is also time for physical union. Make sure you get a minimum of six-seven hours of sleep. You are going to wake up before 5 in the morning, right?

Jumat, 20 April 2018

Healthy Organic Food Vs Unhealthy Processed Food

Healthy Organic Food Vs Unhealthy Processed Food

Image source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/healthyfoodvsfastfood-140831140926-phpapp01/95/healthy-food-vs-fast-food-1-638.jpg?cb=1409494219

Think about your present food habits. Are you 100% sure the food you send to your belly is actually beneficial for your body? The food you eat is healthy if you can say for sure that the food supplies all the necessary nutrients to your body and doesnt leave wastes in your body and making your body vulnerable to the attack of diseases of various kinds.

People in the western world think organic farming is something unnatural and comes from outside the world. Applying farming techniques like sprays tons of pesticides, dumping chemical fertilizers, and applying chemicals for quick and uniform ripening of apples as normal natural methods of farming. Not to blame them, because they have been conditioned and accustomed to such farming techniques since more than 150 years ago.

Now we need to have a critical thinking about which techniques are natural farming techniques and which are not. Well, have a look at how plants grow in forests. There is no one to protect any single flowering or fruiting plant or to remove some plants that we label pests. How? It is the law of nature to let the most survivable or healthy plants and animals in tact. The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots of such plants form the food of several animals. The basic unit of food chain is healthy growing plants.

Now, can you say the plants we grow in farms by applying tons of chemicals healthy? Take two fruits say apples. One plucked freshly from the forest and one from the farm. Leave them open in a place for a few days. Observe the fruits closely. You will find the apple that you plucked from the wilderness stays as such for at least a week more than the apple that is chemically conditioned.

Take another example. You may have taken seedless watermelon, seedless grape fruits, etc in the past. Does seedless variety of fruits occur naturally? No. They are results of genetic recombination or at least unnatural methods of pollination. Such artificial fruits lack reproductive capacity at the first place. A major disadvantage you can see by yourself.

Now have a look at organic food. Organic food need not be produced in your backyard, but can come from any farm where no chemicals are applied and the plants chosen for cultivation are free from genetic recombination, mutation or otherwise artificial methods to induce character changes in plants.

Healthy Member Fun Attending A Sensual Party

Healthy Member Fun Attending A Sensual Party

Image source: https://www.residentadvisor.net/images/events/flyer/2012/5/uk-0505-365097-front.jpg

When a guy pays really good attention to his male organ health, he often sports a member that is truly something to be proud of. For many men, sharing that good looking healthy member with a steady partner or partners is all the reward he needs for his conscientious efforts. But some guys want others to witness the fruits of their labors and so may seek other avenues such as a sensual party.

Of course, attending a sensual party has the potential to negatively affect male organ health, so guys need to be careful not to let all their good efforts fall by the wayside for one wild night. With that in mind, the following are some tips about having fun at a sensual party with reminders about keeping that healthy member healthy.


Come prepared. Be a good boy scout and bring protection. Just as a guy doesnt want to jeopardize his healthy member on a one-on-one date, he definitely wants to be prepared for what could be a multi-partner sensual experience. Of course, for many guys a sensual party may mean one partner and one seed release but he should be prepared for more than that. Bringing along a number of barrier protections is recommended, even if he is told that rubbers will be provided. After all, the hosts protections may not be the proper size or fit, or he may not have stocked up enough on them.

Switch coverings with different partners. If a guy ends up having penetrative coupling with more than one partner, he ideally should use a new rubber with each partner. This doesnt really have an impact on his male organ health, but it could help protect his partners. It is possible for the exterior of the rubber to pick up something (such as a yeast infection) and pass it on to the next partner so changing is recommended.

Decide on personal boundaries in advance. At a sensual party where it is common to engage in simultaneous sensual activities with multiple partners, a man may be put asked to have sensual fun with someone with whom such activity might prove uncomfortable. For example, a straight man may at some point be asked to perform sensually with a bi or gay male, or a gay male may be asked to join in sensually with a woman. Theres nothing wrong with a person exploring or experimenting with a new sensual experience; but if there are boundaries he is not prepared to cross, a guy needs to know what they are and be prepared to politely decline any invitations that would cause him discomfort.

Manage expectations. Not every sensual party is an orgy, and not every guy gets to have the fun he wants at every party especially when he is a newbie. Try to find out in advance what can reasonably be expected and what the ground rules are. And remember that even at a sensual party that seems very uninhibited, no still means no.

Every sensual party experience is different, and theyre not always for everyone even when a guy has a handsome, healthy member he wants to share with others. But guys that attend a sensual party should take a little extra care to present their member in the best light, which requires regular use of a top drawer male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Dry male organ skin is going to be a turn-off, so be sure the crme contains a combination of moisturizing ingredients, such as Shea butter and vitamin E. In addition, the manhood skin needs to be toned and healthy looking, so find a crme with both alpha lipoic acid and vitamin C, which keeps that skin looking beautifully healthy.

Healthy Meals

Healthy Meals

Image source: https://greatist.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_main/public/Hello%20Fresh.jpg?itok=NAtPAxuB

ILS Health Store http://myghcstore.com/ils

To eat healthy seems to be taking more and more effort these days. Commercial farmers are short-range profit oriented in that they show little regard for the long term damage they are doing to the land, the produce and the people who ingest their produce. The techniques they use to grow crops on the worn-out land produce fruit and vegetables supplies that are largely toxic and have diminished nutritional value.

The commercial farmers are "improving" foods to enhance characteristics, like size, weather resistance, all to increase profit. The new, "improved" crops are greatly diminished in nutritional value from their natural, organic state. They are carriers of toxins and since they don't retain all of their organic nutritional value, when we eat them, our bodies have no use for them; they enter our bodies as toxins, as dead food.

Opposite to this is natural, organic, non-engineered food which is teaming with energy that our bodies can use. Commercially grown foods can't replicate the life force of natural food, and therefore lack an important nourishment aspect. Dead foods will never be able to give us what live foods can, no matter what the profit, no matter how big they are, and no matter how consistently they grow. Living verses dead foods, the difference matters and your good health depends on knowing it.

What are Live Foods? Organically grown, natural, not genetically modified foods are live. What our bodies need includes raw fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and seeds. These give your body energy to maintain and restore your health.

Your body get optimal benefit from organically grown, natural, raw, fruit and vegetables. Cooking everything kills everything. Eating fresh, raw, live produce aids in detoxifying the colon and the rest of the body, nourishing the live body. And a healthier body is a body less susceptible to disease.

What are Dead Foods? Processed foods that we find in stores are usually dead. Pasteurization process uses heat and yields dairy products lacking valuable live enzymes. This loss renders the dairy products not only useless but also toxic to your body.

Refined foods (those that are pre-cooked and processed) lack the life-sustaining nutrients and are loaded with chemicals. These chemicals are toxic and form a residue in the colon. Left in the colon long enough, these toxins will seep through the intestinal lining and back into the bloodstream where they can do all sorts of damage. Thank U.

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Kamis, 19 April 2018

Healthy Living

Healthy Living

Image source: https://www.healthyliving.ie/image/cache/AppleUK1-783x357%20copy%20-%20Copy-783x357.jpg

Part of is getting a health breakfast, consisting of fruits only. This is an easy way to lose weight and to fight or avoid obesity. One factor of health fitness is having a balanced diet, consisting of healthy foods. Another part of health fitness is taking the right exercise for at least half an hour each and every day. A good night sleep is another factor of health fitness.
One fruit which is particular healthy to eat for breakfast is the apricot. Apricots are loaded with a variety of compounds that research shows can fight infections, blindness and heart disease. Apricots contain two types of carotenoids: beta-carotine, to prevent cancer, and lycopene, to prevent heart disease.

A Japanese study that followed more than 3000 men and women for nearly twelve years found that those with high levels of carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lycopene, were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

Another study, which followed more than 73,000 American women for 12 years, found that those whose diets provided the most beta- and alpha-carotene had significantly less risk of coronary artery disease.

You can also get lots of vitamin A by eating apricots (beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body) This nutrient helps to protect the eyes.

When light passes through the eyes, it sets off the release of tissue-damaging free radicals. Left unchecked, these destructive oxygen molecules attack and damage the lenses of the eyes, and initiate the change of getting cataracts. Free radicals can also attack blood vessels, supplying the central portions of the retinas, called the maculas. If the blood supply gets cut off, the result can be macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in older adults.

Vitamin A has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant that means, it helps to block the effects of free radicals. A studie involving 50,000 nurses found that women who got the most vitamin A in their diets reduced the risk of getting cataracts by more than one-third. Three apricots provide 2,769 IU of vitamin A, which represent 55% of the daily recommended value for this vitamin.

The benefits of getting plenty of fiber in your diets are tremendous. Foods that are high in fiber can help you to lose weight, control high blood sugar, and lower cholesterol levels. They also help to keep digestion regular.

Thats another reason to include apricots in your health breakfast. Three fruits contain three grams of fiber, which is 12% of the Daily Value. Thats only 51 calories for all three. But if you eat apricots for fiber, eat them with skin, which contains a lot of fiber.

You may like to eat your fruits nice and soft, but its best to eat apricots when they are slightly firm. Apricots contain the most nurients when they are at their peak of ripeness. Once they begin to get soft, the compounds in apricots start to break down.

Store them carefully. Its important to keep apricots cool to prevent them from getting overripe. When you are not going to eat them in the next day or two, its best to store them in a plastic bin in the refrigerator, where you can keep them for about a week.

When you visit: www.jamieolivers.net/health-recipes, you can get a recipe for an Apricot-Mango Smoothie.

Healthy Living Generates a Positive Mindset!

Healthy Living Generates a Positive Mindset!

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e0/0d/23/e00d232ccc625604d1ef5e8ba1318b12.jpg

We see this popular thought everywhere. But what does it really mean? Bean sprouts for breakfast? Grueling, pre-dawn jogs? Lettuce-leaf lunches? Zen Master training? Hardly!

Healthy living isn't about starving yourself or testing your limits. It's all about achieving balance between the physical, emotional, nutritional, and spiritual elements in your life.

Take a quick "balance" inventory. What foods do you eat or crave most? Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, along with plenty of water and a limited intake of alcohol and caffeine make a pretty good recipe for nutritional balance.

Too much fat or too many carbs can easily affect it. How much exercise are you getting? Even a short walk has some physiological benefits.

What about rest? Unless you make a concerted effort, you probably don't get enough. These factors and others can directly affect your weight, mood, attitude and general sense of well-being-your "balance."

Striking a Balance. (Tips to restore your body's balance)

Exercise: Exercise has also been proven to improve cardiovascular function and reduce your risk of certain health conditions. If you're not getting any, you're missing out. Regular exercise-even for brief periods-can help you feel more energized and more alert. So get up and get moving!

Nutrition: With the proper nutrition, your body will function more efficiently, resulting in more stamina and more energy for the things you want to do. In a recent review of food intake surveys by the USDA, experts declared that it should be a moderate approach.

Moderate Intake of high-carbohydrate base foods predicts successful weight loss. With the proper nutrition, your body will function more efficiently, resulting in more stamina and more energy for the things you want to do.

Stress: Prolonged periods of mid- to high-level stress can have detrimental effects on your body. Everyone experiences a certain amount of stress. That's life. Stress reduces immune function. Be aware of your stressors and develop strategies for managing them.

Sleep: If you don't snooze, you lose. Pick a bedtime that will allow you to wake up naturally, without an alarm. Forty winks? Most people get twenty, if they're fortunate. But a good night's sleep can make all the difference in how good you feel. Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed. Turn in at the same time every night. If possible, sneak a nap in on the weekends.

Attitude - Attitude - Attitude: Try to cultivate a positive outlook. No one expects you to walk around giddy and grinning all the time, but your emotional responses can affect your physiological function.

Hang out with fun, positive people. Read motivational or inspirational literature. Re-read the tips above! Even small behavioral changes can produce big attitudinal improvements.

Additional Thoughts:

Most of us know that we should eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve a healthy diet.

But here's an even easier five-a-day concept that provides several tangible ways to temporarily escape the demands of the day.

At least five times a day, whenever you get a small window of time, treat yourself to a little mental break, choosing from the activities below.

Distracting yourself for a few minutes a day is a great way to regroup and refocus, and recharge your mental batteries.

Give yourself a facial. Take a short "book break." Experiment with new hairstyles in front of the mirror. Browse your favorite magazine. Watch part of your favorite TV show. Go into the garden to smell or pick flowers. Pour a tall, cool glass of water and daydream out the window. Pet your cat or dog and reflect on your favorite "pet memory." Cuddle up with the .kids and ask about their day. Put on a favorite CD - and either dance or kick back, depending on what song you choose. Sit outside and feel the fresh air on your face ... and let your mind wander. Take a few minutes and create your own list of "mini-escape" activities.

Remember, just as five-a-day fruits and vegetables nourish your body, five-a-day mental breaks can do wonders for your mental health.

Committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle means changing long-established eating patterns-some of which have been in place for decades. The change requires knowledge, vigilance and support. Your friends and family may want to help, but not know how. To help them help you, print out this list:

Focus on my successes-not my failures. Please notice when I make the right choice and don't be afraid to comment. If I slip up, don't berate, nag, threaten or bribe me.

Remind me, instead, that this was a one-time indulgence, not a complete "diet buster." Don't bring sweets or salty snacks into the house or try to force me to have "just a bite" of a food I've already rejected. Don't expect me to bake for you. Instead, praise me for preparing healthy meals that make you feel better, as well.

When I'm tired, stressed, bored, and angry or frustrated, I may be more inclined to eat. Please recognize these times and help me choose an alternative activity.

Exercise with me. Think of new ways we can get out and play. Remember, when you help me, you'll be helping the family. Supporting my efforts will also make you look and feel better. Best regards

John Schmidt - Weight Loss Nutritionist

Healthy Living 3 Lies You Tell Yourself That Keep You From Living The Healthy Life You Dream Of

Healthy Living 3 Lies You Tell Yourself That Keep You From Living The Healthy Life You Dream Of

Image source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTOZYd5W4AANn9M.jpg

We all live 2 lives, we have the life we actually live and the life we dream of living. Whats standing in your way are little lies or resistance. Resistance to change causes us to lie to ourselves all the time. Our mind considers these healthy lies and it makes us feel better about not being the person we dream of being.
Here are 3 "healthy" lies you must stop telling yourself for they are keeping you from the healthy life full of happiness you dream of.

Lie # 1: I cant live a healthy life because of my genetics

Think to yourself for a minuteis that really true?

Why do we give ourselves this free pass? We tell ourselves things like "well, my whole family is overweight", "well, my mother or father had cancer", "well, Im destined to be this way" This is our resistance talking and keeping you from the healthy life you deserve. Its a bunch of baloney. Did you know that by the time you reach 50, your lifestyle, including your diet, determines 80% of how you age! The remaining 20% is inherited through genetics.

Truth: Genetics do not determine your health or quality of life, it is your choices.

Lie #2: I cant live a healthy life because I have no control when it comes to food

Think to yourself for a minuteis this really true?

You absolutely have control over what you put into your body. Your inner resistance is making you believe this crazy thought. Be careful, sometimes you cannot trust what you think, because its simply not true.

Truth: You have a choice. I used to eat whatever I wanted and it was all food that did nothing to nourish my body. It took being diagnosed with an auto immune disorder that made me stop and think about what I was doing to myself. I made a choice to give my body the nutrients I need every day because of what I want out of life. I want to not just watch my children grow, but be actively involved. Show them how to run and get the winning goal, show them the view from the top of the mountain, dance at their weddings, and play vigorously with my future grandchildren.

Lie #3: I cant live a healthy life because its too late, the damage has been done

Think to yourself for a minuteis this really true?

Is it possible that after years of neglecting your body, that you could live the healthful life you were meant to live?

Its never too late! Our human body has the incredible ability to heal itself given the right nutrients. The dietary and lifestyle choices you make everyday help to shape the underlying causes of most diseases and illnesses.

You control your health destiny, you! Nobody else can. Its your personal responsibility to take care of yourself. Stop telling yourself these little health lies!

Rabu, 18 April 2018

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Rocket

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Rocket

Image source: https://www.forumhealthcentre.nhs.uk/UserFiles/Thumbnails/Wellness_Health_Lifestyle/shutterstock_67699489_1__h1000_w500.jpg

Rocket is a popular salad green from the Brassicaceae family. Botanically recognised as Eruca satvia it is native to areas around the Mediterranean through Portugal, Lebanon and Turkey. It is an annual, which can grow to a metre in height but is usually harvested when less than 20cm.

Every part of the above ground parts of the plant can be eaten. The leaves are the most common but the flowers have been used in many dishes and as an edible garnish. The seeds and seed pods are also edible. The leaves add a mild peppery taste to salads.

Rocket can be grown in the home garden and leaves picked as required. If you have a hothouse or an area where you can grow them undercover you can pick young leaves straight from the pot or seeling tray. I grew several trays this way last year in a mixture of commercially available Potting mix with extra coco peat for moisture retention. These trays were more than sufficient for us for several months.

Rocket has only been cultivated as a vegetable for around 15 20 years. Leaves would be picked and eaten from wild varieties until its popularity increased and became a popular salad green. Historically, however, Rocket has been used since at least Roman Times.

As a member of the Brassicaceae family it has similar nutrient value. It is a good source of Vitamin C and Potassium. Nutrients are more potent when Rocket is eaten in uncooked.

The leaves can be cooked but they are usually served raw with other salad greens. They have often been used on Pizza for colour and flavour.

To summarise the many uses of Rocket:

- Rocket leaves, pods and seeds can all be eaten. The flowers are also used as decoration and are also edible.

- Rocket leaves can be cooked, but more often used in salads. They have been used as toppings on pizzas to add colour and flavour. When added to pizzas they are often left until after cooking.

- Rocket leaves are excellent in salads mixed with finely sliced or grated radish, grated carrot, spinach leaves, Spanish onion and young curly lettuce leaves.

- Rocket leaves can be boiled and eaten as a side dish or could be served in soups and stews. Cooked Rocket is perhaps a cross between Spinach and Cabbage.

- Rocket grows quickly and could be ready to eat in salads within 4 6 weeks of growing.

Rocket would be an ideal inclusion in any vegetable garden. It is also a good starter vegetable for kids when they are starting to potter around in their own vegetable garden bed.

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Pearl Barley

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Pearl Barley

Image source: http://www.foodforliving.ie/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Healthy-Eating-with-Chicken-Thyme-and-Barley-Stew.jpg

Pearl barley is barley that has had its hull and bran. Barley can not be eaten without the outer hull being removed. Pearl Barley has also had its bran layer removed.

For Human Consumption, Pearl barley is the most common. It is faster to cook, less chewy and more readily digested.

Pearl barley can be used to make barley oatmeal flakes or ground into flour. The oatmeal can be used for porridge like traditional oats. Much of the processed barley is used directly as an animal feed or further processed to make pelletised stock feeds. It is estimated that roughly half of the barley grown in the world is used for stockfeed.

Barley is botanically recognised as Hordeum vulgare of the family Poaceae.

Historically, the earliest known find that showed barley was used as a human foodstuff is in Syria dating back to at least 8,000BCE. Barley was noted as the most common grain of the era. Archaeological digs have also discovered barley at Palestine and Asia Minor.

Barley was historically used as a form of monetary exchange in ancient times, using a system perhaps similar to what we refer to today as Barter.

For human consumption pearl barley can be added to soups and stews. It has been used as an ideal replacement to rice and pasta. Pearl barley is used in many soup mixes to thicken soups and add nutrients. When used in soups it does not require pre soaking but it often has water added to it and poured off to remove loose flaking husks or contaminants that are unavoidable in the de-hulling process. Any foreign material floats to the top and can be poured away.

Much of the Dietary fibre is removed with the removal of the husk and bran layer of barley. It is still high in nutrients, however. Barley is high in B Group Vitamins and core mineral levels of Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron. Pearl Barley is a high source of protein.

Pearl barley is used in many, soups and stews produced in cans. It acts as a filling agent and thickens the soup or stew. I have used Pearl Barley instead of rice in creamed rice (barley) deserts. The cooking process is very similar and the taste though slightly different is ideal as a sweet dish.

Cook a cup of Pearl barley with a tablespoon of Brown sugar. Allow to cool and add a couple of tablespoons to your next bowl of icecream. It is also ideal stirred through custards before pouring over fruit pudding.

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Kiwi Fruit (Chinese Gooseberry)

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Kiwi Fruit (Chinese Gooseberry)

Image source: http://www.sciencephoto.com/image/219445/large/H1103821-Kiwi_fruit-SPL.jpg

The Kiwi Fruit or Chinese Gooseberry is botanically recognised as Actinidia deliciosa of the Family Actinidiaceae. Despite its commonly recognised name (Kiwi Fruit) it is a Native of China. There are many hybrids of the Kiwi Fruit all bred for their own individual characteristics.

The fruit of the Chinese Gooseberry is recognised as the same name (Chinese Gooseberry or Kiwi Fruit). The fruit is a berry around the size of a small lemon (a little smaller than a tennis ball). The skin is approaching a khaki brown/green colour and is coated with a fibrous coating resembling hairs. Its skin is paper thin covering a light to mid green fleshy centre with small black seeds, which are edible.

Kiwi Fruit plants are dioecious meaning, they have both male and female plants. A single vine is not able to bear fruit with out its opposite sexual partner.

The name Kiwi fruit originated when exporters in New Zealand gave the fruit is now common nickname around the middle of the 20th Century. I have recently discovered it was once also known as Melonette referring to its texture being similar to a melon only much smaller.

Nutritionally, Kiwi Fruit is high in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin K, they contain small amounts of Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3) and Folate (Vitamin B9). They are also a rich source of Vitamin E.

They contain several minerals including Manganese, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, calcium and Iron. Kiwi Fruit is low in fat and high in Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre.

Kiwi fruit are great for digestion and for assistance in maintaining regularity of bowel function. They can assist in the reduction of cholesterol and aid in the prevention of heart disease.

The high vitamin C levels and notable spectrum of Vitamin B can assist in the prevention and treatment of colds and flu and may assist increase energy levels associated with the draining effects of colds and flu.

Kiwi Fruit is a very versatile food. It can be incorporated into many sweet and savoury dishes and used fresh in salads.

- Great chutney can be made with Kiwi fruit as the main ingredient or in combination with other fruits.

- Jam and sweet conserves can be made with the Chinese Gooseberry. I recently found a recipe for a kiwi fruit syrup for topping icecream sundaes and for flavouring milkshakes.

- Kiwi Fruit is great in Fruit salads, or tossed in mix green leaf salads with rocket leaves, beetroot leaves and young spinach.

- Thinly sliced Kiwi fruit is an excellent topping on Cakes and Pavlovas or served in a bowl of icecream or fruit pudding.

- Kiwi Fruit is also great straight from the vine.

Selasa, 17 April 2018

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Goji Berry

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Goji Berry

Image source: https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2015/04/27/13/GojiBerries.jpg

Goji berries or more traditionally referred to as Wolfberries are from the Solanaceae family and of the Botanical genus of Lycium the most recognised species is barbarum (Lycium barbarum). The Goji Berry is a close relative of the Tomato and the Potato.

The Goji Berry is known to fight the effects fatigue and can increase stamina and overall endurance. A diet containing Goji berries is also known to assist when recovering from illness or disease.

The Goji Berry is stimulating to the pituitary gland. Hormones produced by the pituitary gland are known to improve sex organ functions in both men and women. The Goji berry is also thought to increase Testosterone levels in men. Through its stimulating effect of the pituitary gland the Goji Berry may assist with the reduction of body fat, improved sleep pattern and better memory.

Some studies indicate the Goji has more than 500 times more vitamin C than Oranges, though I have read differences of opinion relating to that. Goji berry is a rich source of the Spectrum of B Group Vitamins and contains a significant amount of vitamin E. The Goji Berry provides stimulating effects to the Kidneys, Liver and Lungs. The Goji is a source of Iron, Potassium, Zinc and Selenium.

The Goji Berry has a history based around China and it is largely cultivated around that area. It is typically sold as dry berries in the Southern Hemisphere to preserve it and make shipping more economical. It has a wide range of uses in both personal care and food products.

- Typically sold as a dry berry resembling a red prune. As a dried fruit they can be used on cereals and in fruit slices or health bars.

- Some manufacturers claim to have included Goji berry in their soap bars claiming benefits to the skin.

- It can be made into a fruit juice concentrate and blended with other juices such as apple or grape juice.

- Freeze-dried Goji berry powder is used in many health products and super food concentrates. It is also included in Antioxidant and Vitamin Supplements.

- Powder can also be produced from the drying of the juice, which is a different process to the production of the whole berry powder.

- Oil can also be produced from the seeds.

As with any health-related topics, health information has been included based on a long-term research into this area. None of the medical information listed should be considered a cure for any illness. Nothing listed here should take the place of advice given to you by your family Doctor.

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Capsicum (Bell Pepper)

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Capsicum (Bell Pepper)

Image source: https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7b0310ae4d0670b55152bf4584291a2a-c

The Bell Pepper is from the plant family Solanaceae of the Genus Capsicum; it is a cultivar of the species annuum. Bell Peppers are a native of Mexico and closely related to the tomato. It is recognised as a vegetable but is officially a berry fruit.

The common name of Pepper is thought to refer to anything that has a hot taste. Bell Peppers have no connection to the Peppercorn, which is where the term Pepper originated.

The hot palate usually associated with plants of the Capsicum genus is not affected with Bell Peppers because they do not contain capsaicin. Capsaicin is present in common chillies also of the Capsicum genus, which gives them their hot taste.

Bell Peppers typically come in Red and Green varieties but they are also available in Yellow, Orange and Purple.

From a Health Perspective, Bell Peppers are extremely high in Vitamin C and contain a significant portion of the recommended daily source of Vitamin B6. Other B group Vitamins are also present including Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) and Folate (Vitamin B5).

Capsicum is also a source of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Phosphorous and Iron.

Health Benefits

- Vitamin B and the high levels of Vitamin C in Bell Pepper Capsicums may assist in the prevention of infection and may assist in the treatment of common colds, flu and fever.

- Capsicum has anti-inflammatory properties and may assist in the treatment of the symptoms associated with Arthritis.

- Mild regular intake of capsicum may assist in maintaining regular bowel function, however excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.

- Capsicum helps speed up the digestion of food, improves metabolism and can assist in the burning of calories.

- Bell Pepper Capsicum can assist with lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure, which can lead to the prevention of heart attack and stroke.

- The Antioxidant properties of Bell Peppers assists in the neutralisation of free radicals, which can lead to, improved overall health and may assist in the prevention of cancer.

Incorporating capsicum into the diet

There is perhaps no better flavouring for savoury dishes than the Bell Pepper Capsicum. It can be found incorporated into many dishes in an equal number of ways.

- Capsicum is great on Pizzas and as a topping on savouries and entre dishes.

- Stuffed Bell Pepper Capsicums is a popular dish around the world, especially in Italy. Bell Peppers can be stuffed with various fillings and oven baked. They make an ideal side dish or can be incorporated into a main meal.

- Bell Pepper Capsicums can be chopped and infused in olive oil to make ideal flavoured oil for salad dressing or as a drizzling for toast or savouries.

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Beetroot

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating - Beetroot

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2e/89/11/2e8911a22383d7bf06ccbda8f3432dd7--healthy-lifestyle-organic-lifestyle.jpg

Beetroot, also referred to as simply Beet, is a root vegetable with the Latin name of Beta vulgaris. It is from the plant family Chenopodiaceae. A common vegetable in salads, the root of the Beetroot is deep red to purple in colour and is extremely high in many nutrients, minerals and antioxidants.

Beetroot contains betaine, which is required by the body for cardiovascular health. Beetroot can therefore can prevent development of heart disease, stroke and vascular disease. Some studies also suggest this may also prevent liver disease such as that caused by an over consumption of alcohol.

There is some research that shows Beetroot juice can lower and maintain blood pressure when as little as 500ml was consumed in a day.

Beetroot is high in Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Phosphorous. It is high in B Group Vitamins (B1) Thiamine, (B2) Riboflavin, (B3) Niacin, (B5) Pantothenic acid, (B9) Folate and Vitamin B6. They are rich in Vitamin A and C. Also a rich source of Dietary Fibre.

Historically, the leaves of Beetroot have been used since before any known records were kept. The root of the beet was first recognised for its potential as a food during the 1800s but it was used for medicinal purposes before this time.

Beetroot can be used in many ways.

Boiled and plated with potato, peas, carrots and parsnip. It goes well with all kinds of meat and chicken recipes. The water used for boiling should be kept and used as a base for gravy or used in a stew or casserole.

Beetroot can be baked with other vegetables. It can be flavoured with balsamic vinegar or salad dressings.

Beetroot is most commonly used in salads. It can be grated raw and tossed through a mixed summer salad or cooked and sliced and used in sandwiches, on burgers or on its own.

Beetroot can be juiced and consumed on its own or flavoured with carrot or tomato juice. The juice can also be used as a colouring in food dishes and sauces. It is a common red colouring used in Tomato sauce recipes.

The young leaves of beetroot are used raw in salads or can be steamed or used in stir-fries. The leaves are common in pre-mixed salads found in the fresh food section at supermarkets.

Beetroot is easy to grow. It can be grown in pots and leaves harvested as required for salads. When the root is of edible size it can be boiled, baked or juiced. It is a common grown vegetable in many home gardens around the world.

Senin, 16 April 2018

Healthy Kids How to Successfully Get Your Children to Eat Wholesome Food

Healthy Kids How to Successfully Get Your Children to Eat Wholesome Food

Image source: http://yourkidstable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/9-Ways-to-GetYour-Kids-to-EatVegetables-683x1024.png

Obesity is a concern for every parent as they raise their children. The food temptations in the world are staggering in number, and teaching your kids about the right choices can be daunting. However, there are several tricks to get your children on the right track for a healthy lifestyle. Explore these tips so that you can apply them in your house.

Proximity Counts

Fill the house with healthy and wholesome foods, and kids will have no choice but to eat them. It's a fact that your children will eat foods that are simply available to them in the house. Fill up the fruit bowl with apples, bananas and strawberries. The colorful hues will entice them to eat up.

Sneak it In

Your children may be incredibly picky or stubborn, depending on their ages. It might be necessary to squeeze in some foods that are surprises to the kids. Hide cauliflower in mashed potatoes, or dice up carrots into a ground-beef mixture. Allowing desired foods to take over the palate while hiding some wholesome foods will help you round out the children's diets. When they're older, you can reveal the truth so that they know the food tasted good even if they didn't believe in eating it in the first place.

Insist on Quality Ingredients

Take a look at your grocery list before you grab items off of the shelves. Although bargain brands might be financially appealing, they may not have the wholesome ingredients that your children crave. Consider quality ingredients in your food, such as grains found in kaiser rolls. Some companies, such as Klosterman Baking Company, know how important it is to have good quality ingredients in your food. These rolls offer a unique texture and taste so that your children are excited about making a sandwich with lots of vegetables.

Avoid Nagging

A sure way to encourage poor eating habits is by nagging your children. Judging their food choices by indicating "good" or "bad" selections will only cause them to be rebellious. They'll inevitably choose foods that they're excited about, such as chips or ice cream, because this action receives a reaction from you. Observe your children's eating patterns, but don't nag them at each meal. It only negates any progress toward a wholesome diet.

Teaching your children to cook their own meals is a great way to instill confidence in them while advocating for healthy foods. When kids know that vegetables and fruits are core parts of a favorite recipe, they'll be more inclined to eat the foods with that knowledge. As the years pass by, your kids will choose better foods for their overall health.

Healthy Holiday Recipes

Healthy Holiday Recipes

Image source: http://lifecdn.dailyburn.com/life/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Healthy-Holiday-Recipes-3.jpg

The holidays provide the opportunity to spend time with friends and family, giving us the chance to try different meals and recipes. Here are a few healthy side-dish recipes (always consider using organic ingredients).

Roasted Brussels Sprout Salad with Butternut Squash & Pecans

Serves: 4-5


2 medium butternut squash
1 pound Brussels sprouts
1 cup of cooked quinoa
2 cups spinach
1/2 orange juiced
1/2 cup pomegranate
1 cup toasted pecans
2 tablespoons olive oil
Himalayan salt and cayenne pepper to taste


Peel, seed, and cut butternut squash into cubes.
Trim the bottoms of the Brussels sprouts, clean and cut in half vertically

Preheat the oven to 450 degree F. Arrange vegetables on two baking sheets with sides. Toss each pan of vegetables with juice of half an orange, about 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast for about 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender and lightly browned all around. Toss quinoa and pecans. Serve arrange vegetables on a serving platter and garnish with pomegranate.

Spicy Green beans with Mushrooms

Serves: 6-7


3 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons garlic
1/2 pound small portobello mushrooms, trimmed and quartered
1 1/2 pounds green beans, trimmed and slice into 1-inch pieces
2 teaspoons Himalayan salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 tablespoons lemon juice (about 1/2 a lemon)


Warm the olive oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Add garlic and cook until brown. Add the mushrooms, green beans, salt, and pepper and cook for 2 minutes. Add the wine and continue cooking until the green beans are almost tender, about 5 minutes. Add the red pepper flakes and the lemon juice. Toss to coat and serve immediately.

Beet Carpaccio with Goat Cheese & Arugula

Serves: 4


3 medium beets, peeled and stems trimmed to 2 inches
1 1/2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
1/4 teaspoon Himalayan salt
4 ounces goat cheese
4 ounces baby arugula (4 cups packed)
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup dill
Equipment: an adjustable-blade slicer


Using stems as a handle, slice beets paper-thin with slicer (wear gloves to avoid staining hands). Toss with vinegar and salt in a bowl, then let stand 5 minutes to wilt. Divide beets among 4 large plates, overlapping slices slightly. Top with goat cheese. Toss arugula with 1 tablespoon oil and salt and pepper to taste, then mound over goat cheese. Garnish with dill and drizzle with remaining 2 tablespoons oil.

Sweet Potato Casserole

Serves: 12


3 cups baked sweet potatoes (about 5 large potatoes)
1/4 cup raw honey
2 large eggs, beaten
1/2 cup unsalted cultured butter or ghee, melted
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon Himalayan salt

For the Topping:

1 cup almond flour
2 tablespoons coconut flour
2 tablespoons raw honey
1/8 teaspoon Himalayan salt
4 tablespoons cultured butter or ghee, melted
1 cup chopped pecans


Preheat oven to 350F and adjust rack to middle position.
Mash sweet potatoes and mix them with the honey, eggs, butter, coconut milk, vanilla and salt.
Stir until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Pour into an 11 x 7-inch baking dish.
Place almond flour, coconut flour, honey, salt and butter in a mixing bowl. Stir until combined. Then stir in pecans.
Pour pecan mixture in an even layer over the sweet potatoes. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Healthy Weight Control With Resveratrol

Image source: https://www.healthsupplementsstore.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/e576c41da6e2.jpg Researchers have long said that different a...